<%page args="kernels, runtime_img, basearch, inroot, outroot, product, isolabel"/>

## Don't allow spaces or escape characters in the iso label
def valid_label(ch):
    return ch.isalnum() or ch == '_'

isolabel = ''.join(ch if valid_label(ch) else '-' for ch in isolabel)

from os.path import basename

## Test ${runtime_img} to see if udf is needed
    import os
    from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths
    if os.stat(joinpaths(inroot, runtime_img)).st_size >= 4*1024**3:
        udfargs = "-allow-limited-size"
        udfargs = ""

mkdir ${LIVEDIR}
install ${runtime_img} ${LIVEDIR}/squashfs.img
treeinfo stage2 mainimage ${LIVEDIR}/squashfs.img

## install kernels
mkdir ${KERNELDIR}
%for kernel in kernels:
    ## normal aarch64
    installkernel images-${basearch} ${kernel.path} ${KERNELDIR}/vmlinuz
    installinitrd images-${basearch} ${kernel.initrd.path} ${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img

#FIXME: this will need adjusted when we have a real bootloader.
## WHeeeeeeee, EFI.
## We could remove the basearch restriction someday..
<% efiargs=""; efigraft="" %>
%if exists("boot/efi/EFI/*/gcdaa64.efi"):
    efiarch = 'AA64'
    images = ["images/efiboot.img"]
    %for img in images:
        efiargs += " -eltorito-alt-boot -e {0} -no-emul-boot".format(img)
        efigraft += " {0}={1}/{0}".format(img,outroot)
        treeinfo images-${basearch} ${img|basename} ${img}
    <%include file="efi.tmpl" args="configdir=configdir, KERNELDIR=KERNELDIR, efiarch32=None, efiarch64=efiarch, isolabel=isolabel"/>

# Create optional product.img and updates.img
<% filegraft=""; images=["product", "updates"] %>
%for img in images:
    %if exists("%s/%s/" % (LORAXDIR, img)):
        installimg ${LORAXDIR}/${img}/ images/${img}.img
        treeinfo images-${basearch} ${img}.img images/${img}.img
        <% filegraft += " images/{0}.img={1}/images/{0}.img".format(img, outroot) %>

# Add the license files
%for f in glob("/usr/share/licenses/*-release/*"):
    install ${f} ${f|basename}
    <% filegraft += " {0}={1}/{0}".format(basename(f), outroot) %>

%if exists("boot/efi/EFI/*/gcdaa64.efi"):
## make boot.iso
runcmd mkisofs -o ${outroot}/images/boot.iso \
       ${efiargs} -R -J -V '${isolabel}' -T ${udfargs} \
       -graft-points \
       ${KERNELDIR}=${outroot}/${KERNELDIR} \
       ${LIVEDIR}=${outroot}/${LIVEDIR} \
       ${efigraft} ${filegraft}
treeinfo images-${basearch} boot.iso images/boot.iso