cli Package

cli Package


Main program execution

Parameters:opts (argparse.Namespace) – Cmdline arguments

compose Module

composer.cli.compose.compose_cancel(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Cancel a running compose

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

compose cancel <uuid>

This will cancel a running compose. It does nothing if the compose has finished.


Process compose commands

Parameters:opts (argparse.Namespace) – Cmdline arguments
Returns:Value to return from sys.exit()
Return type:int

This dispatches the compose commands to a function

composer.cli.compose.compose_delete(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Delete a finished compose’s results

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

compose delete <uuid,...>

Delete the listed compose results. It will only delete results for composes that have finished or failed, not a running compose.

composer.cli.compose.compose_details(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Return detailed information about the compose

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

compose details <uuid>

This returns information about the compose, including the recipe and the dependencies.

composer.cli.compose.compose_image(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Download the compose’s output image

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

compose image <uuid>

This downloads only the result image, saving it as the image name, which depends on the type of compose that was selected.

composer.cli.compose.compose_log(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Show the last part of the compose log

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

compose log <uuid> [<size>kB]

This will display the last 1kB of the compose’s log file. Can be used to follow progress during the build.

composer.cli.compose.compose_logs(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Download a tar of the compose’s logs

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

compose logs <uuid>

Saves the logs as uuid-logs.tar

composer.cli.compose.compose_metadata(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Download a tar file of the compose’s metadata

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

compose metadata <uuid>

Saves the metadata as uuid-metadata.tar

composer.cli.compose.compose_results(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Download a tar file of the compose’s results

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

compose results <uuid>

The results includes the metadata, output image, and logs. It is saved as uuid.tar

composer.cli.compose.compose_start(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Start a new compose using the selected recipe and type

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

compose start <recipe-name> <compose-type>

composer.cli.compose.compose_status(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0)[source]

Return the status of all known composes

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

This doesn’t map directly to an API command, it combines the results from queue, finished, and failed so raw JSON output is not available.

composer.cli.compose.compose_types(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Return information about the supported compose types

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

Add additional details to types that are known to composer-cli. Raw JSON output does not include this extra information.

modules Module


Process modules commands

Parameters:opts (argparse.Namespace) – Cmdline arguments
Returns:Value to return from sys.exit()
Return type:int

projects Module


Process projects commands

Parameters:opts (argparse.Namespace) – Cmdline arguments
Returns:Value to return from sys.exit()
Return type:int
composer.cli.projects.projects_info(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Output info on a list of projects

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

projects info <project,...>

composer.cli.projects.projects_list(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Output the list of available projects

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

projects list

recipes Module, indent=4)[source]

Print the recipe’s change in a nice way

  • change (dict) – The individual recipe change dict
  • indent (int) – Number of spaces to indent[source]

Generate nice diff entry string.

Parameters:diff (dict) – Difference entry dict
Returns:Nice string, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Display the changes for each of the recipes

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes changes <recipe,...> Display the changes for each recipe.[source]

Process recipes commands

Parameters:opts (argparse.Namespace) – Cmdline arguments
Returns:Value to return from sys.exit()
Return type:int

This dispatches the recipes commands to a function, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Delete a recipe from the server

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

delete <recipe> Delete a recipe from the server, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Display the packages needed to install the recipe

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes depsolve <recipe,...> Display the packages needed to install the recipe., api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Display the differences between 2 versions of a recipe

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
recipes diff <recipe-name> Display the differences between 2 versions of a recipe.
<from-commit> Commit hash or NEWEST <to-commit> Commit hash, NEWEST, or WORKSPACE, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Handle the recipes freeze commands

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes freeze <recipe,...> Display the frozen recipe’s modules and packages. recipes freeze show <recipe,...> Display the frozen recipe in TOML format. recipes freeze save <recipe,...> Save the frozen recipe to a file, <recipe-name>.frozen.toml., api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Save the frozen recipe to a TOML file

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes freeze save <recipe,...> Save the frozen recipe to a file, <recipe-name>.frozen.toml., api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Show the frozen recipe in TOML format

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes freeze show <recipe,...> Display the frozen recipe in TOML format., api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Output the list of available recipes

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes list, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Push a recipe TOML file to the server, updating the recipe

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

push <recipe> Push a recipe TOML file to the server., api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Save the recipe to a TOML file

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes save <recipe,...> Save the recipe to a file, <recipe-name>.toml, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Show the recipes, in TOML format

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes show <recipe,...> Display the recipe in TOML format.

Multiple recipes will be separated by, api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Tag the most recent recipe commit as a release

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes tag <recipe> Tag the most recent recipe commit as a release., api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Undo changes to a recipe

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes undo <recipe> <commit> Undo changes to a recipe by reverting to the selected commit., api_version, args, show_json=False)[source]

Push the recipe TOML to the temporary workspace storage

  • socket_path (str) – Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
  • api_version (str) – Version of the API to talk to. eg. “0”
  • args (list of str) – List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
  • show_json (bool) – Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output

recipes workspace <recipe> Push the recipe TOML to the temporary workspace storage.

utilities Module


Take a list of human args and return a list with each item

Parameters:args (list of str) – list of strings with possible commas and spaces
Returns:List of all the items
Return type:list of str


[“one,two”, “three”, ”,four”, ”,five,”] returns [“one”, “two”, “three”, “four”, “five”]


Convert a recipe name into a filename.toml

Parameters:recipe_name (str) – The recipe’s name
Returns:The recipe name with ‘ ‘ converted to - and .toml appended
Return type:str
composer.cli.utilities.handle_api_result(result, show_json=False)[source]

Log any errors, return the correct value

Parameters:result (dict) – JSON result from the http query

Return the package info as a NEVRA

Parameters:pkg (dict) – The package details
Return type:str

Convert a recipe name into a filename.toml

Parameters:recipe_name (str) – The recipe’s name
Returns:The recipe name with ‘ ‘ converted to - and .toml appended
Return type:str

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