<%page args="kernels, runtime_img, runtime_base, basearch, outroot, arch"/> <% configdir="tmp/config_files/uboot" PXEBOOTDIR="images/pxeboot" DTBDIR="images/pxeboot/dtb" BOOTDIR="boot" KERNELDIR=PXEBOOTDIR STAGE2IMG="images/install.img" LORAXDIR="usr/share/lorax/" # keep a comma-delimited list of platforms installed to add to .treeinfo platforms = "" delimiter = '' from os.path import basename %> ## Test ${runtime_img} to see if udf is needed <% import os from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths if os.stat(joinpaths(inroot, runtime_img)).st_size >= 4*1024**3: udfargs = "-allow-limited-size" else: udfargs = "" %> mkdir images install ${runtime_img} ${STAGE2IMG} treeinfo stage2 mainimage ${STAGE2IMG} mkdir ${DTBDIR} install boot/dtb-*/*dtb ${DTBDIR}/ ## install kernels mkdir ${KERNELDIR} %for kernel in kernels: %if kernel.flavor: installkernel images-${kernel.flavor}-${basearch} ${kernel.path} ${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz-${kernel.flavor} installinitrd images-${kernel.flavor}-${basearch} ${kernel.initrd.path} ${KERNELDIR}/initrd-${kernel.flavor}.img <% platforms = platforms + delimiter + kernel.flavor delimiter = ',' %> %else: installkernel images-${basearch} ${kernel.path} ${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz installinitrd images-${basearch} ${kernel.initrd.path} ${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img %endif %endfor <% efiargs=""; efigraft="" %> %if exists("boot/efi/EFI/*/gcdaa64.efi"): <% efiarch32 = ARM efiarch64 = None efigraft="EFI/BOOT={0}/EFI/BOOT".format(outroot) images = ["images/efiboot.img"] %> %for img in images: <% efiargs += " -eltorito-alt-boot -e {0} -no-emul-boot".format(img) efigraft += " {0}={1}/{0}".format(img,outroot) %> treeinfo images-${basearch} ${img|basename} ${img} %endfor <%include file="efi.tmpl" args="configdir=configdir, KERNELDIR=KERNELDIR, efiarch32=efiarch32, efiarch64=efiarch64, isolabel=isolabel"/> %endif # add platform to treeinfo for Beaker support treeinfo ${basearch} platforms ${platforms} # Create optional product.img and updates.img <% filegraft=""; images=["product", "updates"] %> %for img in images: %if exists("%s/%s/" % (LORAXDIR, img)): installimg --xz -9 --memlimit-compress=3700MiB ${LORAXDIR}/${img}/ images/${img}.img treeinfo images-${basearch} ${img}.img images/${img}.img <% filegraft += " images/{0}.img={1}/images/{0}.img".format(img, outroot) %> %endif %endfor # Inherit iso-graft/ if it exists from external templates <% import os if os.path.exists(workdir + "/iso-graft"): filegraft += " " + workdir + "/iso-graft" %> # Add the license files %for f in glob("/usr/share/licenses/*-release/*"): install ${f} ${f|basename} <% filegraft += " {0}={1}/{0}".format(basename(f), outroot) %> %endfor %if exists("boot/efi/EFI/*/gcdarm.efi"): ## make boot.iso runcmd mkisofs -o ${outroot}/images/boot.iso \ ${efiargs} -R -J -V '${isolabel}' -T ${udfargs} \ -graft-points \ ${KERNELDIR}=${outroot}/${KERNELDIR} \ ${STAGE2IMG}=${outroot}/${STAGE2IMG} \ ${efigraft} ${filegraft} treeinfo images-${basearch} boot.iso images/boot.iso %endif