# # ltmpl.py # # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Red Hat Author(s): Martin Gracik # Will Woods # import logging logger = logging.getLogger("pylorax.ltmpl") import os, re, glob, shlex, fnmatch from os.path import basename, isdir from subprocess import check_call from sysutils import joinpaths, cpfile, mvfile, replace, remove from yumhelper import * # Lorax*Callback classes from base import DataHolder from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup from mako.exceptions import text_error_template import sys, traceback class LoraxTemplate(object): def __init__(self, directories=["/usr/share/lorax"]): # we have to add ["/"] to the template lookup directories or the # file includes won't work properly for absolute paths self.directories = ["/"] + directories def parse(self, template_file, variables): lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=self.directories) template = lookup.get_template(template_file) try: textbuf = template.render(**variables) except: logger.error(text_error_template().render()) raise # split, strip and remove empty lines lines = textbuf.splitlines() lines = map(lambda line: line.strip(), lines) lines = filter(lambda line: line, lines) # remove comments lines = filter(lambda line: not line.startswith("#"), lines) # mako template now returns unicode strings lines = map(lambda line: line.encode("utf8"), lines) # split with shlex and perform brace expansion lines = map(split_and_expand, lines) self.lines = lines return lines def split_and_expand(line): return [exp for word in shlex.split(line) for exp in brace_expand(word)] def brace_expand(s): if not ('{' in s and ',' in s and '}' in s): yield s else: right = s.find('}') left = s[:right].rfind('{') (prefix, choices, suffix) = (s[:left], s[left+1:right], s[right+1:]) for choice in choices.split(','): for alt in brace_expand(prefix+choice+suffix): yield alt def rglob(pathname, root="/", fatal=False): seen = set() rootlen = len(root)+1 for f in glob.iglob(joinpaths(root, pathname)): if f not in seen: seen.add(f) yield f[rootlen:] # remove the root to produce relative path if fatal and not seen: raise IOError, "nothing matching %s in %s" % (pathname, root) def rexists(pathname, root=""): return True if rglob(pathname, root) else False # XXX NOTE: symlinks to stuff outside inroot/outroot will make us operate # on files outside our roots (e.g. deleting files on the host system). # TODO: operate inside an actual chroot for safety? Not that RPM bothers.. class LoraxTemplateRunner(object): def __init__(self, inroot, outroot, yum=None, fatalerrors=True, templatedir=None, defaults={}): self.inroot = inroot self.outroot = outroot self.yum = yum self.fatalerrors = fatalerrors self.templatedir = templatedir or "/usr/share/lorax" # some builtin methods self.builtins = DataHolder(exists=lambda p: rexists(p, root=inroot), glob=lambda g: list(rglob(g, root=inroot))) self.defaults = defaults self.results = DataHolder(treeinfo=dict()) # just treeinfo for now # TODO: set up custom logger with a filter to add line info def _out(self, path): return joinpaths(self.outroot, path) def _in(self, path): return joinpaths(self.inroot, path) def _filelist(self, *pkgs): pkglist = self.yum.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow="installed", patterns=pkgs) return set([f for pkg in pkglist.installed for f in pkg.filelist+pkg.ghostlist]) def _getsize(self, *files): return sum(os.path.getsize(self._out(f)) for f in files if os.path.isfile(self._out(f))) def run(self, templatefile, **variables): for k,v in self.defaults.items() + self.builtins.items(): variables.setdefault(k,v) logger.debug("parsing %s", templatefile) self.templatefile = templatefile t = LoraxTemplate(directories=[self.templatedir]) commands = t.parse(templatefile, variables) self._run(commands) def _run(self, parsed_template): logger.info("running %s", self.templatefile) for (num, line) in enumerate(parsed_template,1): logger.debug("template line %i: %s", num, " ".join(line)) skiperror = False (cmd, args) = (line[0], line[1:]) # Following Makefile convention, if the command is prefixed with # a dash ('-'), we'll ignore any errors on that line. if cmd.startswith('-'): cmd = cmd[1:] skiperror = True try: # grab the method named in cmd and pass it the given arguments f = getattr(self, cmd, None) if cmd[0] == '_' or cmd == 'run' or not callable(f): raise ValueError, "unknown command %s" % cmd f(*args) except Exception: if skiperror: logger.error("template command error in %s (ignored):", self.templatefile) logger.error(" %s", " ".join(line)) continue logger.error("template command error in %s:", self.templatefile) logger.error(" %s", " ".join(line)) # format the exception traceback exclines = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) # skip the bit about "ltmpl.py, in _run()" - we know that exclines.pop(1) # log the "ErrorType: this is what happened" line logger.error(" " + exclines[-1].strip()) # and log the entire traceback to the debug log for line in ''.join(exclines).splitlines(): logger.debug(" " + line) if self.fatalerrors: raise def install(self, srcglob, dest): ''' install SRC DEST Copy the given file (or files, if a glob is used) from the input tree to the given destination in the output tree. The path to DEST must exist in the output tree. If DEST is a directory, SRC will be copied into that directory. If DEST doesn't exist, SRC will be copied to a file with that name, assuming the rest of the path exists. This is pretty much like how the 'cp' command works. Examples: install usr/share/myconfig/grub.conf /boot install /usr/share/myconfig/grub.conf.in /boot/grub.conf ''' for src in rglob(self._in(srcglob), fatal=True): cpfile(src, self._out(dest)) def mkdir(self, *dirs): ''' mkdir DIR [DIR ...] Create the named DIR(s). Will create leading directories as needed. Example: mkdir /images ''' for d in dirs: d = self._out(d) if not isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) def replace(self, pat, repl, *fileglobs): ''' replace PATTERN REPLACEMENT FILEGLOB [FILEGLOB ...] Find-and-replace the given PATTERN (Python-style regex) with the given REPLACEMENT string for each of the files listed. Example: replace @VERSION@ ${product.version} /boot/grub.conf /boot/isolinux.cfg ''' match = False for g in fileglobs: for f in rglob(self._out(g)): match = True replace(f, pat, repl) if not match: raise IOError, "no files matched %s" % " ".join(fileglobs) def append(self, filename, data): ''' append FILE STRING Append STRING (followed by a newline character) to FILE. Python character escape sequences ('\\n', '\\t', etc.) will be converted to the appropriate characters. Examples: append /etc/depmod.d/dd.conf "search updates built-in" append /etc/resolv.conf "" ''' with open(self._out(filename), "a") as fobj: fobj.write(data.decode('string_escape')+"\n") def treeinfo(self, section, key, *valuetoks): ''' treeinfo SECTION KEY ARG [ARG ...] Add an item to the treeinfo data store. The given SECTION will have a new item added where KEY = ARG ARG ... Example: treeinfo images-${kernel.arch} boot.iso images/boot.iso ''' if section not in self.results.treeinfo: self.results.treeinfo[section] = dict() self.results.treeinfo[section][key] = " ".join(valuetoks) def installkernel(self, section, src, dest): ''' installkernel SECTION SRC DEST Install the kernel from SRC in the input tree to DEST in the output tree, and then add an item to the treeinfo data store, in the named SECTION, where "kernel" = DEST. Equivalent to: install SRC DEST treeinfo SECTION kernel DEST ''' self.install(src, dest) self.treeinfo(section, "kernel", dest) def installinitrd(self, section, src, dest): ''' installinitrd SECTION SRC DEST Same as installkernel, but for "initrd". ''' self.install(src, dest) self.treeinfo(section, "initrd", dest) def hardlink(self, src, dest): ''' hardlink SRC DEST Create a hardlink at DEST which is linked to SRC. ''' if isdir(self._out(dest)): dest = joinpaths(dest, basename(src)) os.link(self._out(src), self._out(dest)) def symlink(self, target, dest): ''' symlink SRC DEST Create a symlink at DEST which points to SRC. ''' if rexists(self._out(dest)): self.remove(dest) os.symlink(target, self._out(dest)) def copy(self, src, dest): ''' copy SRC DEST Copy SRC to DEST. If DEST is a directory, SRC will be copied inside it. If DEST doesn't exist, SRC will be copied to a file with that name, if the path leading to it exists. ''' cpfile(self._out(src), self._out(dest)) def move(self, src, dest): ''' move SRC DEST Move SRC to DEST. ''' mvfile(self._out(src), self._out(dest)) def remove(self, *fileglobs): ''' remove FILEGLOB [FILEGLOB ...] Remove all the named files or directories. Will *not* raise exceptions if the file(s) are not found. ''' for g in fileglobs: for f in rglob(self._out(g)): remove(f) def chmod(self, fileglob, mode): ''' chmod FILEGLOB OCTALMODE Change the mode of all the files matching FILEGLOB to OCTALMODE. ''' for f in rglob(self._out(fileglob), fatal=True): os.chmod(f, int(mode,8)) # TODO: do we need a new command for gsettings? def gconfset(self, path, keytype, value, outfile=None): ''' gconfset PATH KEYTYPE VALUE [OUTFILE] Set the given gconf PATH, with type KEYTYPE, to the given value. OUTFILE defaults to /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults if not given. Example: gconfset /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces int 1 ''' if outfile is None: outfile = self._out("etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults") check_call(["gconftool-2", "--direct", "--config-source=xml:readwrite:%s" % outfile, "--set", "--type", keytype, path, value]) def log(self, msg): ''' log MESSAGE Emit the given log message. Be sure to put it in quotes! Example: log "Reticulating splines, please wait..." ''' logger.info(msg) # TODO: add ssh-keygen, mkisofs(?), find, and other useful commands def runcmd(self, *cmdlist): ''' runcmd CMD [--chdir=DIR] [ARG ...] Run the given command with the given arguments. If "--chdir=DIR" is given, change to the named directory before executing the command. NOTE: All paths given MUST be COMPLETE, ABSOLUTE PATHS to the file or files mentioned. ${root}/${inroot}/${outroot} are good for constructing these paths. FURTHER NOTE: Please use this command only as a last resort! Whenever possible, you should use the existing template commands. If the existing commands don't do what you need, fix them! Examples: (this should be replaced with a "find" function) runcmd find ${root} -name "*.pyo" -type f -delete %for f in find(root, name="*.pyo"): remove ${f} %endfor ''' chdir = lambda: None cmd = cmdlist if cmd[0].startswith("--chdir="): dirname = cmd[0].split('=',1)[1] chdir = lambda: os.chdir(dirname) cmd = cmd[1:] check_call(cmd, preexec_fn=chdir) def installpkg(self, *pkgs): ''' installpkg PKGGLOB [PKGGLOB ...] Request installation of all packages matching the given globs. Note that this is just a *request* - nothing is *actually* installed until the 'run_pkg_transaction' command is given. ''' for p in pkgs: try: self.yum.install(pattern=p) except Exception as e: # FIXME: save exception and re-raise after the loop finishes logger.warn("installpkg %s failed: %s",p,str(e)) def removepkg(self, *pkgs): ''' removepkg PKGGLOB [PKGGLOB...] Delete the named package(s). IMPLEMENTATION NOTES: RPM scriptlets (%preun/%postun) are *not* run. Files are deleted, but directories are left behind. ''' for p in pkgs: filepaths = [f.lstrip('/') for f in self._filelist(p)] # TODO: also remove directories that aren't owned by anything else if filepaths: logger.debug("removepkg %s: %ikb", p, self._getsize(*filepaths)/1024) self.remove(*filepaths) else: logger.debug("removepkg %s: no files to remove!", p) def run_pkg_transaction(self): ''' run_pkg_transaction Actually install all the packages requested by previous 'installpkg' commands. ''' self.yum.buildTransaction() self.yum.repos.setProgressBar(LoraxDownloadCallback()) self.yum.processTransaction(callback=LoraxTransactionCallback(), rpmDisplay=LoraxRpmCallback()) self.yum.closeRpmDB() def removefrom(self, pkg, *globs): ''' removefrom PKGGLOB [--allbut] FILEGLOB [FILEGLOB...] Remove all files matching the given file globs from the package (or packages) named. If '--allbut' is used, all the files from the given package(s) will be removed *except* the ones which match the file globs. Examples: removefrom usbutils /usr/bin/* removefrom xfsprogs --allbut /sbin/* ''' cmd = "%s %s" % (pkg, " ".join(globs)) # save for later logging keepmatches = False if globs[0] == '--allbut': keepmatches = True globs = globs[1:] # get pkg filelist and find files that match the globs filelist = self._filelist(pkg) matches = set() for g in globs: globs_re = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(g)) m = filter(globs_re.match, filelist) if m: matches.update(m) else: logger.debug("removefrom %s %s: no files matched!", pkg, g) # are we removing the matches, or keeping only the matches? if keepmatches: remove = filelist.difference(matches) else: remove = matches # remove the files if remove: logger.debug("%s: removed %i/%i files, %ikb/%ikb", cmd, len(remove), len(filelist), self._getsize(*remove)/1024, self._getsize(*filelist)/1024) self.remove(*remove) else: logger.debug("%s: no files to remove!", cmd)