Source code for pylorax.api.compose

# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
""" Setup for composing an image

Adding New Output Types

The new output type must add a kickstart template to ./share/composer/ where the
name of the kickstart (without the trailing .ks) matches the entry in compose_args.

The kickstart should not have any url or repo entries, these will be added at build
time. The %packages section should be the last thing, and while it can contain mandatory
packages required by the output type, it should not have the trailing %end because the
package NEVRAs will be appended to it at build time.

compose_args should have a name matching the kickstart, and it should set the novirt_install
parameters needed to generate the desired output. Other types should be set to False.

import logging
log = logging.getLogger("lorax-composer")

import os
from glob import glob
from math import ceil
import pytoml as toml
import shutil
from uuid import uuid4

# Use pykickstart to calculate disk image size
from pykickstart.parser import KickstartParser
from pykickstart.version import makeVersion

from pylorax.api.projects import projects_depsolve, projects_depsolve_with_size, dep_nevra
from pylorax.api.projects import ProjectsError
from import read_recipe_and_id
from pylorax.api.timestamp import TS_CREATED, write_timestamp
from pylorax.imgutils import default_image_name
from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths, flatconfig

[docs]def test_templates(dbo, share_dir): """ Try depsolving each of the the templates and report any errors :param dbo: dnf base object :type dbo: dnf.Base :returns: List of template types and errors :rtype: List of errors Return a list of templates and errors encountered or an empty list """ template_errors = [] for compose_type in compose_types(share_dir): # Read the kickstart template for this type ks_template_path = joinpaths(share_dir, "composer", compose_type) + ".ks" ks_template = open(ks_template_path, "r").read() # How much space will the packages in the default template take? ks_version = makeVersion() ks = KickstartParser(ks_version, errorsAreFatal=False, missingIncludeIsFatal=False) ks.readKickstartFromString(ks_template+"\n%end\n") pkgs = [(name, "*") for name in ks.handler.packages.packageList] grps = [ for grp in ks.handler.packages.groupList] try: _ = projects_depsolve(dbo, pkgs, grps) except ProjectsError as e: template_errors.append("Error depsolving %s: %s" % (compose_type, str(e))) return template_errors
[docs]def repo_to_ks(r, url="url"): """ Return a kickstart line with the correct args. :param r: DNF repository information :type r: dnf.Repo :param url: "url" or "baseurl" to use for the baseurl parameter :type url: str :returns: kickstart command arguments for url/repo command :rtype: str Set url to "baseurl" if it is a repo, leave it as "url" for the installation url. """ cmd = "" # url uses --url not --baseurl if r.baseurl: cmd += '--%s="%s" ' % (url, r.baseurl[0]) elif r.metalink: cmd += '--metalink="%s" ' % r.metalink elif r.mirrorlist: cmd += '--mirrorlist="%s" ' % r.mirrorlist else: raise RuntimeError("Repo has no baseurl, metalink, or mirrorlist") if r.proxy: cmd += '--proxy="%s" ' % r.proxy if not r.sslverify: cmd += '--noverifyssl' return cmd
[docs]def write_ks_root(f, user): """ Write kickstart root password and sshkey entry :param f: kickstart file object :type f: open file object :param user: A blueprint user dictionary :type user: dict :returns: True if it wrote a rootpw command to the kickstart :rtype: bool If the entry contains a ssh key, use sshkey to write it If it contains password, use rootpw to set it root cannot be used with the user command. So only key and password are supported for root. """ wrote_rootpw = False # ssh key uses the sshkey kickstart command if "key" in user: f.write('sshkey --user %s "%s"\n' % (user["name"], user["key"])) if "password" in user: if any(user["password"].startswith(prefix) for prefix in ["$2b$", "$6$", "$5$"]): log.debug("Detected pre-crypted password") f.write('rootpw --iscrypted "%s"\n' % user["password"]) wrote_rootpw = True else: log.debug("Detected plaintext password") f.write('rootpw --plaintext "%s"\n' % user["password"]) wrote_rootpw = True return wrote_rootpw
[docs]def write_ks_user(f, user): """ Write kickstart user and sshkey entry :param f: kickstart file object :type f: open file object :param user: A blueprint user dictionary :type user: dict If the entry contains a ssh key, use sshkey to write it All of the user fields are optional, except name, write out a kickstart user entry with whatever options are relevant. """ # ssh key uses the sshkey kickstart command if "key" in user: f.write('sshkey --user %s "%s"\n' % (user["name"], user["key"])) # Write out the user kickstart command, much of it is optional f.write("user --name %s" % user["name"]) if "home" in user: f.write(" --homedir %s" % user["home"]) if "password" in user: if any(user["password"].startswith(prefix) for prefix in ["$2b$", "$6$", "$5$"]): log.debug("Detected pre-crypted password") f.write(" --iscrypted") else: log.debug("Detected plaintext password") f.write(" --plaintext") f.write(" --password \"%s\"" % user["password"]) if "shell" in user: f.write(" --shell %s" % user["shell"]) if "uid" in user: f.write(" --uid %d" % int(user["uid"])) if "gid" in user: f.write(" --gid %d" % int(user["gid"])) if "description" in user: f.write(" --gecos \"%s\"" % user["description"]) if "groups" in user: f.write(" --groups %s" % ",".join(user["groups"])) f.write("\n")
[docs]def write_ks_group(f, group): """ Write kickstart group entry :param f: kickstart file object :type f: open file object :param group: A blueprint group dictionary :type user: dict gid is optional """ if "name" not in group: raise RuntimeError("group entry requires a name") f.write("group --name %s" % group["name"]) if "gid" in group: f.write(" --gid %d" % int(group["gid"])) f.write("\n")
[docs]def add_customizations(f, recipe): """ Add customizations to the kickstart file :param f: kickstart file object :type f: open file object :param recipe: :type recipe: Recipe object :returns: None :raises: RuntimeError if there was a problem writing to the kickstart """ if "customizations" not in recipe: f.write('rootpw --lock\n') return customizations = recipe["customizations"] if "hostname" in customizations: f.write("network --hostname=%s\n" % customizations["hostname"]) # TODO - remove this, should use user section to define this if "sshkey" in customizations: # This is a list of entries for sshkey in customizations["sshkey"]: if "user" not in sshkey or "key" not in sshkey: log.error("%s is incorrect, skipping", sshkey) continue f.write('sshkey --user %s "%s"\n' % (sshkey["user"], sshkey["key"])) # Creating a user also creates a group. Make a list of the names for later user_groups = [] # kickstart requires a rootpw line wrote_rootpw = False if "user" in customizations: # only name is required, everything else is optional for user in customizations["user"]: if "name" not in user: raise RuntimeError("user entry requires a name") # root is special, cannot use normal user command for it if user["name"] == "root": wrote_rootpw = write_ks_root(f, user) continue write_ks_user(f, user) user_groups.append(user["name"]) if "group" in customizations: for group in customizations["group"]: if group["name"] not in user_groups: write_ks_group(f, group) else: log.warning("Skipping group %s, already created by user", group["name"]) # Lock the root account if no root user password has been specified if not wrote_rootpw: f.write('rootpw --lock\n')
[docs]def start_build(cfg, dnflock, gitlock, branch, recipe_name, compose_type, test_mode=0): """ Start the build :param cfg: Configuration object :type cfg: ComposerConfig :param dnflock: Lock and YumBase for depsolving :type dnflock: YumLock :param recipe: The recipe to build :type recipe: str :param compose_type: The type of output to create from the recipe :type compose_type: str :returns: Unique ID for the build that can be used to track its status :rtype: str """ share_dir = cfg.get("composer", "share_dir") lib_dir = cfg.get("composer", "lib_dir") # Make sure compose_type is valid if compose_type not in compose_types(share_dir): raise RuntimeError("Invalid compose type (%s), must be one of %s" % (compose_type, compose_types(share_dir))) with gitlock.lock: (commit_id, recipe) = read_recipe_and_id(gitlock.repo, branch, recipe_name) # Combine modules and packages and depsolve the list # TODO include the version/glob in the depsolving module_nver = recipe.module_nver package_nver = recipe.package_nver projects = sorted(set(module_nver+package_nver), key=lambda p: p[0].lower()) deps = [] try: # This can possibly update repodata and reset the YumBase object. with dnflock.lock_check: (installed_size, deps) = projects_depsolve_with_size(dnflock.dbo, projects, recipe.group_names, with_core=False) except ProjectsError as e: log.error("start_build depsolve: %s", str(e)) raise RuntimeError("Problem depsolving %s: %s" % (recipe["name"], str(e))) # Read the kickstart template for this type ks_template_path = joinpaths(share_dir, "composer", compose_type) + ".ks" ks_template = open(ks_template_path, "r").read() # How much space will the packages in the default template take? ks_version = makeVersion() ks = KickstartParser(ks_version, errorsAreFatal=False, missingIncludeIsFatal=False) ks.readKickstartFromString(ks_template+"\n%end\n") pkgs = [(name, "*") for name in ks.handler.packages.packageList] grps = [ for grp in ks.handler.packages.groupList] try: with dnflock.lock: (template_size, _) = projects_depsolve_with_size(dnflock.dbo, pkgs, grps, with_core=not ks.handler.packages.nocore) except ProjectsError as e: log.error("start_build depsolve: %s", str(e)) raise RuntimeError("Problem depsolving %s: %s" % (recipe["name"], str(e))) log.debug("installed_size = %d, template_size=%d", installed_size, template_size) # Minimum LMC disk size is 1GiB, and anaconda bumps the estimated size up by 10% (which doesn't always work). # XXX BUT Anaconda has a bug, it won't execute a kickstart on a disk smaller than 3000 MB # XXX There is an upstream patch pending, but until then, use that as the minimum installed_size = max(3e9, int((installed_size+template_size))) * 1.2 log.debug("/ partition size = %d", installed_size) # Create the results directory build_id = str(uuid4()) results_dir = joinpaths(lib_dir, "results", build_id) os.makedirs(results_dir) # Write the recipe commit hash commit_path = joinpaths(results_dir, "COMMIT") with open(commit_path, "w") as f: f.write(commit_id) # Write the original recipe recipe_path = joinpaths(results_dir, "blueprint.toml") with open(recipe_path, "w") as f: f.write(recipe.toml()) # Write the frozen recipe frozen_recipe = recipe.freeze(deps) recipe_path = joinpaths(results_dir, "frozen.toml") with open(recipe_path, "w") as f: f.write(frozen_recipe.toml()) # Write out the dependencies to the results dir deps_path = joinpaths(results_dir, "deps.toml") with open(deps_path, "w") as f: f.write(toml.dumps({"packages":deps})) # Save a copy of the original kickstart shutil.copy(ks_template_path, results_dir) with dnflock.lock: repos = list(dnflock.dbo.repos.iter_enabled()) if not repos: raise RuntimeError("No enabled repos, canceling build.") # Create the final kickstart with repos and package list ks_path = joinpaths(results_dir, "final-kickstart.ks") with open(ks_path, "w") as f: ks_url = repo_to_ks(repos[0], "url") log.debug("url = %s", ks_url) f.write('url %s\n' % ks_url) for idx, r in enumerate(repos[1:]): ks_repo = repo_to_ks(r, "baseurl") log.debug("repo composer-%s = %s", idx, ks_repo) f.write('repo --name="composer-%s" %s\n' % (idx, ks_repo)) # Setup the disk for booting # TODO Add GPT and UEFI boot support f.write('clearpart --all --initlabel\n') # Write the root partition and it's size in MB (rounded up) f.write('part / --size=%d\n' % ceil(installed_size / 1024**2)) f.write(ks_template) for d in deps: f.write(dep_nevra(d)+"\n") f.write("%end\n") add_customizations(f, recipe) # Setup the config to pass to novirt_install log_dir = joinpaths(results_dir, "logs/") cfg_args = compose_args(compose_type) # Get the title, project, and release version from the host if not os.path.exists("/etc/os-release"): log.error("/etc/os-release is missing, cannot determine product or release version") os_release = flatconfig("/etc/os-release") log.debug("os_release = %s", dict(os_release.items())) cfg_args["title"] = os_release.get("PRETTY_NAME", "") cfg_args["project"] = os_release.get("NAME", "") cfg_args["releasever"] = os_release.get("VERSION_ID", "") cfg_args["volid"] = "" cfg_args.update({ "compression": "xz", "compress_args": [], "ks": [ks_path], "logfile": log_dir, "timeout": 60, # 60 minute timeout }) with open(joinpaths(results_dir, "config.toml"), "w") as f: f.write(toml.dumps(cfg_args)) # Set the initial status open(joinpaths(results_dir, "STATUS"), "w").write("WAITING") # Set the test mode, if requested if test_mode > 0: open(joinpaths(results_dir, "TEST"), "w").write("%s" % test_mode) write_timestamp(results_dir, TS_CREATED)"Adding %s (%s %s) to compose queue", build_id, recipe["name"], compose_type) os.symlink(results_dir, joinpaths(lib_dir, "queue/new/", build_id)) return build_id
# Supported output types
[docs]def compose_types(share_dir): r""" Returns a list of the supported output types The output types come from the kickstart names in /usr/share/lorax/composer/\*ks """ return sorted([os.path.basename(ks)[:-3] for ks in glob(joinpaths(share_dir, "composer/*.ks"))])
[docs]def compose_args(compose_type): """ Returns the settings to pass to novirt_install for the compose type :param compose_type: The type of compose to create, from `compose_types()` :type compose_type: str This will return a dict of options that match the ArgumentParser options for livemedia-creator. These are the ones the define the type of output, it's filename, etc. Other options will be filled in by `make_compose()` """ _MAP = {"tar": {"make_iso": False, "make_disk": False, "make_fsimage": False, "make_appliance": False, "make_ami": False, "make_tar": True, "make_pxe_live": False, "make_ostree_live": False, "make_oci": False, "make_vagrant": False, "ostree": False, "live_rootfs_keep_size": False, "live_rootfs_size": 0, "image_type": False, # False instead of None because of TOML "qemu_args": [], "image_name": default_image_name("xz", "root.tar"), "image_only": True, "app_name": None, "app_template": None, "app_file": None, }, "live-iso": {"make_iso": True, "make_disk": False, "make_fsimage": False, "make_appliance": False, "make_ami": False, "make_tar": False, "make_pxe_live": False, "make_ostree_live": False, "make_oci": False, "make_vagrant": False, "ostree": False, "live_rootfs_keep_size": False, "live_rootfs_size": 0, "image_type": False, # False instead of None because of TOML "qemu_args": [], "image_name": "live.iso", "fs_label": "Anaconda", # Live booting may expect this to be 'Anaconda' "image_only": False, "app_name": None, "app_template": None, "app_file": None, "iso_only": True, "iso_name": "live.iso", }, "partitioned-disk": {"make_iso": False, "make_disk": True, "make_fsimage": False, "make_appliance": False, "make_ami": False, "make_tar": False, "make_pxe_live": False, "make_ostree_live": False, "make_oci": False, "make_vagrant": False, "ostree": False, "live_rootfs_keep_size": False, "live_rootfs_size": 0, "image_type": False, # False instead of None because of TOML "qemu_args": [], "image_name": "disk.img", "fs_label": "", "image_only": True, "app_name": None, "app_template": None, "app_file": None, }, "qcow2": {"make_iso": False, "make_disk": True, "make_fsimage": False, "make_appliance": False, "make_ami": False, "make_tar": False, "make_pxe_live": False, "make_ostree_live": False, "make_oci": False, "make_vagrant": False, "ostree": False, "live_rootfs_keep_size": False, "live_rootfs_size": 0, "image_type": "qcow2", "qemu_args": [], "image_name": "disk.qcow2", "fs_label": "", "image_only": True, "app_name": None, "app_template": None, "app_file": None, }, "ext4-filesystem": {"make_iso": False, "make_disk": False, "make_fsimage": True, "make_appliance": False, "make_ami": False, "make_tar": False, "make_pxe_live": False, "make_ostree_live": False, "make_oci": False, "make_vagrant": False, "ostree": False, "live_rootfs_keep_size": False, "live_rootfs_size": 0, "image_type": False, # False instead of None because of TOML "qemu_args": [], "image_name": "filesystem.img", "fs_label": "", "image_only": True, "app_name": None, "app_template": None, "app_file": None, }, "ami": {"make_iso": False, "make_disk": True, "make_fsimage": False, "make_appliance": False, "make_ami": False, "make_tar": False, "make_pxe_live": False, "make_ostree_live": False, "make_oci": False, "make_vagrant": False, "ostree": False, "live_rootfs_keep_size": False, "live_rootfs_size": 0, "image_type": False, "qemu_args": [], "image_name": "disk.ami", "fs_label": "", "image_only": True, "app_name": None, "app_template": None, "app_file": None, }, "vhd": {"make_iso": False, "make_disk": True, "make_fsimage": False, "make_appliance": False, "make_ami": False, "make_tar": False, "make_pxe_live": False, "make_ostree_live": False, "make_oci": False, "make_vagrant": False, "ostree": False, "live_rootfs_keep_size": False, "live_rootfs_size": 0, "image_type": "vpc", "qemu_args": ["-o", "subformat=fixed,force_size"], "image_name": "disk.vhd", "fs_label": "", "image_only": True, "app_name": None, "app_template": None, "app_file": None, }, "vmdk": {"make_iso": False, "make_disk": True, "make_fsimage": False, "make_appliance": False, "make_ami": False, "make_tar": False, "make_pxe_live": False, "make_ostree_live": False, "make_oci": False, "make_vagrant": False, "ostree": False, "live_rootfs_keep_size": False, "live_rootfs_size": 0, "image_type": "vmdk", "qemu_args": [], "image_name": "disk.vmdk", "fs_label": "", "image_only": True, "app_name": None, "app_template": None, "app_file": None, }, "openstack": {"make_iso": False, "make_disk": True, "make_fsimage": False, "make_appliance": False, "make_ami": False, "make_tar": False, "make_pxe_live": False, "make_ostree_live": False, "make_oci": False, "make_vagrant": False, "ostree": False, "live_rootfs_keep_size": False, "live_rootfs_size": 0, "image_type": "qcow2", "qemu_args": [], "image_name": "disk.qcow2", "fs_label": "", "image_only": True, "app_name": None, "app_template": None, "app_file": None, }, } return _MAP[compose_type]
[docs]def move_compose_results(cfg, results_dir): """Move the final image to the results_dir and cleanup the unneeded compose files :param cfg: Build configuration :type cfg: DataHolder :param results_dir: Directory to put the results into :type results_dir: str """ if cfg["make_tar"]: shutil.move(joinpaths(cfg["result_dir"], cfg["image_name"]), results_dir) elif cfg["make_iso"]: # Output from live iso is always a boot.iso under images/, move and rename it shutil.move(joinpaths(cfg["result_dir"], cfg["iso_name"]), joinpaths(results_dir, cfg["image_name"])) elif cfg["make_disk"] or cfg["make_fsimage"]: shutil.move(joinpaths(cfg["result_dir"], cfg["image_name"]), joinpaths(results_dir, cfg["image_name"])) # Cleanup the compose directory, but only if it looks like a compose directory if os.path.basename(cfg["result_dir"]) == "compose": shutil.rmtree(cfg["result_dir"]) else: log.error("Incorrect compose directory, not cleaning up")