#!/usr/bin/python3 import tempfile import unittest import composertest class TestImages(composertest.ComposerTestCase): """ This is the "entry-point" to the test suite when executed in Cockpit CI. If $TEST_SCENARIO=="" or $TEST_SCENARIO="images" we end up here. New test methods should be added here first! When this target becomes too slow we split out into separate scenarios! """ def test_blueprint_sanity(self): self.runCliTest("/tests/cli/test_blueprints_sanity.sh") def test_compose_sanity(self): self.runCliTest("/tests/cli/test_compose_sanity.sh") def test_ext4_filesystem(self): self.runCliTest("/tests/cli/test_compose_ext4-filesystem.sh") def test_partitioned_disk(self): self.runCliTest("/tests/cli/test_compose_partitioned-disk.sh") @unittest.skip('Nested KVM seems to be buggy and software emulation is too slow') class TestQcow2(composertest.ComposerTestCase): def tearDown(self): super().tearDownTestMachine() def test_qcow2(self): self.runCliTest("/tests/cli/test_compose_qcow2.sh") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="/var/tmp/lorax-test.") as tmpdir: # Copy the resulting qcow2 image and shut down the VM self.tearDownVirt(virt_dir="/var/tmp/test-results/*", local_dir=tmpdir) # Boot the image self.setUpTestMachine(tmpdir + "/disk.qcow2", tmpdir + "/id_rsa") # Upload SSH keys to the machine so we can use the existing assertions # by ssh'ing to localhost self.machine.upload([tmpdir + "/id_rsa", tmpdir + "/id_rsa.pub"], "/root/.ssh") # Upload the contents of the ./tests/ directory to the machine self.machine.upload(["../tests"], "/") # Run the test, on the booted image self.runImageTest("/tests/cli/test_boot_qcow2.sh") @unittest.skip('Nested KVM seems to be buggy and software emulation is too slow') class TestLiveIso(composertest.ComposerTestCase): def tearDown(self): super().tearDownTestMachine() def test_live_iso(self): self.runCliTest("/tests/cli/test_compose_live-iso.sh") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="/var/tmp/lorax-test.") as tmpdir: # Copy the resulting iso and shut down the VM self.tearDownVirt(virt_dir="/var/tmp/test-results/*", local_dir=tmpdir) # Boot the image, login using the ssh key self.setUpTestMachine(tmpdir + "/live.iso", tmpdir + "/id_rsa") # Upload the contents of the ./tests/ directory to the machine self.machine.upload(["../tests"], "/") # Run the test, on the booted image self.runImageTest("/tests/cli/test_boot_live-iso.sh") class TestTar(composertest.ComposerTestCase): def test_tar(self): self.runCliTest("/tests/cli/test_compose_tar.sh") def test_tar_kickstart(self): self.runCliTest("/tests/cli/test_compose_tar_kickstart.sh") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="/var/tmp/lorax-test.") as tmpdir: # Copy the resulting disk image and shut down the VM self.tearDownVirt(virt_dir="/var/tmp/test-results/*", local_dir=tmpdir) # Boot the image, login using the ssh key self.setUpTestMachine(tmpdir + "/disk.img", tmpdir + "/id_rsa") # Upload SSH keys to the machine so we can use the existing assertions # by ssh'ing to localhost self.machine.upload([tmpdir + "/id_rsa", tmpdir + "/id_rsa.pub"], "/root/.ssh") # Upload the contents of the ./tests/ directory to the machine self.machine.upload(["../tests"], "/") # Run the test, on the booted image self.runImageTest("/tests/cli/test_boot_tar_kickstart.sh") if __name__ == '__main__': composertest.main()