import re from tito.common import run_command from tito.tagger import VersionTagger class LoraxRHELTagger(VersionTagger): """ Tagger which is based on ReleaseTagger and use Red Hat Enterprise Linux format of Changelog: - description Resolves/Related: rhbz#1111 Used for: - Red Hat Enterprise Linux If you want it put in tito.pros: [buildconfig] tagger = lorax_tito.LoraxRHELTagger """ def _getCommitDetail(self, commit, field): """ Get specific details about the commit using git log format field specifiers. """ command = ['git', 'log', '-1', "--pretty=format:%s" % field, commit] output = run_command(" ".join(command)) ret = output.strip('\n').split('\n') if len(ret) == 1 and ret[0].find('@') != -1: ret = [ret[0].split('@')[0]] elif len(ret) == 1: ret = [ret[0]] else: ret = [x for x in ret if x != ''] return ret def _generate_default_changelog(self, last_tag): """ Run git-log and will generate changelog, which still can be edited by user in _make_changelog. use format: - description Resolves/Related: rhbz#1111 """ patch_command = "git log --pretty=oneline --relative %s..%s -- %s" % (last_tag, "HEAD", ".") output = filter(lambda x: x.find('l10n: ') != 41 and \ x.find('Merge commit') != 41 and \ x.find('Merge branch') != 41, run_command(patch_command).strip('\n').split('\n')) rpm_log = [] for line in output: if not line: continue rhbz = set() commit = line.split(' ')[0] summary = self._getCommitDetail(commit, "%s")[0] body = self._getCommitDetail(commit, "%b") author = self._getCommitDetail(commit, "%aE")[0] # prepend Related/Resolves if subject contains BZ number m ="\(#\d+(\,.*)*\)", summary) if m: fullbug = summary[m.start():m.end()] bugstr = summary[m.start()+2:m.end()-1] bug = '' for c in bugstr: if c.isdigit(): bug += c else: break if len(bugstr) > len(bug): tmp = bugstr[len(bug):] for c in tmp: if not c.isalpha(): tmp = tmp[1:] else: break if len(tmp) > 0: author = tmp summary = summary.replace(fullbug, "(%s)" % author) rhbz.add("Resolves: rhbz#%s" % bug) summary_bug = bug else: summary = summary.strip() summary += " (%s)" % author summary_bug = None for bodyline in body: m = re.match(r"^(Resolves|Related|Conflicts):\ +rhbz#\d+.*$", bodyline) if not m: continue actionre ="(Resolves|Related|Conflicts)", bodyline) bugre ="\d+", bodyline) if actionre and bugre: action = bug = rhbz.add("%s: rhbz#%s" % (action, bug)) # Remove the summary bug's Resolves action if it is for the same bug if action != 'Resolves': summary_str = "Resolves: rhbz#%s" % summary_bug if summary_bug and bug == summary_bug and summary_str in rhbz: rhbz.remove(summary_str) if rhbz: rpm_log.append("%s\n%s" %(summary.strip(),"\n".join(rhbz))) else: rpm_log.append("%s (%s)" % (summary.strip(), author)) return "\n".join(rpm_log)