# # Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from functools import partial from glob import glob import logging import multiprocessing # We use a multiprocessing Pool for uploads so that we can cancel them with a # simple SIGINT, which should bubble down to subprocesses. from multiprocessing import Pool # multiprocessing.dummy is to threads as multiprocessing is to processes. # Since daemonic processes can't have children, we use a thread to monitor the # upload pool. from multiprocessing.dummy import Process from operator import attrgetter import os import stat import time import pylorax.api.toml as toml from lifted.upload import Upload from lifted.providers import resolve_playbook_path, validate_settings # the maximum number of simultaneous uploads SIMULTANEOUS_UPLOADS = 1 log = logging.getLogger("lifted") multiprocessing.log_to_stderr().setLevel(logging.INFO) def _get_queue_path(ucfg): path = ucfg["queue_dir"] # create the upload_queue directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) return path def _get_upload_path(ucfg, uuid, write=False): # Make sure no path elements are present uuid = os.path.basename(uuid) path = os.path.join(_get_queue_path(ucfg), f"{uuid}.toml") if write and not os.path.exists(path): open(path, "a").close() if os.path.exists(path): # make sure uploads aren't readable by others, as they will contain # sensitive credentials current = stat.S_IMODE(os.lstat(path).st_mode) os.chmod(path, current & ~stat.S_IROTH) return path def _list_upload_uuids(ucfg): paths = glob(os.path.join(_get_queue_path(ucfg), "*")) return [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] for path in paths] def _write_upload(ucfg, upload): with open(_get_upload_path(ucfg, upload.uuid, write=True), "w") as upload_file: toml.dump(upload.serializable(), upload_file) def _write_callback(ucfg): return partial(_write_upload, ucfg) def get_upload(ucfg, uuid, ignore_missing=False, ignore_corrupt=False): """Get an Upload object by UUID :param ucfg: upload config :type ucfg: object :param uuid: UUID of the upload to get :type uuid: str :param ignore_missing: if True, don't raise a RuntimeError when the specified upload is missing, instead just return None :type ignore_missing: bool :param ignore_corrupt: if True, don't raise a RuntimeError when the specified upload could not be deserialized, instead just return None :type ignore_corrupt: bool :returns: the upload object or None :rtype: Upload or None :raises: RuntimeError """ try: with open(_get_upload_path(ucfg, uuid), "r") as upload_file: return Upload(**toml.load(upload_file)) except FileNotFoundError as error: if not ignore_missing: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find upload {uuid}!") from error except toml.TomlError as error: if not ignore_corrupt: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not parse upload {uuid}!") from error def get_uploads(ucfg, uuids): """Gets a list of Upload objects from a list of upload UUIDs, ignoring missing or corrupt uploads :param ucfg: upload config :type ucfg: object :param uuids: list of upload UUIDs to get :type uuids: list of str :returns: a list of the uploads that were successfully deserialized :rtype: list of Upload """ uploads = ( get_upload(ucfg, uuid, ignore_missing=True, ignore_corrupt=True) for uuid in uuids ) return list(filter(None, uploads)) def get_all_uploads(ucfg): """Get a list of all stored Upload objects :param ucfg: upload config :type ucfg: object :returns: a list of all stored upload objects :rtype: list of Upload """ return get_uploads(ucfg, _list_upload_uuids(ucfg)) def create_upload(ucfg, provider_name, image_name, settings): """Creates a new upload :param ucfg: upload config :type ucfg: object :param provider_name: the name of the cloud provider to upload to, e.g. "azure" :type provider_name: str :param image_name: what to name the image in the cloud :type image_name: str :param settings: settings to pass to the upload, specific to the cloud provider :type settings: dict :returns: the created upload object :rtype: Upload """ validate_settings(ucfg, provider_name, settings, image_name) return Upload( provider_name=provider_name, playbook_path=resolve_playbook_path(ucfg, provider_name), image_name=image_name, settings=settings, status_callback=_write_callback(ucfg), ) def ready_upload(ucfg, uuid, image_path): """Pass an image_path to an upload and mark it ready to execute :param ucfg: upload config :type ucfg: object :param uuid: the UUID of the upload to mark ready :type uuid: str :param image_path: the path of the image to pass to the upload :type image_path: str """ get_upload(ucfg, uuid).ready(image_path, _write_callback(ucfg)) def reset_upload(ucfg, uuid, new_image_name=None, new_settings=None): """Reset an upload so it can be attempted again :param ucfg: upload config :type ucfg: object :param uuid: the UUID of the upload to reset :type uuid: str :param new_image_name: optionally update the upload's image_name :type new_image_name: str :param new_settings: optionally update the upload's settings :type new_settings: dict """ upload = get_upload(ucfg, uuid) validate_settings( ucfg, upload.provider_name, new_settings or upload.settings, new_image_name or upload.image_name, ) if new_image_name: upload.image_name = new_image_name if new_settings: upload.settings = new_settings upload.reset(_write_callback(ucfg)) def cancel_upload(ucfg, uuid): """Cancel an upload :param ucfg: the compose config :type ucfg: ComposerConfig :param uuid: the UUID of the upload to cancel :type uuid: str """ get_upload(ucfg, uuid).cancel(_write_callback(ucfg)) def delete_upload(ucfg, uuid): """Delete an upload :param ucfg: the compose config :type ucfg: ComposerConfig :param uuid: the UUID of the upload to delete :type uuid: str """ upload = get_upload(ucfg, uuid) if upload and upload.is_cancellable(): upload.cancel() os.remove(_get_upload_path(ucfg, uuid)) def start_upload_monitor(ucfg): """Start a thread that manages the upload queue :param ucfg: the compose config :type ucfg: ComposerConfig """ process = Process(target=_monitor, args=(ucfg,)) process.daemon = True process.start() def _monitor(ucfg): log.info("Started upload monitor.") for upload in get_all_uploads(ucfg): # Set abandoned uploads to FAILED if upload.status == "RUNNING": upload.set_status("FAILED", _write_callback(ucfg)) pool = Pool(processes=SIMULTANEOUS_UPLOADS) pool_uuids = set() def remover(uuid): return lambda _: pool_uuids.remove(uuid) while True: # Every second, scoop up READY uploads from the filesystem and throw # them in the pool all_uploads = get_all_uploads(ucfg) for upload in sorted(all_uploads, key=attrgetter("creation_time")): ready = upload.status == "READY" if ready and upload.uuid not in pool_uuids: log.info("Starting upload %s...", upload.uuid) pool_uuids.add(upload.uuid) callback = remover(upload.uuid) pool.apply_async( upload.execute, (_write_callback(ucfg),), callback=callback, error_callback=callback, ) time.sleep(1)