Source code for pylorax.api.projects

# Copyright (C) 2017  Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("lorax-composer")

import time

from yum.Errors import YumBaseError

TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

[docs]class ProjectsError(Exception): pass
[docs]def api_time(t): """Convert time since epoch to a string :param t: Seconds since epoch :type t: int :returns: Time string :rtype: str """ return time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.localtime(t))
[docs]def api_changelog(changelog): """Convert the changelog to a string :param changelog: A list of time, author, string tuples. :type changelog: tuple :returns: The most recent changelog text or "" :rtype: str This returns only the most recent changelog entry. """ try: entry = changelog[0][2] except IndexError: entry = "" return entry
[docs]def yaps_to_project(yaps): """Extract the details from a YumAvailablePackageSqlite object :param yaps: Yum object with package details :type yaps: YumAvailablePackageSqlite :returns: A dict with the name, summary, description, and url. :rtype: dict upstream_vcs is hard-coded to UPSTREAM_VCS """ return {"name":, "summary": yaps.summary, "description": yaps.description, "homepage": yaps.url, "upstream_vcs": "UPSTREAM_VCS"}
[docs]def yaps_to_project_info(yaps): """Extract the details from a YumAvailablePackageSqlite object :param yaps: Yum object with package details :type yaps: YumAvailablePackageSqlite :returns: A dict with the project details, as well as epoch, release, arch, build_time, changelog, ... :rtype: dict metadata entries are hard-coded to {} """ build = {"epoch": yaps.epoch, "release": yaps.release, "arch": yaps.arch, "build_time": api_time(yaps.buildtime), "changelog": api_changelog(yaps.returnChangelog()), "build_config_ref": "BUILD_CONFIG_REF", "build_env_ref": "BUILD_ENV_REF", "metadata": {}, "source": {"license": yaps.license, "version": yaps.version, "source_ref": "SOURCE_REF", "metadata": {}}} return {"name":, "summary": yaps.summary, "description": yaps.description, "homepage": yaps.url, "upstream_vcs": "UPSTREAM_VCS", "builds": [build]}
[docs]def tm_to_dep(tm): """Extract the info from a TransactionMember object :param tm: A Yum transaction object :type tm: TransactionMember :returns: A dict with name, epoch, version, release, arch :rtype: dict """ return {"name":, "epoch": tm.epoch, "version": tm.version, "release": tm.release, "arch": tm.arch}
[docs]def yaps_to_module(yaps): """Extract the name from a YumAvailablePackageSqlite object :param yaps: Yum object with package details :type yaps: YumAvailablePackageSqlite :returns: A dict with name, and group_type :rtype: dict group_type is hard-coded to "rpm" """ return {"name":, "group_type": "rpm"}
[docs]def dep_evra(dep): """Return the epoch:version-release.arch for the dep :param dep: dependency dict :type dep: dict :returns: epoch:version-release.arch :rtype: str """ if dep["epoch"] == "0": return dep["version"]+"-"+dep["release"]+"."+dep["arch"] else: return dep["epoch"]+":"+dep["version"]+"-"+dep["release"]+"."+dep["arch"]
[docs]def dep_nevra(dep): """Return the name-epoch:version-release.arch""" return dep["name"]+"-"+dep_evra(dep)
[docs]def projects_list(yb): """Return a list of projects :param yb: yum base object :type yb: YumBase :returns: List of project info dicts with name, summary, description, homepage, upstream_vcs :rtype: list of dicts """ try: ybl = yb.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow="available", showdups=False) except YumBaseError as e: raise ProjectsError("There was a problem listing projects: %s" % str(e)) finally: yb.closeRpmDB() return sorted(map(yaps_to_project, ybl.available), key=lambda p: p["name"].lower())
[docs]def projects_info(yb, project_names): """Return details about specific projects :param yb: yum base object :type yb: YumBase :param project_names: List of names of projects to get info about :type project_names: str :returns: List of project info dicts with yaps_to_project as well as epoch, version, release, etc. :rtype: list of dicts """ try: ybl = yb.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow="available", patterns=project_names, showdups=False) except YumBaseError as e: raise ProjectsError("There was a problem with info for %s: %s" % (project_names, str(e))) finally: yb.closeRpmDB() return sorted(map(yaps_to_project_info, ybl.available), key=lambda p: p["name"].lower())
[docs]def projects_depsolve(yb, project_names): """Return the dependencies for a list of projects :param yb: yum base object :type yb: YumBase :param project_names: The projects to find the dependencies for :type project_names: List of Strings :returns: NEVRA's of the project and its dependencies :rtype: list of dicts """ try: # This resets the transaction yb.closeRpmDB() for p in project_names: yb.install(pattern=p) (rc, msg) = yb.buildTransaction() if rc not in [0, 1, 2]: raise ProjectsError("There was a problem depsolving %s: %s" % (project_names, msg)) yb.tsInfo.makelists() deps = sorted(map(tm_to_dep, yb.tsInfo.installed + yb.tsInfo.depinstalled), key=lambda p: p["name"].lower()) except YumBaseError as e: raise ProjectsError("There was a problem depsolving %s: %s" % (project_names, str(e))) finally: yb.closeRpmDB() return deps
[docs]def modules_list(yb, module_names): """Return a list of modules :param yb: yum base object :type yb: YumBase :param offset: Number of modules to skip :type limit: int :param limit: Maximum number of modules to return :type limit: int :returns: List of module information and total count :rtype: tuple of a list of dicts and an Int Modules don't exist in RHEL7 so this only returns projects and sets the type to "rpm" """ try: ybl = yb.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow="available", patterns=module_names, showdups=False) except YumBaseError as e: raise ProjectsError("There was a problem listing modules: %s" % str(e)) finally: yb.closeRpmDB() return sorted(map(yaps_to_module, ybl.available), key=lambda p: p["name"].lower())
[docs]def modules_info(yb, module_names): """Return details about a module, including dependencies :param yb: yum base object :type yb: YumBase :param module_names: Names of the modules to get info about :type module_names: str :returns: List of dicts with module details and dependencies. :rtype: list of dicts """ try: # Get the info about each module ybl = yb.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow="available", patterns=module_names, showdups=False) except YumBaseError as e: raise ProjectsError("There was a problem with info for %s: %s" % (module_names, str(e))) finally: yb.closeRpmDB() modules = sorted(map(yaps_to_project, ybl.available), key=lambda p: p["name"].lower()) # Add the dependency info to each one for module in modules: module["dependencies"] = projects_depsolve(yb, [module["name"]]) return modules