# Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("pylorax")
import glob
import json
from math import ceil
import os
import subprocess
import shutil
import socket
import tempfile
# Use the Lorax treebuilder branch for iso creation
from pylorax.executils import execWithRedirect, execReadlines
from pylorax.imgutils import PartitionMount, mksparse, mkext4img, loop_detach
from pylorax.imgutils import get_loop_name, dm_detach, mount, umount
from pylorax.imgutils import mkqemu_img, mktar, mkcpio, mkfsimage_from_disk
from pylorax.monitor import LogMonitor
from pylorax.mount import IsoMountpoint
from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths
from pylorax.treebuilder import udev_escape
ROOT_PATH = "/mnt/sysimage/"
[docs]class InstallError(Exception):
[docs]def find_free_port(start=5900, end=5999, host=""):
""" Return first free port in range.
:param int start: Starting port number
:param int end: Ending port number
:param str host: Host IP to search
:returns: First free port or -1 if none found
:rtype: int
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
for port in range(start, end+1):
s.bind((host, port))
return port
except OSError:
return -1
[docs]def append_initrd(initrd, files):
""" Append files to an initrd.
:param str initrd: Path to initrd
:param list files: list of file paths to add
:returns: Path to a new initrd
:rtype: str
The files are added to the initrd by creating a cpio image
of the files (stored at /) and writing the cpio to the end of a
copy of the initrd.
The initrd is not changed, a copy is made before appending the
cpio archive.
qemu_initrd = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="lmc-initrd-", suffix=".img")
shutil.copy2(initrd, qemu_initrd)
ks_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lmc-ksdir-")
for ks in files:
shutil.copy2(ks, ks_dir)
ks_initrd = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="lmc-ks-", suffix=".img")
mkcpio(ks_dir, ks_initrd)
with open(qemu_initrd, "ab") as initrd_fp:
with open(ks_initrd, "rb") as ks_fp:
while True:
data = ks_fp.read(1024**2)
if not data:
return qemu_initrd
[docs]class QEMUInstall(object):
Run qemu using an iso and a kickstart
def __init__(self, opts, iso, ks_paths, disk_img, img_size=2048,
kernel_args=None, memory=1024, vcpus=None, vnc=None, arch=None,
cancel_func=None, virtio_host="", virtio_port=6080,
image_type=None, boot_uefi=False, ovmf_path=None):
Start the installation
:param iso: Information about the iso to use for the installation
:type iso: IsoMountpoint
:param list ks_paths: Paths to kickstart files. All are injected, the
first one is the one executed.
:param str disk_img: Path to a disk image, created it it doesn't exist
:param int img_size: The image size, in MiB, to create if it doesn't exist
:param str kernel_args: Extra kernel arguments to pass on the kernel cmdline
:param int memory: Amount of RAM to assign to the virt, in MiB
:param int vcpus: Number of virtual cpus
:param str vnc: Arguments to pass to qemu -display
:param str arch: Optional architecture to use in the virt
:param cancel_func: Function that returns True if the installation fails
:type cancel_func: function
:param str virtio_host: Hostname to connect virtio log to
:param int virtio_port: Port to connect virtio log to
:param str image_type: Type of qemu-img disk to create, or None.
:param bool boot_uefi: Use OVMF to boot the VM in UEFI mode
:param str ovmf_path: Path to the OVMF firmware
# RHEL8 only has /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm so we have to use that.
qemu_cmd = ["/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm"]
if not os.path.exists(qemu_cmd[0]):
raise InstallError("%s does not exist, cannot run qemu" % qemu_cmd[0])
qemu_cmd += ["-no-user-config"]
qemu_cmd += ["-m", str(memory)]
if vcpus:
qemu_cmd += ["-smp", str(vcpus)]
if not opts.no_kvm and os.path.exists("/dev/kvm"):
qemu_cmd += ["-machine", "accel=kvm"]
if boot_uefi:
qemu_cmd += ["-machine", "q35,smm=on"]
qemu_cmd += ["-global", "driver=cfi.pflash01,property=secure,value=on"]
# Copy the initrd from the iso, create a cpio archive of the kickstart files
# and append it to the temporary initrd.
qemu_initrd = append_initrd(iso.initrd, ks_paths)
qemu_cmd += ["-kernel", iso.kernel]
qemu_cmd += ["-initrd", qemu_initrd]
# Add the disk and cdrom
if not os.path.isfile(disk_img):
mksparse(disk_img, img_size * 1024**2)
drive_args = "file=%s" % disk_img
drive_args += ",cache=unsafe,discard=unmap"
if image_type:
drive_args += ",format=%s" % image_type
drive_args += ",format=raw"
qemu_cmd += ["-drive", drive_args]
drive_args = "file=%s,media=cdrom,readonly=on" % iso.iso_path
qemu_cmd += ["-drive", drive_args]
# Setup the cmdline args
# ======================
cmdline_args = "ks=file:/%s" % os.path.basename(ks_paths[0])
cmdline_args += " inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=%s" % udev_escape(iso.label)
if opts.proxy:
cmdline_args += " inst.proxy=%s" % opts.proxy
if kernel_args:
cmdline_args += " "+kernel_args
cmdline_args += " inst.text inst.cmdline"
qemu_cmd += ["-append", cmdline_args]
if not opts.vnc:
vnc_port = find_free_port()
if vnc_port == -1:
raise InstallError("No free VNC ports")
display_args = "vnc=" % (vnc_port - 5900)
display_args = opts.vnc
log.info("qemu %s", display_args)
qemu_cmd += ["-nographic", "-monitor", "none", "-serial", "null", "-display", display_args ]
# Setup virtio networking
qemu_cmd += ["-netdev", "user,id=n1", "-device", "virtio-net-pci,netdev=n1"]
# Setup the virtio log port
qemu_cmd += ["-device", "virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0"]
qemu_cmd += ["-device", "virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=1,chardev=charchannel0"
qemu_cmd += ["-chardev", "socket,id=charchannel0,host=%s,port=%s" % (virtio_host, virtio_port)]
# Pass through rng from host
if opts.with_rng != "none":
qemu_cmd += ["-object", "rng-random,id=virtio-rng0,filename=%s" % opts.with_rng]
if boot_uefi:
qemu_cmd += ["-device", "virtio-rng-pci,rng=virtio-rng0,id=rng0,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x9"]
qemu_cmd += ["-device", "virtio-rng-pci,rng=virtio-rng0,id=rng0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x9"]
if boot_uefi and ovmf_path:
qemu_cmd += ["-drive", "file=%s/OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd,if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly=on" % ovmf_path]
# Make a copy of the OVMF_VARS.secboot.fd for this run
ovmf_vars = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="lmc-OVMF_VARS-", suffix=".fd")
shutil.copy2(joinpaths(ovmf_path, "/OVMF_VARS.secboot.fd"), ovmf_vars)
qemu_cmd += ["-drive", "file=%s,if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1" % ovmf_vars]
log.info("Running qemu")
execWithRedirect(qemu_cmd[0], qemu_cmd[1:], reset_lang=False, raise_err=True,
callback=lambda p: not (cancel_func and cancel_func()))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
log.error("Running qemu failed:")
log.error("cmd: %s", " ".join(e.cmd))
log.error("output: %s", e.output or "")
raise InstallError("QEMUInstall failed")
except (OSError, KeyboardInterrupt) as e:
log.error("Running qemu failed: %s", str(e))
raise InstallError("QEMUInstall failed")
if boot_uefi and ovmf_path:
if cancel_func and cancel_func():
log.error("Installation error detected. See logfile for details.")
raise InstallError("QEMUInstall failed")
log.info("Installation finished without errors.")
[docs]def novirt_cancel_check(cancel_funcs, proc):
Check to see if there has been an error in the logs
:param cancel_funcs: list of functions to call, True from any one cancels the build
:type cancel_funcs: list
:param proc: Popen object for the anaconda process
:type proc: subprocess.Popen
:returns: True if the process has been terminated
The cancel_funcs functions should return a True if an error has been detected.
When an error is detected the process is terminated and this returns True
for f in cancel_funcs:
if f():
return True
return False
[docs]def anaconda_cleanup(dirinstall_path):
Cleanup any leftover mounts from anaconda
:param str dirinstall_path: Path where anaconda mounts things
:returns: True if cleanups were successful. False if any of them failed.
If anaconda crashes it may leave things mounted under this path. It will
typically be set to /mnt/sysimage/
Attempts to cleanup may also fail. Catch these and continue trying the
other mountpoints.
rc = True
dirinstall_path = os.path.abspath(dirinstall_path)
# unmount filesystems
for mounted in reversed(open("/proc/mounts").readlines()):
(_device, mountpoint, _rest) = mounted.split(" ", 2)
if mountpoint.startswith(dirinstall_path) and os.path.ismount(mountpoint):
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
log.error("Cleanup of %s failed. See program.log for details", mountpoint)
rc = False
return rc
[docs]def novirt_install(opts, disk_img, disk_size, cancel_func=None, tar_img=None):
Use Anaconda to install to a disk image
:param opts: options passed to livemedia-creator
:type opts: argparse options
:param str disk_img: The full path to the disk image to be created
:param int disk_size: The size of the disk_img in MiB
:param cancel_func: Function that returns True to cancel build
:type cancel_func: function
:param str tar_img: For make_tar_disk, the path to final tarball to be created
This method runs anaconda to create the image and then based on the opts
passed creates a qemu disk image or tarfile.
dirinstall_path = ROOT_PATH
# Clean up /tmp/ from previous runs to prevent stale info from being used
for path in ["/tmp/yum.repos.d/", "/tmp/yum.cache/"]:
if os.path.isdir(path):
args = ["--kickstart", opts.ks[0], "--cmdline", "--loglevel", "debug"]
if opts.anaconda_args:
for arg in opts.anaconda_args:
args += arg.split(" ", 1)
if opts.proxy:
args += ["--proxy", opts.proxy]
if opts.armplatform:
args += ["--armplatform", opts.armplatform]
if opts.make_iso or opts.make_fsimage or opts.make_pxe_live:
# Make a blank fs image
args += ["--dirinstall"]
mkext4img(None, disk_img, label=opts.fs_label, size=disk_size * 1024**2)
if not os.path.isdir(dirinstall_path):
mount(disk_img, opts="loop", mnt=dirinstall_path)
elif opts.make_tar or opts.make_oci:
# Install under dirinstall_path, make sure it starts clean
if os.path.exists(dirinstall_path):
if opts.make_oci:
# OCI installs under /rootfs/
dirinstall_path = joinpaths(dirinstall_path, "rootfs")
args += ["--dirinstall", dirinstall_path]
args += ["--dirinstall"]
args += ["--image", disk_img]
# Create the sparse image
mksparse(disk_img, disk_size * 1024**2)
log_monitor = LogMonitor(timeout=opts.timeout)
args += ["--remotelog", "%s:%s" % (log_monitor.host, log_monitor.port)]
cancel_funcs = [log_monitor.server.log_check]
if cancel_func is not None:
# Make sure anaconda has the right product and release
log.info("Running anaconda.")
for line in execReadlines("anaconda", args, reset_lang=False,
env_add={"ANACONDA_PRODUCTNAME": opts.project,
"ANACONDA_PRODUCTVERSION": opts.releasever},
callback=lambda p: not novirt_cancel_check(cancel_funcs, p)):
# Make sure the new filesystem is correctly labeled
setfiles_args = ["-e", "/proc", "-e", "/sys", "-e", "/dev",
"/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts", "/"]
if "--dirinstall" in args:
# setfiles may not be available, warn instead of fail
execWithRedirect("setfiles", setfiles_args, root=dirinstall_path)
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
log.warning("Running setfiles on install tree failed: %s", str(e))
with PartitionMount(disk_img) as img_mount:
if img_mount and img_mount.mount_dir:
execWithRedirect("setfiles", setfiles_args, root=img_mount.mount_dir)
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
log.warning("Running setfiles on install tree failed: %s", str(e))
# For image installs, run fstrim to discard unused blocks. This way
# unused blocks do not need to be allocated for sparse image types
execWithRedirect("fstrim", [img_mount.mount_dir])
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
log.error("Running anaconda failed: %s", e)
raise InstallError("novirt_install failed")
# Move the anaconda logs over to a log directory
log_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(opts.logfile))
log_anaconda = joinpaths(log_dir, "anaconda")
if not os.path.isdir(log_anaconda):
for l in glob.glob("/tmp/*log")+glob.glob("/tmp/anaconda-tb-*"):
shutil.copy2(l, log_anaconda)
# Make sure any leftover anaconda mounts have been cleaned up
if not anaconda_cleanup(dirinstall_path):
raise InstallError("novirt_install cleanup of anaconda mounts failed.")
if not opts.make_iso and not opts.make_fsimage and not opts.make_pxe_live:
dm_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(disk_img))[0]
# Remove device-mapper for partitions and disk
log.debug("Removing device-mapper setup on %s", dm_name)
for d in sorted(glob.glob("/dev/mapper/"+dm_name+"*"), reverse=True):
log.debug("Removing loop device for %s", disk_img)
# qemu disk image is used by bare qcow2 images and by Vagrant
if opts.image_type:
log.info("Converting %s to %s", disk_img, opts.image_type)
qemu_args = []
for arg in opts.qemu_args:
qemu_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
# convert the image to the selected format
if "-O" not in qemu_args:
qemu_args.extend(["-O", opts.image_type])
qemu_img = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="lmc-disk-", suffix=".img")
execWithRedirect("qemu-img", ["convert"] + qemu_args + [disk_img, qemu_img], raise_err=True)
if not opts.make_vagrant:
execWithRedirect("mv", ["-f", qemu_img, disk_img], raise_err=True)
# Take the new qcow2 image and package it up for Vagrant
compress_args = []
for arg in opts.compress_args:
compress_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
vagrant_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lmc-tmpdir-")
metadata_path = joinpaths(vagrant_dir, "metadata.json")
execWithRedirect("mv", ["-f", qemu_img, joinpaths(vagrant_dir, "box.img")], raise_err=True)
if opts.vagrant_metadata:
shutil.copy2(opts.vagrant_metadata, metadata_path)
update_vagrant_metadata(metadata_path, disk_size)
if opts.vagrantfile:
shutil.copy2(opts.vagrantfile, joinpaths(vagrant_dir, "vagrantfile"))
log.info("Creating Vagrant image")
rc = mktar(vagrant_dir, disk_img, opts.compression, compress_args, selinux=False)
if rc:
raise InstallError("novirt_install mktar failed: rc=%s" % rc)
elif opts.make_tar:
compress_args = []
for arg in opts.compress_args:
compress_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
rc = mktar(dirinstall_path, disk_img, opts.compression, compress_args)
if rc:
raise InstallError("novirt_install mktar failed: rc=%s" % rc)
elif opts.make_oci:
# An OCI image places the filesystem under /rootfs/ and adds the json files at the top
# And then creates a tar of the whole thing.
compress_args = []
for arg in opts.compress_args:
compress_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
shutil.copy2(opts.oci_config, ROOT_PATH)
shutil.copy2(opts.oci_runtime, ROOT_PATH)
rc = mktar(ROOT_PATH, disk_img, opts.compression, compress_args)
if rc:
raise InstallError("novirt_install mktar failed: rc=%s" % rc)
# For raw disk images, use fallocate to deallocate unused space
execWithRedirect("fallocate", ["--dig-holes", disk_img], raise_err=True)
# For make_tar_disk, wrap the result in a tar file, and remove the original disk image.
if opts.make_tar_disk:
compress_args = []
for arg in opts.compress_args:
compress_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
rc = mktar(disk_img, tar_img, opts.compression, compress_args, selinux=False)
if rc:
raise InstallError("novirt_install mktar failed: rc=%s" % rc)
[docs]def virt_install(opts, install_log, disk_img, disk_size, cancel_func=None, tar_img=None):
Use qemu to install to a disk image
:param opts: options passed to livemedia-creator
:type opts: argparse options
:param str install_log: The path to write the log from qemu
:param str disk_img: The full path to the disk image to be created
:param int disk_size: The size of the disk_img in MiB
:param cancel_func: Function that returns True to cancel build
:type cancel_func: function
:param str tar_img: For make_tar_disk, the path to final tarball to be created
This uses qemu with a boot.iso and a kickstart to create a disk
image and then optionally, based on the opts passed, creates tarfile.
iso_mount = IsoMountpoint(opts.iso, opts.location)
if not iso_mount.stage2:
raise InstallError("ISO is missing stage2, cannot continue")
log_monitor = LogMonitor(install_log, timeout=opts.timeout)
cancel_funcs = [log_monitor.server.log_check]
if cancel_func is not None:
kernel_args = ""
if opts.kernel_args:
kernel_args += opts.kernel_args
if opts.proxy:
kernel_args += " proxy="+opts.proxy
if opts.image_type and not opts.make_fsimage:
qemu_args = []
for arg in opts.qemu_args:
qemu_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
if "-f" not in qemu_args:
qemu_args += ["-f", opts.image_type]
mkqemu_img(disk_img, disk_size*1024**2, qemu_args)
if opts.make_fsimage or opts.make_tar or opts.make_oci:
diskimg_path = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="lmc-disk-", suffix=".img")
diskimg_path = disk_img
QEMUInstall(opts, iso_mount, opts.ks, diskimg_path, disk_size,
kernel_args, opts.ram, opts.vcpus, opts.vnc, opts.arch,
cancel_func = lambda : any(f() for f in cancel_funcs),
virtio_host = log_monitor.host,
virtio_port = log_monitor.port,
image_type=opts.image_type, boot_uefi=opts.virt_uefi,
except InstallError as e:
log.error("VirtualInstall failed: %s", e)
log.info("unmounting the iso")
if log_monitor.server.log_check():
if not log_monitor.server.error_line and opts.timeout:
msg = "virt_install failed due to timeout"
msg = "virt_install failed on line: %s" % log_monitor.server.error_line
raise InstallError(msg)
elif cancel_func and cancel_func():
raise InstallError("virt_install canceled by cancel_func")
if opts.make_fsimage:
mkfsimage_from_disk(diskimg_path, disk_img, disk_size, label=opts.fs_label)
elif opts.make_tar:
compress_args = []
for arg in opts.compress_args:
compress_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
with PartitionMount(diskimg_path) as img_mount:
if img_mount and img_mount.mount_dir:
rc = mktar(img_mount.mount_dir, disk_img, opts.compression, compress_args)
rc = 1
if rc:
raise InstallError("virt_install failed")
elif opts.make_oci:
# An OCI image places the filesystem under /rootfs/ and adds the json files at the top
# And then creates a tar of the whole thing.
compress_args = []
for arg in opts.compress_args:
compress_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
with PartitionMount(diskimg_path, submount="rootfs") as img_mount:
if img_mount and img_mount.temp_dir:
shutil.copy2(opts.oci_config, img_mount.temp_dir)
shutil.copy2(opts.oci_runtime, img_mount.temp_dir)
rc = mktar(img_mount.temp_dir, disk_img, opts.compression, compress_args)
rc = 1
if rc:
raise InstallError("virt_install failed")
elif opts.make_vagrant:
compress_args = []
for arg in opts.compress_args:
compress_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
vagrant_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lmc-tmpdir-")
metadata_path = joinpaths(vagrant_dir, "metadata.json")
execWithRedirect("mv", ["-f", disk_img, joinpaths(vagrant_dir, "box.img")], raise_err=True)
if opts.vagrant_metadata:
shutil.copy2(opts.vagrant_metadata, metadata_path)
update_vagrant_metadata(metadata_path, disk_size)
if opts.vagrantfile:
shutil.copy2(opts.vagrantfile, joinpaths(vagrant_dir, "vagrantfile"))
rc = mktar(vagrant_dir, disk_img, opts.compression, compress_args, selinux=False)
if rc:
raise InstallError("virt_install failed")
# For make_tar_disk, wrap the result in a tar file, and remove the original disk image.
if opts.make_tar_disk:
compress_args = []
for arg in opts.compress_args:
compress_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
rc = mktar(disk_img, tar_img, opts.compression, compress_args, selinux=False)
if rc:
raise InstallError("virt_install mktar failed: rc=%s" % rc)