#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys from pocketlint import FalsePositive, PocketLintConfig, PocketLinter class LoraxLintConfig(PocketLintConfig): def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"Module 'pylorax' has no 'version' member"), # threading.Lock() is a factory function which returns an # instance of the Lock class that is supported by the platform FalsePositive(r"Context manager 'lock' doesn't implement __enter__ and __exit__"), FalsePositive(r"Catching too general exception Exception"), FalsePositive(r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: GError$"), FalsePositive(r"Module 'composer' has no 'version' member"), ] @property def pylintPlugins(self): retval = super(LoraxLintConfig, self).pylintPlugins # Not using threads so we can skip this retval.remove("pocketlint.checkers.environ") # No markup used retval.remove("pocketlint.checkers.markup") return retval if __name__ == "__main__": conf = LoraxLintConfig() linter = PocketLinter(conf) rc = linter.run() sys.exit(rc)