#!/usr/bin/python3 import tempfile import composertest class LoraxTestCase(composertest.ComposerTestCase): def setUp(self): self.setUpTestMachine() # Upload the contents of the ./tests/ directory to the machine (it must have beakerlib already installed) self.machine.upload(["../tests"], "/") def tearDown(self): super().tearDownTestMachine() def runLoraxTest(self, script): extra_env = [] if self.sit: extra_env.append("COMPOSER_TEST_FAIL_FAST=1") r = self.execute(["TEST=" + self.id(), *extra_env, "/tests/test_lorax.sh", script]) self.assertEqual(r.returncode, 0) def runShellTest(self, script): """Run a shell script directly, without the beakerlib wrapper""" extra_env = [] r = self.execute(["TEST=" + self.id(), *extra_env, script]) self.assertEqual(r.returncode, 0) class TestLorax(LoraxTestCase): def test_boot_iso(self): self.runLoraxTest("/tests/lorax/test_build_bootiso.sh") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="/var/tmp/lorax-test.") as tmpdir: # Copy the resulting iso and shut down the VM self.tearDownVirt(virt_dir="/var/tmp/test-results/*", local_dir=tmpdir) # Boot the image, login with ssh (no key needed) self.setUpTestMachine(tmpdir + "/images/boot.iso") # Upload the contents of the ./tests/ directory to the machine self.machine.upload(["../tests"], "/") # Run the test on the booted image # NOTE: The boot.iso cannot run beakerlib so this test is called directly self.runShellTest("/tests/lorax/test_boot_bootiso.sh") if __name__ == '__main__': composertest.main()