# # Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from io import StringIO import os import shutil import tempfile import unittest from pylorax import get_buildarch from pylorax.api.compose import add_customizations, get_extra_pkgs, compose_types from pylorax.api.compose import timezone_cmd, get_timezone_settings from pylorax.api.compose import lang_cmd, get_languages, keyboard_cmd, get_keyboard_layout from pylorax.api.compose import firewall_cmd, get_firewall_settings from pylorax.api.compose import get_kernel_append, bootloader_append, customize_ks_template from pylorax.api.config import configure, make_dnf_dirs from pylorax.api.dnfbase import get_base_object from pylorax.api.recipes import recipe_from_toml from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths BASE_RECIPE = """name = "test-cases" description = "Used for testing" version = "0.0.1" """ HOSTNAME = BASE_RECIPE + """[customizations] hostname = "testhostname" """ TIMEZONE = BASE_RECIPE + """[customizations] timezone = "US/Samoa" """ SSHKEY = BASE_RECIPE + """[[customizations.sshkey]] user = "root" key = "ROOT SSH KEY" """ USER = BASE_RECIPE + """[[customizations.user]] name = "tester" """ ROOT_USER = BASE_RECIPE + """[[customizations.user]] name = "root" """ USER_KEY = """ key = "A SSH KEY FOR THE USER" """ USER_DESC = """ description = "a test user account" """ USER_CRYPT = """ password = "$6$CHO2$3rN8eviE2t50lmVyBYihTgVRHcaecmeCk31LeOUleVK/R/aeWVHVZDi26zAH.o0ywBKH9Tc0/wm7sW/q39uyd1" """ USER_PLAIN = """ password = "plainpassword" """ USER_HOME = """ home = "/opt/users/tester/" """ USER_SHELL = """ shell = "/usr/bin/zsh" """ USER_UID = """ uid = 1013 """ USER_GID = """ gid = 4242 """ USER_GROUPS = """ groups = ["wheel", "users"] """ USER_ALL = USER + USER_KEY + USER_DESC + USER_CRYPT + USER_HOME + USER_SHELL + USER_UID + USER_GID GROUP = BASE_RECIPE + """[[customizations.group]] name = "testgroup" """ GROUP_GID = GROUP + """ gid = 1011 """ USER_GROUP = USER + """[[customizations.group]] name = "tester" """ KS_USER_ALL = '''sshkey --user tester "A SSH KEY FOR THE USER" user --name tester --homedir /opt/users/tester/ --iscrypted --password "$6$CHO2$3rN8eviE2t50lmVyBYihTgVRHcaecmeCk31LeOUleVK/R/aeWVHVZDi26zAH.o0ywBKH9Tc0/wm7sW/q39uyd1" --shell /usr/bin/zsh --uid 1013 --gid 4242 --gecos "a test user account" rootpw --lock ''' # ROOT TESTS ROOT_CRYPT = ROOT_USER + USER_CRYPT ROOT_PLAIN = ROOT_USER + USER_PLAIN ROOT_CRYPT_KEY = ROOT_USER + USER_CRYPT + USER_KEY ROOT_PLAIN_KEY = ROOT_USER + USER_PLAIN + USER_KEY ROOT_KEY = ROOT_USER + USER_KEY class CustomizationsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def assertCustomization(self, test, result): r = recipe_from_toml(test) f = StringIO() add_customizations(f, r) self.assertTrue(result in f.getvalue(), f.getvalue()) def assertNotCustomization(self, test, result): r = recipe_from_toml(test) f = StringIO() add_customizations(f, r) self.assertTrue(result not in f.getvalue(), f.getvalue()) def test_no_customizations(self): """Test not setting any customizations""" self.assertCustomization(BASE_RECIPE, "rootpw --lock") def test_set_hostname(self): """Test setting the hostname""" self.assertCustomization(HOSTNAME, "network --hostname=testhostname") self.assertCustomization(HOSTNAME, "rootpw --lock") def test_set_sshkey(self): """Test setting sshkey without user""" self.assertCustomization(SSHKEY, 'sshkey --user root "ROOT SSH KEY"') def test_sshkey_only(self): """Test adding a sshkey to an existing user account""" self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_KEY, 'sshkey --user tester "A SSH KEY FOR THE USER"') self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_KEY, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user(self): """Test creating a user with no options""" self.assertCustomization(USER, "user --name tester") self.assertCustomization(USER, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user_desc(self): """Test creating a user with a description""" self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_DESC, '--gecos "a test user account"') self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_DESC, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user_crypt(self): """Test creating a user with a pre-crypted password""" self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_CRYPT, '--password "$6$CHO2$3r') self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_CRYPT, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user_plain(self): """Test creating a user with a plaintext password""" self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_PLAIN, '--password "plainpassword"') self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_PLAIN, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user_home(self): """Test creating user with a home directory""" self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_HOME, "--homedir /opt/users/tester/") self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_HOME, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user_shell(self): """Test creating user with shell set""" self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_SHELL, "--shell /usr/bin/zsh") self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_SHELL, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user_uid(self): """Test creating user with uid set""" self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_UID, "--uid 1013") self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_UID, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user_gid(self): """Test creating user with gid set""" self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_GID, "--gid 4242") self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_GID, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user_groups(self): """Test creating user with group membership""" self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_GROUPS, "--groups wheel,users") self.assertCustomization(USER + USER_GROUPS, "rootpw --lock") def test_user_same_group(self): """Test creating a group with the same name as a user""" # Creating a group with the same name should skip the group creation self.assertCustomization(USER_GROUP, "user --name tester") self.assertNotCustomization(USER_GROUP, "group --name tester") self.assertCustomization(USER_GROUP, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_user_all(self): """Test creating user with all settings""" r = recipe_from_toml(USER_ALL) f = StringIO() add_customizations(f, r) self.assertEqual(KS_USER_ALL, f.getvalue()) def test_create_group(self): """Test creating group without gid set""" self.assertCustomization(GROUP, "group --name testgroup") self.assertCustomization(GROUP, "rootpw --lock") def test_create_group_gid(self): """Test creating group with gid set""" self.assertCustomization(GROUP_GID, "group --name testgroup --gid 1011") self.assertCustomization(GROUP_GID, "rootpw --lock") def test_root_crypt(self): self.assertCustomization(ROOT_CRYPT, 'rootpw --iscrypted "$6$CHO2$3r') self.assertNotCustomization(ROOT_CRYPT, "rootpw --lock") def test_root_plain(self): self.assertCustomization(ROOT_PLAIN, 'rootpw --plaintext "plainpassword"') self.assertNotCustomization(ROOT_PLAIN, "rootpw --lock") def test_root_crypt_key(self): self.assertCustomization(ROOT_CRYPT_KEY, 'rootpw --iscrypted "$6$CHO2$3r') self.assertCustomization(ROOT_CRYPT_KEY, 'sshkey --user root "A SSH KEY FOR THE USER"') self.assertNotCustomization(ROOT_CRYPT_KEY, "rootpw --lock") def test_root_plain_key(self): self.assertCustomization(ROOT_PLAIN_KEY, 'rootpw --plaintext "plainpassword"') self.assertCustomization(ROOT_PLAIN_KEY, 'sshkey --user root "A SSH KEY FOR THE USER"') self.assertNotCustomization(ROOT_PLAIN_KEY, "rootpw --lock") def test_get_kernel_append(self): """Test get_kernel_append function""" blueprint_data = """name = "test-kernel" description = "test recipe" version = "0.0.1" """ blueprint2_data = blueprint_data + """ [customizations.kernel] append="nosmt=force" """ recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint_data) self.assertEqual(get_kernel_append(recipe), "") recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint2_data) self.assertEqual(get_kernel_append(recipe), "nosmt=force") def test_bootloader_append(self): """Test bootloader_append function""" self.assertEqual(bootloader_append("", "nosmt=force"), 'bootloader --append="nosmt=force" --location=none') self.assertEqual(bootloader_append("", "nosmt=force console=ttyS0,115200n8"), 'bootloader --append="nosmt=force console=ttyS0,115200n8" --location=none') self.assertEqual(bootloader_append("bootloader --location=none", "nosmt=force"), 'bootloader --append="nosmt=force" --location=none') self.assertEqual(bootloader_append("bootloader --location=none", "console=ttyS0,115200n8 nosmt=force"), 'bootloader --append="console=ttyS0,115200n8 nosmt=force" --location=none') self.assertEqual(bootloader_append('bootloader --append="no_timer_check console=ttyS0,115200n8" --location=mbr', "nosmt=force"), 'bootloader --append="no_timer_check console=ttyS0,115200n8 nosmt=force" --location=mbr') self.assertEqual(bootloader_append('bootloader --append="console=tty1" --location=mbr --password="BADPASSWORD"', "nosmt=force"), 'bootloader --append="console=tty1 nosmt=force" --location=mbr --password="BADPASSWORD"') def test_get_timezone_settings(self): """Test get_timezone_settings function""" blueprint_data = """name = "test-kernel" description = "test recipe" version = "0.0.1" """ blueprint2_data = blueprint_data + """ [customizations.timezone] timezone = "US/Samoa" """ blueprint3_data = blueprint_data + """ [customizations.timezone] ntpservers = ["0.north-america.pool.ntp.org", "1.north-america.pool.ntp.org"] """ blueprint4_data = blueprint_data + """ [customizations.timezone] timezone = "US/Samoa" ntpservers = ["0.north-america.pool.ntp.org", "1.north-america.pool.ntp.org"] """ recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint_data) self.assertEqual(get_timezone_settings(recipe), {}) recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint2_data) self.assertEqual(get_timezone_settings(recipe), {"timezone": "US/Samoa"}) recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint3_data) self.assertEqual(get_timezone_settings(recipe), {"ntpservers": ["0.north-america.pool.ntp.org", "1.north-america.pool.ntp.org"]}) recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint4_data) self.assertEqual(get_timezone_settings(recipe), {"timezone": "US/Samoa", "ntpservers": ["0.north-america.pool.ntp.org", "1.north-america.pool.ntp.org"]}) def test_timezone_cmd(self): """Test timezone_cmd function""" self.assertEqual(timezone_cmd("timezone UTC", {}), 'timezone UTC') self.assertEqual(timezone_cmd("timezone FOO", {"timezone": "US/Samoa"}), 'timezone US/Samoa') self.assertEqual(timezone_cmd("timezone FOO", {"timezone": "US/Samoa", "ntpservers": ["0.ntp.org", "1.ntp.org"]}), 'timezone US/Samoa --ntpservers=0.ntp.org,1.ntp.org') self.assertEqual(timezone_cmd("timezone --ntpservers=a,b,c FOO", {"timezone": "US/Samoa", "ntpservers": ["0.pool.ntp.org", "1.pool.ntp.org"]}), 'timezone US/Samoa --ntpservers=0.pool.ntp.org,1.pool.ntp.org') def test_get_languages(self): """Test get_languages function""" blueprint_data = """name = "test-locale" description = "test recipe" version = "0.0.1" """ blueprint2_data = blueprint_data + """ [customizations.locale] languages = ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8"] """ blueprint3_data = blueprint_data + """ [customizations.locale] keyboard = "de (dvorak)" languages = ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8"] """ recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint_data) self.assertEqual(get_languages(recipe), []) recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint2_data) self.assertEqual(get_languages(recipe), ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8"]) recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint3_data) self.assertEqual(get_languages(recipe), ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8"]) def test_lang_cmd(self): """Test lang_cmd function""" self.assertEqual(lang_cmd("lang en_CA.utf8", {}), 'lang en_CA.utf8') self.assertEqual(lang_cmd("lang en_US.utf8", ["en_HK.utf8"]), 'lang en_HK.utf8') self.assertEqual(lang_cmd("lang en_US.utf8", ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8"]), 'lang en_CA.utf8 --addsupport=en_HK.utf8') self.assertEqual(lang_cmd("lang --addsupport en_US.utf8 en_CA.utf8", ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8", "en_GB.utf8"]), 'lang en_CA.utf8 --addsupport=en_HK.utf8,en_GB.utf8') def test_get_keyboard_layout(self): """Test get_keyboard_layout function""" blueprint_data = """name = "test-locale" description = "test recipe" version = "0.0.1" """ blueprint2_data = blueprint_data + """ [customizations.locale] keyboard = "de (dvorak)" """ blueprint3_data = blueprint_data + """ [customizations.locale] keyboard = "de (dvorak)" languages = ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8"] """ recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint_data) self.assertEqual(get_keyboard_layout(recipe), []) recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint2_data) self.assertEqual(get_keyboard_layout(recipe), "de (dvorak)") recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint3_data) self.assertEqual(get_keyboard_layout(recipe), "de (dvorak)") def test_keyboard_cmd(self): """Test lang_cmd function""" self.assertEqual(keyboard_cmd("keyboard us", {}), "keyboard 'us'") self.assertEqual(keyboard_cmd("keyboard us", "de (dvorak)"), "keyboard 'de (dvorak)'") self.assertEqual(keyboard_cmd("keyboard --vckeymap=us --xlayouts=us,gb", "de (dvorak)"), "keyboard 'de (dvorak)'") def test_get_firewall_settings(self): """Test get_firewall_settings function""" blueprint_data = """name = "test-firewall" description = "test recipe" version = "0.0.1" """ firewall_ports = """ [customizations.firewall] ports = ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"] """ firewall_services = """ [customizations.firewall.services] enabled = ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"] disabled = ["telnet"] """ blueprint2_data = blueprint_data + firewall_ports blueprint3_data = blueprint_data + firewall_services blueprint4_data = blueprint_data + firewall_ports + firewall_services recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint_data) self.assertEqual(get_firewall_settings(recipe), {'ports': [], 'enabled': [], 'disabled': []}) recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint2_data) self.assertEqual(get_firewall_settings(recipe), {"ports": ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"], "enabled": [], "disabled": []}) recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint3_data) self.assertEqual(get_firewall_settings(recipe), {"ports": [], "enabled": ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"], "disabled": ["telnet"]}) recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint4_data) self.assertEqual(get_firewall_settings(recipe), {"ports": ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"], "enabled": ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"], "disabled": ["telnet"]}) def test_firewall_cmd(self): """Test firewall_cmd function""" self.assertEqual(firewall_cmd("firewall --enabled", {}), "firewall --enabled") self.assertEqual(firewall_cmd("firewall --enabled", {"ports": ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"], "enabled": [], "disabled": []}), "firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp,80:tcp,imap:tcp,53:tcp,53:udp") self.assertEqual(firewall_cmd("firewall --enabled", {"ports": ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"], "enabled": ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"], "disabled": []}), "firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp,80:tcp,imap:tcp,53:tcp,53:udp --service=ftp,ntp,dhcp") self.assertEqual(firewall_cmd("firewall --enabled", {"ports": ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"], "enabled": ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"], "disabled": ["telnet"]}), "firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp,80:tcp,imap:tcp,53:tcp,53:udp --service=ftp,ntp,dhcp --remove-service=telnet") # Make sure that --disabled overrides setting ports and services self.assertEqual(firewall_cmd("firewall --disabled", {"ports": ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"], "enabled": ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"], "disabled": ["telnet"]}), "firewall --disabled") def _checkBootloader(self, result, append_str, line_limit=0): """Find the bootloader line and make sure append_str is in it""" # Optionally check to make sure the change is at the top of the template line_num = 0 for line in result.splitlines(): if line.startswith("bootloader") and append_str in line: if line_limit == 0 or line_num < line_limit: return True else: print("FAILED: bootloader not in the first %d lines of the output" % line_limit) return False line_num += 1 return False def _checkTimezone(self, result, settings, line_limit=0): """Find the timezone line and make sure it is as expected""" # Optionally check to make sure the change is at the top of the template line_num = 0 for line in result.splitlines(): if line.startswith("timezone"): if settings["timezone"] in line and all([True for n in settings["ntpservers"] if n in line]): if line_limit == 0 or line_num < line_limit: return True else: print("FAILED: timezone not in the first %d lines of the output" % line_limit) return False else: print("FAILED: %s not matching %s" % (settings, line)) line_num += 1 return False def _checkLang(self, result, locales, line_limit=0): """Find the lang line and make sure it is as expected""" # Optionally check to make sure the change is at the top of the template line_num = 0 for line in result.splitlines(): if line.startswith("lang"): if all([True for n in locales if n in line]): if line_limit == 0 or line_num < line_limit: return True else: print("FAILED: lang not in the first %d lines of the output" % line_limit) return False else: print("FAILED: %s not matching %s" % (locales, line)) line_num += 1 return False def _checkKeyboard(self, result, layout, line_limit=0): """Find the keyboard line and make sure it is as expected""" # Optionally check to make sure the change is at the top of the template line_num = 0 for line in result.splitlines(): if line.startswith("keyboard"): if layout in line: if line_limit == 0 or line_num < line_limit: return True else: print("FAILED: keyboard not in the first %d lines of the output" % line_limit) return False else: print("FAILED: %s not matching %s" % (layout, line)) line_num += 1 return False def _checkFirewall(self, result, settings, line_limit=0): """Find the firewall line and make sure it is as expected""" # Optionally check to make sure the change is at the top of the template line_num = 0 for line in result.splitlines(): if line.startswith("firewall"): # First layout is used twice, so total count should be n+1 ports = all([bool(p in line) for p in settings["ports"]]) enabled = all([bool(e in line) for e in settings["enabled"]]) disabled = all([bool(d in line) for d in settings["disabled"]]) if ports and enabled and disabled: if line_limit == 0 or line_num < line_limit: return True else: print("FAILED: firewall not in the first %d lines of the output" % line_limit) return False else: print("FAILED: %s not matching %s" % (settings, line)) line_num += 1 return False def test_template_defaults(self): """Test that customize_ks_template includes defaults correctly""" blueprint_data = """name = "test-kernel" description = "test recipe" version = "0.0.1" [[packages]] name = "lorax" version = "*" """ recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint_data) # Make sure that a kickstart with no bootloader and no timezone has them added result = customize_ks_template("firewall --enabled\n", recipe) print(result) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("bootloader")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkBootloader(result, "none", line_limit=2)) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("timezone")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkTimezone(result, {"timezone": "UTC", "ntpservers": []}, line_limit=2)) # Make sure that a kickstart with a bootloader, and no timezone has timezone added to the top result = customize_ks_template("firewall --enabled\nbootloader --location=mbr\n", recipe) print(result) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("bootloader")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkBootloader(result, "mbr")) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("timezone")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkTimezone(result, {"timezone": "UTC", "ntpservers": []}, line_limit=1)) # Make sure that a kickstart with a bootloader and timezone has neither added result = customize_ks_template("firewall --enabled\nbootloader --location=mbr\ntimezone US/Samoa\n", recipe) print(result) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("bootloader")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkBootloader(result, "mbr")) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("timezone")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkTimezone(result, {"timezone": "US/Samoa", "ntpservers": []})) def test_customize_ks_template(self): """Test that customize_ks_template works correctly""" blueprint_data = """name = "test-kernel" description = "test recipe" version = "0.0.1" [customizations.kernel] append="nosmt=force" [customizations.timezone] timezone = "US/Samoa" ntpservers = ["0.north-america.pool.ntp.org", "1.north-america.pool.ntp.org"] [customizations.locale] keyboard = "de (dvorak)" languages = ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8"] [customizations.firewall] ports = ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"] [customizations.firewall.services] enabled = ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"] disabled = ["telnet"] """ tz_dict = {"timezone": "US/Samoa", "ntpservers": ["0.north-america.pool.ntp.org", "1.north-america.pool.ntp.org"]} recipe = recipe_from_toml(blueprint_data) # Test against a kickstart without bootloader result = customize_ks_template("firewall --enabled\n", recipe) self.assertTrue(self._checkBootloader(result, "nosmt=force", line_limit=2)) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("bootloader")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkTimezone(result, tz_dict, line_limit=2)) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("timezone")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkLang(result, ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8"], line_limit=4)) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("lang")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkKeyboard(result, "de (dvorak)", line_limit=4)) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("keyboard")]), 1) self.assertTrue(self._checkFirewall(result, {"ports": ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"], "enabled": ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"], "disabled": ["telnet"]}, line_limit=6)) self.assertEqual(sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("firewall")]), 1) # Test against a kickstart with a bootloader line result = customize_ks_template("firewall --enabled\nbootloader --location=mbr\n", recipe) self.assertTrue(self._checkBootloader(result, "nosmt=force")) self.assertTrue(self._checkTimezone(result, tz_dict, line_limit=2)) # Test against all of the available templates share_dir = "./share/" errors = [] for compose_type in compose_types(share_dir): # Read the kickstart template for this type ks_template_path = joinpaths(share_dir, "composer", compose_type) + ".ks" ks_template = open(ks_template_path, "r").read() result = customize_ks_template(ks_template, recipe) if not self._checkBootloader(result, "nosmt=force"): errors.append(("bootloader for compose_type %s failed" % compose_type, result)) if sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("bootloader")]) != 1: errors.append(("bootloader for compose_type %s failed: More than 1 entry" % compose_type, result)) # google images should retain their timezone settings if compose_type == "google": if self._checkTimezone(result, tz_dict): errors.append(("timezone for compose_type %s failed" % compose_type, result)) elif not self._checkTimezone(result, tz_dict, line_limit=2): # None of the templates have a timezone to modify, it should be placed at the top errors.append(("timezone for compose_type %s failed" % compose_type, result)) if sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("timezone")]) != 1: errors.append(("timezone for compose_type %s failed: More than 1 entry" % compose_type, result)) if not self._checkLang(result, ["en_CA.utf8", "en_HK.utf8"]): errors.append(("lang for compose_type %s failed" % compose_type, result)) if sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("lang")]) != 1: errors.append(("lang for compose_type %s failed: More than 1 entry" % compose_type, result)) if not self._checkKeyboard(result, "de (dvorak)"): errors.append(("keyboard for compose_type %s failed" % compose_type, result)) if sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("keyboard")]) != 1: errors.append(("keyboard for compose_type %s failed: More than 1 entry" % compose_type, result)) # google and openstack templates requires the firewall to be disabled if compose_type == "google" or compose_type == "openstack": if not self._checkFirewall(result, {'ports': [], 'enabled': [], 'disabled': []}): errors.append(("firewall for compose_type %s failed" % compose_type, result)) else: if not self._checkFirewall(result, {"ports": ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"], "enabled": ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"], "disabled": ["telnet"]}): errors.append(("firewall for compose_type %s failed" % compose_type, result)) if sum([1 for l in result.splitlines() if l.startswith("firewall")]) != 1: errors.append(("firewall for compose_type %s failed: More than 1 entry" % compose_type, result)) # Print the bad results for e, r in errors: print("%s:\n%s\n\n" % (e, r)) self.assertEqual(errors, []) class ExtraPkgsTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(self): self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lorax.test.repo.") self.config = configure(root_dir=self.tmp_dir, test_config=True) make_dnf_dirs(self.config, os.getuid(), os.getgid()) self.dbo = get_base_object(self.config) @classmethod def tearDownClass(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir) def test_live_install(self): """Check that live-install.tmpl is parsed correctly""" # A package for each arch to test for arch_pkg = { "aarch64": "shim-aa64", "arm": "grub2-efi-arm-cdboot", "armhfp": "grub2-efi-arm-cdboot", "x86_64": "shim-x64", "i386": "memtest86+", "ppc64le": "powerpc-utils", "s390x": "s390utils-base" } extra_pkgs = get_extra_pkgs(self.dbo, "./share/", "live-iso") self.assertTrue(len(extra_pkgs) > 0) # Results depend on arch arch = get_buildarch(self.dbo) self.assertTrue(arch_pkg[arch] in extra_pkgs) def test_other_install(self): """Test that non-live doesn't parse live-install.tmpl""" extra_pkgs = get_extra_pkgs(self.dbo, "./share/", "qcow2") self.assertEqual(extra_pkgs, [])