PYTHON ?= /usr/bin/python DESTDIR ?= / DOCKER ?= docker PKGNAME = lorax-composer VERSION = $(shell awk '/Version:/ { print $$2 }' $(PKGNAME).spec) RELEASE = $(shell awk '/Release:/ { print $$2 }' $(PKGNAME).spec | sed -e 's|%.*$$||g') TAG = lorax-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) IMAGE_RELEASE = $(shell awk -F: '/FROM/ { print $$2}' Dockerfile.test) ifeq ($(TEST_OS),) TEST_OS = rhel-7-7 endif export TEST_OS VM_IMAGE=$(CURDIR)/test/images/$(TEST_OS) default: all src/composer/ echo "num = '$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)'" > src/composer/ src/pylorax/ echo "num = '$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)'" > src/pylorax/ src/pylorax/api/ echo "num = '$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)'" > src/pylorax/api/ all: src/pylorax/ src/pylorax/api/ src/composer/ $(PYTHON) build install: all $(PYTHON) install --root=$(DESTDIR) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man1 install -m 644 docs/man/lorax.1 $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man1 install -m 644 docs/man/livemedia-creator.1 $(DESTDIR)/$(mandir)/man1 mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/bash_completion.d install -m 644 etc/bash_completion.d/composer-cli $(DESTDIR)/etc/bash_completion.d check: @echo "*** Running pylint ***" PYTHONPATH=$(PYTHONPATH):./src/ ./tests/pylint/ test: docs @echo "*** Running tests ***" PYTHONPATH=$(PYTHONPATH):./src/ $(PYTHON) -m nose -v --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-branches \ --cover-package=pylorax --cover-inclusive \ ./tests/pylorax/ ./tests/composer/ coverage report -m [ -f "/usr/bin/coveralls" ] && [ -n "$(COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN)" ] && coveralls || echo # need `losetup`, which needs Docker to be in privileged mode (--privileged) # but even so fails in Travis CI test_images: sudo -E ./tests/ tests/cli/ \ tests/cli/ \ tests/cli/ \ tests/cli/ \ tests/cli/ \ tests/cli/ test_cli: sudo -E ./tests/ clean: -rm -rf build src/pylorax/ -rm -rf build src/pylorax/api/ -rm -rf build src/composer/ tag: git tag -f $(TAG) docs: $(MAKE) -C docs apidoc html archive: tag @git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/ $(TAG) > $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION).tar @gzip -f $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION).tar @echo "The archive is in $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz" srpm: archive $(PKGNAME).spec rpmbuild -bs \ --define "_sourcedir $(CURDIR)" \ --define "_srcrpmdir $(CURDIR)" \ lorax-composer.spec local: @rm -rf $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz @rm -rf /var/tmp/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) @dir=$$PWD; cp -a $$dir /var/tmp/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) @rm -rf /var/tmp/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/.git @dir=$$PWD; cd /var/tmp; tar --gzip -cSpf $$dir/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) @rm -rf /var/tmp/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) @echo "The archive is in $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz" test-in-copy: rsync -aP --exclude=.git /lorax-ro/ /lorax/ make -C /lorax/ ci cp /lorax/.coverage /test-results/ test-in-docker: sudo $(DOCKER) build -t welder/lorax-tests:$(IMAGE_RELEASE) -f Dockerfile.test . sudo $(DOCKER) run --rm -it -v `pwd`/.test-results/:/test-results -v `pwd`:/lorax-ro:ro --security-opt label=disable welder/lorax-tests:$(IMAGE_RELEASE) make test-in-copy docs-in-docker: sudo $(DOCKER) run -it --rm -v `pwd`/docs/html/:/lorax/docs/html/ --security-opt label=disable welder/lorax-tests:$(IMAGE_RELEASE) make docs ci: check test $(VM_IMAGE): TAG=HEAD $(VM_IMAGE): srpm bots srpm=$(shell rpm --qf '%{Name}-%{Version}-%{Release}.src.rpm\n' -q --specfile lorax-composer.spec | head -n1) ; \ bots/image-customize -v \ --resize 20G \ --upload $$srpm:/var/tmp \ --upload $(CURDIR)/test/vm.install:/var/tmp/vm.install \ --upload $(realpath tests):/ \ --run-command "chmod +x /var/tmp/vm.install" \ --run-command "cd /var/tmp; /var/tmp/vm.install $$srpm" \ $(TEST_OS) [ -f ~/.config/lorax-test-env ] && bots/image-customize \ --upload ~/.config/lorax-test-env:/var/tmp/lorax-test-env \ $(TEST_OS) || echo # convenience target for the above vm: $(VM_IMAGE) echo $(VM_IMAGE) vm-reset: rm -f $(VM_IMAGE) $(VM_IMAGE).qcow2 # checkout Cockpit's bots for standard test VM images and API to launch them # must be from master, as only that has current and existing images; but API is stable # support CI testing against a bots change bots: git clone --quiet --reference-if-able $${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$$HOME/.cache}/cockpit-project/bots if [ -n "$$COCKPIT_BOTS_REF" ]; then git -C bots fetch --quiet --depth=1 origin "$$COCKPIT_BOTS_REF"; git -C bots checkout --quiet FETCH_HEAD; fi @echo "checked out bots/ ref $$(git -C bots rev-parse HEAD)" .PHONY: all install check test clean tag docs archive local .PHONY: ci_after_success ci_after_success: # nothing to do here, but Jenkins expects this to be present, otherwise fails