# # pylorax # Install image and tree support data generation tool -- Python module. # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): David Cantrell # version = (0, 1) import os import shutil import tempfile import yum import rpmUtils import discinfo import treeinfo from instroot import InstRoot class Lorax: def __init__(self, repos=[], output=None, mirrorlist=[], updates=None): self.conf = {} self.conf['confdir'] = '/etc/lorax' self.conf['tmpdir'] = tempfile.gettempdir() self.conf['datadir'] = '/usr/share/lorax' self.repos = repos self.output = output self.mirrorlist = mirrorlist self.updates = updates def run(self): """run() Generate install images. """ print("\n+=======================================================+") print("| Setting up work directories and configuration data... |") print("+=======================================================+\n") if repos != []: self.repo, self.extrarepos = self.__collectRepos(repos) else: self.repo = None self.extrarepos = [] self.buildinstdir, self.treedir, self.cachedir = self.__initializeDirs() self.yumconf = self.__writeYumConf() print("\n+================================================+") print("| Creating instroot tree to build images from... |") print("+================================================+\n") self.instroot = InstRoot(conf=self.conf, yumconf=self.yumconf, arch=self.getBuildArch(), treedir=self.treedir, updates=self.updates) self.instroot.run() def showVersion(self, driver=None): """showVersion(driver) Display program name (driver) and version number. If prog is an empty string or None, use the value 'pylorax'. """ if prog is None or prog == '': prog = 'pylorax' print "%s version %d.%d" % (prog, version[0], version[1],) def cleanup(self, trash=[]): """cleanup(trash) Given a list of things to remove, cleanup() will remove them if it can. Never fails, just tries to remove things and returns regardless of failures removing things. """ if trash != []: for item in trash: if os.path.isdir(item): shutil.rmtree(item, ignore_errors=True) else: os.unlink(item) if os.path.isdir(self.conf['tmpdir']): shutil.rmtree(self.conf['tmpdir'], ignore_errors=True) def getBuildArch(self): """getBuildArch() Query the configured yum repositories to determine our build architecture, which is the architecture of the anaconda package in the repositories. This function is based on a subset of what repoquery(1) does. """ uname_arch = os.uname()[4] if self.yumconf == '' or self.yumconf is None or not os.path.isfile(self.yumconf): print "RETURN HERE" return uname_arch repoq = yum.YumBase() repoq.doConfigSetup() try: repoq.doRepoSetup() except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: could not query yum repository for build arch, defaulting to %s\n" % (uname_arch,)) return uname_arch repoq.doSackSetup(rpmUtils.arch.getArchList()) repoq.doTsSetup() ret_arch = None for pkg in repoq.pkgSack.simplePkgList(): (n, a, e, v, r) = pkg if n == 'anaconda': ret_arch = a break if ret_arch is None: ret_arch = uname_arch print("Building images for %s" % (ret_arch,)) return ret_arch def __collectRepos(self, repos): """_collectRepos(repos) Get the main repo (the first one) and then build a list of all remaining repos in the list. Sanitize each repo URL for proper yum syntax. """ if repos is None or repos == []: return '', [] repolist = [] for repospec in repos: if repospec.startswith('/'): repo = "file://%s" % (repospec,) print("Adding local repo:\n %s" % (repo,)) repolist.append(repo) elif repospec.startswith('http://') or repospec.startswith('ftp://'): print("Adding remote repo:\n %s" % (repospec,)) repolist.append(repospec) repo = repolist[0] extrarepos = [] if len(repolist) > 1: for extra in repolist[1:]: print("Adding extra repo:\n %s" % (extra,)) extrarepos.append(extra) return repo, extrarepos def __initializeDirs(self): """_initializeDirs() Create directories used for image generation. """ if not os.path.isdir(self.output): os.makedirs(self.output, mode=0755) self.conf['tmpdir'] = tempfile.mkdtemp('XXXXXX', 'lorax.tmp.', self.conf['tmpdir']) buildinstdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('XXXXXX', 'buildinstall.tree.', self.conf['tmpdir']) treedir = tempfile.mkdtemp('XXXXXX', 'treedir.', self.conf['tmpdir']) cachedir = tempfile.mkdtemp('XXXXXX', 'yumcache.', self.conf['tmpdir']) print("Working directories:") print(" tmpdir = %s" % (self.conf['tmpdir'],)) print(" buildinstdir = %s" % (buildinstdir,)) print(" treedir = %s" % (treedir,)) print(" cachedir = %s" % (cachedir,)) return buildinstdir, treedir, cachedir def __writeYumConf(self): """_writeYumConf() Generate a temporary yum.conf file for image generation. Returns the path to the temporary yum.conf file on success, None of failure. """ tmpdir = self.conf['tmpdir'] (fd, yumconf) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='yum.conf', dir=tmpdir) f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') f.write("[main]\n") f.write("cachedir=%s\n" % (self.cachedir,)) f.write("keepcache=0\n") f.write("gpgcheck=0\n") f.write("plugins=0\n") f.write("reposdir=\n") f.write("tsflags=nodocs\n\n") f.write("[loraxrepo]\n") f.write("name=lorax repo\n") f.write("baseurl=%s\n" % (self.repo,)) f.write("enabled=1\n\n") if self.extrarepos != []: n = 1 for extra in self.extrarepos: f.write("[lorax-extrarepo-%d]\n" % (n,)) f.write("name=lorax extra repo %d\n" % (n,)) f.write("baseurl=%s\n" % (extra,)) f.write("enabled=1\n") n += 1 if self.mirrorlist != []: n = 1 for mirror in self.mirrorlist: f.write("[lorax-mirrorlistrepo-%d]\n" % (n,)) f.write("name=lorax mirrorlist repo %d\n" % (n,)) f.write("mirrorlist=%s\n" % (mirror,)) f.write("enabled=1\n") n += 1 f.close() print("Wrote lorax yum configuration to %s" % (yumconf,)) return yumconf