# treebuilder.py - handle arch-specific tree building stuff using templates # # Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Will Woods import logging logger = logging.getLogger("pylorax.treebuilder") import os, re, glob, fnmatch from os.path import basename, isdir, getsize from subprocess import check_call, check_output, PIPE from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from sysutils import joinpaths, cpfile, mvfile, replace, remove, linktree from yumhelper import * from ltmpl import LoraxTemplate from base import DataHolder import imgutils templatemap = {'i386': 'x86.tmpl', 'x86_64': 'x86.tmpl', 'ppc': 'ppc.tmpl', 'ppc64': 'ppc.tmpl', 'sparc': 'sparc.tmpl', 'sparc64': 'sparc.tmpl', 's390': 's390.tmpl', 's390x': 's390.tmpl', } def findkernels(root="/", kdir="boot"): # To find flavors, awk '/BuildKernel/ { print $4 }' kernel.spec flavors = ('debug', 'PAE', 'PAEdebug', 'smp', 'xen') kre = re.compile(r"vmlinuz-(?P.+?\.(?P[a-z0-9_]+)" r"(\.(?P{0}))?)$".format("|".join(flavors))) kernels = [] for f in os.listdir(joinpaths(root, kdir)): match = kre.match(f) if match: kernel = DataHolder(path=joinpaths(kdir, f)) kernel.update(match.groupdict()) # sets version, arch, flavor kernels.append(kernel) # look for associated initrd/initramfs for kernel in kernels: # NOTE: if both exist, the last one found will win for imgname in ("initrd", "initramfs"): i = kernel.path.replace("vmlinuz", imgname, 1) + ".img" if os.path.exists(joinpaths(root, i)): kernel.initrd = DataHolder(path=i) return kernels def generate_module_info(moddir, outfile=None): def module_desc(mod): return check_output(["modinfo", "-F", "description", mod]).strip() def read_module_set(name): return set(l.strip() for l in open(joinpaths(moddir,name)) if ".ko" in l) modsets = {'scsi':read_module_set("modules.block"), 'eth':read_module_set("modules.networking")} modinfo = list() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(moddir): for modtype, modset in modsets.items(): for mod in modset.intersection(files): # modules in this dir (name, ext) = os.path.splitext(mod) # foo.ko -> (foo, .ko) desc = module_desc(joinpaths(root,mod)) or "%s driver" % name modinfo.append(dict(name=name, type=modtype, desc=desc)) out = open(outfile or joinpaths(moddir,"module-info"), "w") for mod in sorted(modinfo, key=lambda m: m.get('name')): out.write('{name}\n\t{type}\n\t"{desc:.65}"\n'.format(**mod)) def brace_expand(s): if not ('{' in s and ',' in s and '}' in s): yield s else: right = s.find('}') left = s[:right].rfind('{') (prefix, choices, suffix) = (s[:left], s[left+1:right], s[right+1:]) for choice in choices.split(','): for alt in brace_expand(prefix+choice+suffix): yield alt def _glob(globpat, root="/", fatal=True): files_found = set() for g in brace_expand(globpat): files_found.update(glob.glob(joinpaths(root, g))) if fatal and not files_found: raise IOError, "nothing matching %s" % joinpaths(root, globpat) return [f.replace(root+os.path.sep,"",1) for f in files_found] def _exists(path, root=""): return (len(_glob(path, root, fatal=False)) > 0) class TemplateParser(object): def __init__(self, templatedir=None, defaults={}): self.templatedir = templatedir self.defaults = defaults def parse(self, templatefile, variables): for k,v in self.defaults.items(): variables.setdefault(k,v) logger.info("parsing %s", templatefile) t = LoraxTemplate(directories=[self.templatedir]) return t.parse(templatefile, variables) class RuntimeBuilder(object): '''Builds the anaconda runtime image.''' def __init__(self, product, arch, yum, templatedir=None): root = yum.conf.installroot product = product.copy() product.name = product.name.lower() v = DataHolder(arch=arch, product=product, yum=yum, root=root, basearch=arch.basearch, libdir=arch.libdir, exists = lambda p: _exists(p, root=root), glob = lambda g: _glob(g, root=root, fatal=False)) self.vars = v self.yum = yum self.templatedir = templatedir def runtemplate(self, templatefile, **variables): parser = TemplateParser(self.templatedir, self.vars) template = parser.parse(templatefile, variables) runner = TemplateRunner(self.vars.root, self.vars.root, self.vars.yum) runner.run(template) def install(self): '''Install packages and do initial setup with runtime-install.tmpl''' self.runtemplate("runtime-install.tmpl") def postinstall(self, configdir="/usr/share/lorax/config_files"): '''Do some post-install setup work with runtime-postinstall.tmpl''' # link configdir into runtime root beforehand configdir_path = "tmp/config_files" fullpath = joinpaths(self.vars.root, configdir_path) if os.path.exists(fullpath): remove(fullpath) linktree(configdir, fullpath) self.runtemplate("runtime-postinstall.tmpl", configdir=configdir_path) def cleanup(self): '''Remove unneeded packages and files with runtime-cleanup.tmpl''' # get removelocales list first localedir = joinpaths(self.vars.root, "usr/share/locale") langtable = joinpaths(self.vars.root, "usr/share/anaconda/lang-table") locales = set([basename(d) for d in _glob(localedir+"/*") if isdir(d)]) keeplocales = set([line.split()[1] for line in open(langtable)]) removelocales = locales.difference(keeplocales) self.runtemplate("runtime-cleanup.tmpl", removelocales=removelocales) def create_runtime(self, outfile="/tmp/squashfs.img"): # make live rootfs image - must be named "LiveOS/rootfs.img" for dracut workdir = joinpaths(os.path.dirname(outfile), "runtime-workdir") fssize = 2 * (1024*1024*1024) # 2GB sparse file compresses down to nothin' os.makedirs(joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS")) imgutils.mkext4img(self.vars.root, joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS/rootfs.img"), label="Anaconda", size=fssize) # squash the live rootfs and clean up workdir imgutils.mksquashfs(workdir, outfile) remove(workdir) class TreeBuilder(object): '''Builds the arch-specific boot images. inroot should be the installtree root (the newly-built runtime dir)''' def __init__(self, product, arch, inroot, outroot, runtime, templatedir=None): # NOTE: if you pass an arg named "runtime" to a mako template it'll # clobber some mako internal variables - hence "runtime_img". v = DataHolder(arch=arch, product=product, inroot=inroot, outroot=outroot, runtime_img=runtime, basearch=arch.basearch, libdir=arch.libdir, exists = lambda p: _exists(p, root=inroot)) self.vars = v self.templatedir = templatedir @property def kernels(self): return findkernels(root=self.vars.inroot) def build(self): parser = TemplateParser(self.templatedir, self.vars) templatefile = templatemap[self.vars.arch.basearch] template = parser.parse(templatefile, {'kernels':self.kernels}) runner = TemplateRunner(self.vars.inroot, self.vars.outroot) runner.run(template) self.treeinfo_data = runner.results.treeinfo self.implantisomd5() def generate_module_data(self): inroot = self.vars.inroot for kernel in self.kernels: kver = kernel.version ksyms = joinpaths(inroot, "boot/System.map-%s" % kver) logger.info("doing depmod and module-info for %s", kver) check_call(["depmod", "-a", "-F", ksyms, "-b", inroot, kver]) generate_module_info(joinpaths(inroot, "modules", kver)) def rebuild_initrds(self, add_args=[], backup=""): '''Rebuild all the initrds in the tree. If backup is specified, each initrd will be renamed with backup as a suffix before rebuilding. If backup is empty, the existing initrd files will be overwritten.''' dracut = ["/sbin/dracut", "--nomdadmconf", "--nolvmconf"] + add_args if not backup: dracut.append("--force") # XXX FIXME: add anaconda dracut module! for kernel in self.kernels: logger.info("rebuilding %s", kernel.initrd.path) if backup: initrd = joinpaths(self.vars.inroot, kernel.initrd.path) os.rename(initrd, initrd + backup) check_call(["chroot", self.vars.inroot] + \ dracut + [kernel.initrd.path, kernel.version]) def implantisomd5(self): for section, data in self.treeinfo_data.items(): if 'boot.iso' in data: iso = joinpaths(self.vars.outroot, data['boot.iso']) check_call(["implantisomd5", iso]) # command notes: # "install" and "exist" assume their first argument is in inroot # everything else operates on outroot # multiple args allowed: mkdir, treeinfo, runcmd, remove, replace # globs accepted: chmod, install*, remove*, replace class TemplateRunner(object): def __init__(self, inroot, outroot, yum=None, fatalerrors=False): self.inroot = inroot self.outroot = outroot self.yum = yum self.fatalerrors = fatalerrors self.results = DataHolder(treeinfo=dict()) # just treeinfo for now def _out(self, path): return joinpaths(self.outroot, path) def _in(self, path): return joinpaths(self.inroot, path) def _filelist(self, *pkgs): pkglist = self.yum.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow="installed", patterns=pkgs) return set([f for pkg in pkglist.installed for f in pkg.filelist]) def run(self, parsed_template): logger.info("running template commands") for (num, line) in enumerate(parsed_template,1): logger.debug("template line %i: %s", num, " ".join(line)) (cmd, args) = (line[0], line[1:]) try: # grab the method named in cmd and pass it the given arguments f = getattr(self, cmd, None) if f is None or cmd is 'run': raise ValueError, "unknown command %s" % cmd f(*args) except Exception as e: logger.error("template command error: %s", str(line)) if self.fatalerrors: raise logger.error(str(e)) def install(self, srcglob, dest): for src in _glob(self._in(srcglob)): cpfile(src, self._out(dest)) def mkdir(self, *dirs): for d in dirs: d = self._out(d) if not isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) def replace(self, pat, repl, *fileglobs): for g in fileglobs: for f in _glob(self._out(g)): replace(f, pat, repl) def append(self, filename, data): with open(self._out(filename), "a") as fobj: fobj.write(data+"\n") def treeinfo(self, section, key, *valuetoks): if section not in self.results.treeinfo: self.results.treeinfo[section] = dict() self.results.treeinfo[section][key] = " ".join(valuetoks) def installkernel(self, section, src, dest): self.install(src, dest) self.treeinfo(section, "kernel", dest) def installinitrd(self, section, src, dest): self.install(src, dest) self.treeinfo(section, "initrd", dest) def hardlink(self, src, dest): if isdir(self._out(dest)): dest = joinpaths(dest, basename(src)) os.link(self._out(src), self._out(dest)) def symlink(self, target, dest): if _exists(self._out(dest)): self.remove(dest) os.symlink(target, self._out(dest)) def copy(self, src, dest): cpfile(self._out(src), self._out(dest)) def copyif(self, src, dest): if _exists(self._out(src)): self.copy(src, dest) def move(self, src, dest): mvfile(self._out(src), self._out(dest)) def moveif(self, src, dest): if _exists(self._out(src)): self.move(src, dest) def remove(self, *fileglobs): for g in fileglobs: for f in _glob(self._out(g), fatal=False): remove(f) def chmod(self, fileglob, mode): for f in _glob(self._out(fileglob)): os.chmod(f, int(mode,8)) def gconfset(self, path, keytype, value, outfile=None): if outfile is None: outfile = self._out("etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults") check_call(["gconftool-2", "--direct", "--config-source=xml:readwrite:%s" % outfile, "--set", "--type", keytype, path, value]) def log(self, msg): logger.info(msg) def runcmd(self, *cmdlist): '''Note that we need full paths for everything here''' chdir = lambda: None cmd = cmdlist if cmd[0].startswith("chdir="): dirname = cmd[0].split('=',1)[1] chdir = lambda: os.chdir(dirname) cmd = cmd[1:] check_call(cmd, preexec_fn=chdir) def installpkg(self, *pkgs): for p in pkgs: self.yum.install(pattern=p) def removepkg(self, *pkgs): # NOTE: "for p in pkgs: self.yum.remove(pattern=p)" traces back, so.. filepaths = [f.lstrip('/') for f in self._filelist(*pkgs)] self.remove(*filepaths) def run_pkg_transaction(self): self.yum.buildTransaction() self.yum.repos.setProgressBar(LoraxDownloadCallback()) self.yum.processTransaction(callback=LoraxTransactionCallback(), rpmDisplay=LoraxRpmCallback()) self.yum.closeRpmDB() def removefrom(self, pkg, *globs): globset = set() for g in globs: globset.update(brace_expand(g)) globs_re = re.compile("|".join([fnmatch.translate(g) for g in globset])) remove = filter(globs_re.match, self._filelist(pkg)) logger.debug("removing %i files from %s", len(remove), pkg) self.remove(*remove)