#!/usr/bin/env bash # Monkey-patch beakerlib to exit on first failure if COMPOSER_TEST_FAIL_FAST is # set. https://github.com/beakerlib/beakerlib/issues/42 if [ "$COMPOSER_TEST_FAIL_FAST" == "1" ]; then eval "original$(declare -f __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail)" __INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail () { original__INTERNAL_LogAndJournalFail # end test somewhat cleanly so that beakerlib logs the FAIL correctly rlPhaseEnd rlJournalEnd exit 1 } fi # a generic helper function unifying the specific checks executed on a running # image instance verify_image() { SSH_USER="$1" SSH_MACHINE="$2" SSH_OPTS="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $3" rlLogInfo "verify_image: SSH_OPTS:'$SSH_OPTS' SSH_USER:'$SSH_USER' SSH_MACHINE: '$SSH_MACHINE'" check_root_account "$@" check_kernel_cmdline "$@" } check_root_account() { # Try to SSH to a remote machine first using root account using password-based # auth (this is expected to fail) and then using key-based auth with the # supplied username to check content of /etc/shadow and audit.log. # # use: check_root_account [ssh options] ROOT_ACCOUNT_LOCKED=${ROOT_ACCOUNT_LOCKED:-1} if [[ "$SSH_USER" == "" || "$SSH_MACHINE" == "" ]]; then rlFail "check_root_account: Missing user or machine parameter." return 1 fi if [ $ROOT_ACCOUNT_LOCKED == 0 ]; then rlRun -t -c "ssh $SSH_OPTS ${SSH_USER}@${SSH_MACHINE} \"sudo grep '^root::' /etc/shadow\"" \ 0 "Password for root account in /etc/shadow is empty" else # ssh returns 255 in case of any ssh error, so it's better to grep the specific error message rlRun -t -c "ssh $SSH_OPTS -o PubkeyAuthentication=no root@${SSH_MACHINE} 2>&1 | grep -i 'permission denied ('" \ 0 "Can't ssh to '$SSH_MACHINE' as root using password-based auth" rlRun -t -c "ssh $SSH_OPTS ${SSH_USER}@${SSH_MACHINE} \"sudo grep -E '^root:(\*LOCK\*|!):' /etc/shadow\"" \ 0 "root account is disabled in /etc/shadow" rlRun -t -c "ssh $SSH_OPTS ${SSH_USER}@${SSH_MACHINE} \"sudo grep 'USER_LOGIN.*acct=\\\"root\\\".*terminal=ssh.*res=failed' /var/log/audit/audit.log\"" \ 0 "audit.log contains entry about unsuccessful root login" # We modify the default sshd settings on live ISO, so we can only check the default empty password setting # outside of live ISO rlRun -t -c "ssh $SSH_OPTS ${SSH_USER}@${SSH_MACHINE} 'sudo grep -E \"^[[:blank:]]*PermitEmptyPasswords[[:blank:]]*yes\" /etc/ssh/sshd_config'" 1 \ "Login with empty passwords is disabled in sshd config file" fi rlRun -t -c "ssh $SSH_OPTS ${SSH_USER}@${SSH_MACHINE} 'cat /etc/redhat-release'" } # verify that a kernel command line argument was passed from the blueprint (this is added to the blueprint in ../test_cli.sh) check_kernel_cmdline() { rlRun -t -c "ssh $SSH_OPTS ${SSH_USER}@${SSH_MACHINE} 'grep custom_cmdline_arg /proc/cmdline'" 0 \ "System booted from the image contains specified parameter on kernel command line" } # Fail if the compose failed, only call after checking for FINISHED|FAILED check_compose_status() { UUID="$1" if "$CLI" compose info "$UUID" | grep FAILED; then rlFail "compose $UUID FAILED" return 1 fi }