Product and Updates Images ========================== Lorax now supports creation of product.img and updates.img as part of the build process. This is implemented using the installimg template command which will take the contents of a directory and create a compressed archive from it. The directory must be created by one of the packages installed by runtime-install.tmpl or by passing ``--installpkgs <pkgname>`` to lorax at runtime. The x86, ppc, ppc64le and aarch64 templates all look for /usr/share/lorax/product/ and /usr/share/lorax/updates/ directories in the install chroot while creating the final install tree. If there are files in those directories lorax will create images/product.img and/or images/updates.img These archives are just like an anaconda updates image -- their contents are copied over the top of the filesystem at boot time so that you can drop in files to add to or replace anything on the filesystem. Anaconda has several places that it looks for updates, the one for product.img is in /run/install/product. So for example, to add an installclass to Anaconda you would put your custom class here: ``/usr/share/lorax/product/run/install/product/pyanaconda/installclasses/`` If the packages containing the product/updates files are not included as part of normal dependencies you can add specific packages with the ``--installpkgs`` command or the installpkgs paramater of :class:`pylorax.treebuilder.RuntimeBuilder`