# # executil.py - subprocess execution utility functions # # Copyright (C) 1999-2011 # Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Erik Troan # import os, sys import subprocess import threading import logging log = logging.getLogger("pylorax") program_log = logging.getLogger("program") class ExecProduct(object): def __init__(self, rc, stdout, stderr): self.rc = rc self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr #Python reimplementation of the shell tee process, so we can #feed the pipe output into two places at the same time class tee(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, inputdesc, outputdesc, logmethod, command): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.inputdesc = os.fdopen(inputdesc, "r") self.outputdesc = outputdesc self.logmethod = logmethod self.running = True self.command = command def run(self): while self.running: try: data = self.inputdesc.readline() except IOError: self.logmethod("Can't read from pipe during a call to %s. " "(program terminated suddenly?)" % self.command) break if data == "": self.running = False else: self.logmethod(data.rstrip('\n')) os.write(self.outputdesc, data) def stop(self): self.running = False return self ## Run an external program and redirect the output to a file. # @param command The command to run. # @param argv A list of arguments. # @param stdin The file descriptor to read stdin from. # @param stdout The file descriptor to redirect stdout to. # @param stderr The file descriptor to redirect stderr to. # @param root The directory to chroot to before running command. # @param preexec_fn function to pass to Popen # @param cwd working directory to pass to Popen # @return The return code of command. def execWithRedirect(command, argv, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, root = None, preexec_fn=None, cwd=None): def chroot (): os.chroot(root) stdinclose = stdoutclose = stderrclose = lambda : None argv = list(argv) if isinstance(stdin, str): if os.access(stdin, os.R_OK): stdin = os.open(stdin, os.O_RDONLY) stdinclose = lambda : os.close(stdin) else: stdin = sys.stdin.fileno() elif isinstance(stdin, int): pass elif stdin is None or not isinstance(stdin, file): stdin = sys.stdin.fileno() if isinstance(stdout, str): stdout = os.open(stdout, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT) stdoutclose = lambda : os.close(stdout) elif isinstance(stdout, int): pass elif stdout is None or not isinstance(stdout, file): stdout = sys.stdout.fileno() if isinstance(stderr, str): stderr = os.open(stderr, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT) stderrclose = lambda : os.close(stderr) elif isinstance(stderr, int): pass elif stderr is None or not isinstance(stderr, file): stderr = sys.stderr.fileno() program_log.info("Running... %s" % (" ".join([command] + argv),)) #prepare os pipes for feeding tee proceses pstdout, pstdin = os.pipe() perrout, perrin = os.pipe() env = os.environ.copy() env.update({"LC_ALL": "C"}) if root: preexec_fn = chroot cwd = root program_log.info("chrooting into %s" % (cwd,)) elif cwd: program_log.info("chdiring into %s" % (cwd,)) try: #prepare tee proceses proc_std = tee(pstdout, stdout, program_log.info, command) proc_err = tee(perrout, stderr, program_log.error, command) #start monitoring the outputs proc_std.start() proc_err.start() proc = subprocess.Popen([command] + argv, stdin=stdin, stdout=pstdin, stderr=perrin, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, cwd=cwd, env=env) proc.wait() ret = proc.returncode #close the input ends of pipes so we get EOF in the tee processes os.close(pstdin) os.close(perrin) #wait for the output to be written and destroy them proc_std.join() del proc_std proc_err.join() del proc_err stdinclose() stdoutclose() stderrclose() except OSError as e: errstr = "Error running %s: %s" % (command, e.strerror) log.error(errstr) program_log.error(errstr) #close the input ends of pipes so we get EOF in the tee processes os.close(pstdin) os.close(perrin) proc_std.join() proc_err.join() stdinclose() stdoutclose() stderrclose() raise RuntimeError, errstr return ret ## Run an external program and capture standard out. # @param command The command to run. # @param argv A list of arguments. # @param stdin The file descriptor to read stdin from. # @param stderr The file descriptor to redirect stderr to. # @param root The directory to chroot to before running command. # @param preexec_fn function to pass to Popen # @param cwd working directory to pass to Popen # @return The output of command from stdout. def execWithCapture(command, argv, stdin = None, stderr = None, root=None, preexec_fn=None, cwd=None): def chroot(): os.chroot(root) def closefds (): stdinclose() stderrclose() stdinclose = stderrclose = lambda : None rc = "" argv = list(argv) if isinstance(stdin, str): if os.access(stdin, os.R_OK): stdin = os.open(stdin, os.O_RDONLY) stdinclose = lambda : os.close(stdin) else: stdin = sys.stdin.fileno() elif isinstance(stdin, int): pass elif stdin is None or not isinstance(stdin, file): stdin = sys.stdin.fileno() if isinstance(stderr, str): stderr = os.open(stderr, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT) stderrclose = lambda : os.close(stderr) elif isinstance(stderr, int): pass elif stderr is None or not isinstance(stderr, file): stderr = sys.stderr.fileno() program_log.info("Running... %s" % (" ".join([command] + argv),)) env = os.environ.copy() env.update({"LC_ALL": "C"}) if root: preexec_fn = chroot cwd = root program_log.info("chrooting into %s" % (cwd,)) elif cwd: program_log.info("chdiring into %s" % (cwd,)) try: proc = subprocess.Popen([command] + argv, stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, cwd=cwd, env=env) while True: (outStr, errStr) = proc.communicate() if outStr: map(program_log.info, outStr.splitlines()) rc += outStr if errStr: map(program_log.error, errStr.splitlines()) os.write(stderr, errStr) if proc.returncode is not None: break except OSError as e: log.error ("Error running " + command + ": " + e.strerror) closefds() raise RuntimeError, "Error running " + command + ": " + e.strerror closefds() return rc def execWithCallback(command, argv, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, echo = True, callback = None, callback_data = None, root = '/'): def chroot(): os.chroot(root) def closefds (): stdinclose() stdoutclose() stderrclose() stdinclose = stdoutclose = stderrclose = lambda : None argv = list(argv) if isinstance(stdin, str): if os.access(stdin, os.R_OK): stdin = os.open(stdin, os.O_RDONLY) stdinclose = lambda : os.close(stdin) else: stdin = sys.stdin.fileno() elif isinstance(stdin, int): pass elif stdin is None or not isinstance(stdin, file): stdin = sys.stdin.fileno() if isinstance(stdout, str): stdout = os.open(stdout, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT) stdoutclose = lambda : os.close(stdout) elif isinstance(stdout, int): pass elif stdout is None or not isinstance(stdout, file): stdout = sys.stdout.fileno() if isinstance(stderr, str): stderr = os.open(stderr, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT) stderrclose = lambda : os.close(stderr) elif isinstance(stderr, int): pass elif stderr is None or not isinstance(stderr, file): stderr = sys.stderr.fileno() program_log.info("Running... %s" % (" ".join([command] + argv),)) p = os.pipe() p_stderr = os.pipe() childpid = os.fork() if not childpid: os.close(p[0]) os.close(p_stderr[0]) os.dup2(p[1], 1) os.dup2(p_stderr[1], 2) os.dup2(stdin, 0) os.close(stdin) os.close(p[1]) os.close(p_stderr[1]) os.execvp(command, [command] + argv) os._exit(1) os.close(p[1]) os.close(p_stderr[1]) log_output = '' while 1: try: s = os.read(p[0], 1) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 4: map(program_log.info, log_output.splitlines()) raise IOError, e.args if echo: os.write(stdout, s) log_output += s if callback: callback(s, callback_data=callback_data) # break out early if the sub-process changes status. # no need to flush the stream if the process has exited try: (pid, status) = os.waitpid(childpid,os.WNOHANG) if pid != 0: break except OSError as e: log.critical("exception from waitpid: %s %s" %(e.errno, e.strerror)) if len(s) < 1: break map(program_log.info, log_output.splitlines()) log_errors = '' while 1: try: err = os.read(p_stderr[0], 128) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 4: map(program_log.error, log_errors.splitlines()) raise IOError, e.args break log_errors += err if len(err) < 1: break os.write(stderr, log_errors) map(program_log.error, log_errors.splitlines()) os.close(p[0]) os.close(p_stderr[0]) try: #if we didn't already get our child's exit status above, do so now. if not pid: (pid, status) = os.waitpid(childpid, 0) except OSError as e: log.critical("exception from waitpid: %s %s" %(e.errno, e.strerror)) closefds() rc = 1 if os.WIFEXITED(status): rc = os.WEXITSTATUS(status) return ExecProduct(rc, log_output , log_errors) def _pulseProgressCallback(data, callback_data=None): if callback_data: callback_data.pulse() def execWithPulseProgress(command, argv, stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None, echo = True, progress = None, root = '/'): return execWithCallback(command, argv, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, echo=echo, callback=_pulseProgressCallback, callback_data=progress, root=root) ## Run a shell. def execConsole(): try: proc = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/sh"]) proc.wait() except OSError as e: raise RuntimeError, "Error running /bin/sh: " + e.strerror