#!/bin/bash # Note: execute this file from the project root directory ##### # # Make sure we can build an image and deploy it inside Azure! # ##### . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh CLI="./src/bin/composer-cli" rlJournalStart rlPhaseStartSetup if [ -z "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" ]; then rlFail "AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID is empty!" else rlLogInfo "AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID is configured" fi if [ -z "$AZURE_TENANT" ]; then rlFail "AZURE_TENANT is empty!" else rlLogInfo "AZURE_TENANT is configured" fi if [ -z "$AZURE_CLIENT_ID" ]; then rlFail "AZURE_CLIENT_ID is empty!" else rlLogInfo "AZURE_CLIENT_ID is configured" fi if [ -z "$AZURE_SECRET" ]; then rlFail "AZURE_SECRET is empty!" else rlLogInfo "AZURE_SECRET is configured" fi export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP="${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP:-composer}" rlLogInfo "AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP=$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP" export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT="${AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT:-composerredhat}" rlLogInfo "AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT" export AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER="${AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER:-composerredhat}" rlLogInfo "AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER=$AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER" if ! rlCheckRpm "python2-pip"; then rlRun -t -c "yum -y install python2-pip" rlAssertRpm python2-pip fi rlRun -t -c "pip install ansible[azure]" rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "compose start" UUID=`$CLI compose start example-http-server vhd` rlAssertEquals "exit code should be zero" $? 0 UUID=`echo $UUID | cut -f 2 -d' '` rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "compose finished" if [ -n "$UUID" ]; then until $CLI compose details $UUID | grep FINISHED; do rlLogInfo "Waiting for compose to finish ..." sleep 30 done; else rlFail "Compose UUID is empty!" fi rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "Upload image to Azure" rlRun -t -c "$CLI compose image $UUID" IMAGE="$UUID-disk.vhd" OS_IMAGE_NAME="Composer-$UUID-Automated-Import" rlRun -t -c "ansible localhost -m azure_rm_storageblob -a \ 'resource_group=$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP \ storage_account_name=$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT \ container=$AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER \ blob=$IMAGE src=$IMAGE blob_type=page'" # create image from blob rlRun -t -c "ansible localhost -m azure_rm_image -a \ 'resource_group=$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP name=$OS_IMAGE_NAME os_type=Linux location=eastus \ source=https://$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT.blob.core.windows.net/$AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER/$IMAGE'" rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "Start VM instance" VM_NAME="Composer-Auto-VM-$UUID" SSH_KEY_DIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/composer-ssh-keys.XXXXXX` rlRun -t -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f $SSH_KEY_DIR/id_rsa" SSH_PUB_KEY=`cat $SSH_KEY_DIR/id_rsa.pub` TMP_DIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/composer-azure.XXXXX` cat > $TMP_DIR/azure-playbook.yaml << __EOF__ --- - hosts: localhost connection: local tasks: - name: Create a VM azure_rm_virtualmachine: resource_group: $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP name: $VM_NAME vm_size: Standard_B2s location: eastus admin_username: azure-user ssh_password_enabled: false ssh_public_keys: - path: /home/azure-user/.ssh/authorized_keys key_data: "$SSH_PUB_KEY" image: name: $OS_IMAGE_NAME resource_group: $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP __EOF__ rlRun -t -c "ansible-playbook $TMP_DIR/azure-playbook.yaml" response=`ansible localhost -m azure_rm_virtualmachine -a "resource_group=$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP name=$VM_NAME"` rlAssert0 "Received VM info successfully" $? rlLogInfo "$response" IP_ADDRESS=`echo "$response" | grep '"ipAddress":' | cut -f4 -d'"'` rlLogInfo "Running instance IP_ADDRESS=$IP_ADDRESS" rlLogInfo "Waiting 60sec for instance to initialize ..." sleep 60 rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartTest "Verify VM instance" # verify we can login into that instance rlRun -t -c "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $SSH_KEY_DIR/id_rsa azure-user@$IP_ADDRESS 'cat /etc/redhat-release'" rlPhaseEnd rlPhaseStartCleanup rlRun -t -c "ansible localhost -m azure_rm_virtualmachine -a 'resource_group=$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP name=$VM_NAME location=eastus state=absent'" rlRun -t -c "ansible localhost -m azure_rm_image -a 'resource_group=$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP name=$OS_IMAGE_NAME state=absent'" rlRun -t -c "ansible localhost -m azure_rm_storageblob -a 'resource_group=$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP storage_account_name=$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT container=$AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER blob=$IMAGE state=absent'" rlRun -t -c "$CLI compose delete $UUID" rlRun -t -c "rm -rf $IMAGE $SSH_KEY_DIR $TMP_DIR" rlPhaseEnd rlJournalEnd rlJournalPrintText