@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class VirtualInstall( object ):
rc = execWithRedirect("virt-install", args)
if rc:
raise Exception("Problem starting virtual install")
raise InstallError("Problem starting virtual install")
conn = libvirt.openReadOnly(None)
dom = conn.lookupByName(self.virt_name)
@ -440,24 +440,21 @@ def make_appliance(disk_img, name, template, outfile, networks=None, ram=1024,
def make_ami( disk_img, ami_img="ami-root.img", ami_label="AMI" ):
def make_fsimage(diskimage, fsimage, label="Anaconda"):
Copy the / partition to an un-partitioned disk image
Copy the / partition of a partitioned disk image to an un-partitioned
disk image.
ami_img is the filename to write, defaults to ami-root.img
ami_label is the FS label to apply to the image
All other AMI setup is handled by the kickstart's %post
diskimage is the full path to partitioned disk image with a /
fsimage is the full path of the output fs image file
label is the label to apply to the image. Defaults to "Anaconda"
with PartitionMount( disk_img ) as img_mount:
with PartitionMount(diskimage) as img_mount:
if not img_mount or not img_mount.mount_dir:
return None
work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
log.info("working dir is {0}".format(work_dir))
log.info("creating {0}".format(ami_img))
mkext4img(img_mount.mount_dir, joinpaths(work_dir, ami_img), label=ami_label)
return work_dir
log.info("Creating fsimage %s", fsimage)
mkext4img(img_mount.mount_dir, fsimage, label=label)
def make_runtime(opts, mount_dir, work_dir):
@ -571,7 +568,7 @@ def novirt_install(opts, disk_img, disk_size, repo_url):
# Make a blank fs image
args += ["--dirinstall"]
mkext4img(None, disk_img, label="Anaconda", size=disk_size * 1024**3)
mkext4img(None, disk_img, label=opts.fs_label, size=disk_size * 1024**3)
if not os.path.isdir(ROOT_PATH):
mount(disk_img, opts="loop", mnt=ROOT_PATH)
@ -615,6 +612,10 @@ def novirt_install(opts, disk_img, disk_size, repo_url):
def virt_install(opts, install_log, disk_img, disk_size):
Use virt-install to install to a disk image
install_log is the path to write the log from virt-install
disk_img is the full path to the final disk or filesystem image
disk_size is the size of the disk to create in GiB
iso_mount = IsoMountpoint(opts.iso, opts.location)
log_monitor = LogMonitor(install_log)
@ -625,18 +626,41 @@ def virt_install(opts, install_log, disk_img, disk_size):
if opts.proxy:
kernel_args += " proxy="+opts.proxy
virt = VirtualInstall(iso_mount, opts.ks, disk_img, disk_size,
if opts.qcow2 and not opts.make_fsimage:
# virt-install can't take all the qcow2 options so create the image first
qcow2_args = []
for arg in opts.qcow2_args:
qcow2_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
mkqcow2(disk_img, disk_size*1024**3, qcow2_args)
if opts.make_fsimage:
diskimg_path = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="disk", suffix=".img", dir=opts.tmp)
diskimg_path = disk_img
virt = VirtualInstall(iso_mount, opts.ks, diskimg_path, disk_size,
kernel_args, opts.ram, opts.vnc, opts.arch,
log_check = log_monitor.server.log_check,
virtio_host = log_monitor.host,
virtio_port = log_monitor.port)
except InstallError as e:
log.error("VirtualInstall failed: %s", e)
log.info("unmounting the iso")
if log_monitor.server.log_check():
raise InstallError("virt_install failed")
if opts.make_fsimage:
make_fsimage(diskimg_path, disk_img, label=opts.fs_label)
def make_squashfs(disk_img, work_dir, compression="xz"):
@ -659,30 +683,28 @@ def make_image(opts, ks):
Use virt or anaconda to install to an image.
Returns the name of the image created.
Returns the full path of of the image created.
disk_size = 1 + (sum([p.size for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions]) / 1024)
log.info("disk_size = {0}GB".format(disk_size))
repo_url = ks.handler.method.url
log.info("disk_size = %sGB", disk_size)
if opts.image_name:
disk_img = joinpaths(opts.tmp, opts.image_name)
disk_img = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="disk", suffix=".img", dir=opts.tmp)
install_log = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(opts.logfile))+"/virt-install.log"
log.info("disk_img = {0}".format(disk_img))
log.info("install_log = {0}".format(install_log))
log.info("disk_img = %s", disk_img)
if opts.no_virt:
novirt_install(opts, disk_img, disk_size, repo_url)
novirt_install(opts, disk_img, disk_size, ks.handler.method.url)
install_log = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(opts.logfile))+"/virt-install.log"
log.info("install_log = %s", install_log)
virt_install(opts, install_log, disk_img, disk_size)
except InstallError as e:
log.error("Install failed: {0}".format(e))
if not opts.keep_image:
if not opts.keep_image and os.path.exists(disk_img):
log.info("Removing bad disk image")
@ -737,19 +759,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument( "--iso", type=os.path.abspath,
help="Anaconda installation .iso path to use for virt-install" )
parser.add_argument( "--disk-image", type=os.path.abspath,
help="Path to disk image to use for creating final image" )
parser.add_argument( "--fs-image", type=os.path.abspath,
help="Path to filesystem image to use for creating final image" )
parser.add_argument( "--ks", action="append", type=os.path.abspath,
help="Kickstart file defining the install." )
parser.add_argument( "--image-name", default=None,
help="Name of fs/disk image to create. Default is a random name." )
parser.add_argument( "--image-only", action="store_true",
help="Exit after creating fs/disk image." )
parser.add_argument( "--keep-image", action="store_true",
help="Keep raw disk image after .iso creation" )
parser.add_argument( "--no-virt", action="store_true",
help="Use Anaconda's image install instead of virt-install" )
parser.add_argument( "--proxy",
@ -783,6 +797,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument( "--nomacboot", action="store_false",
image_group = parser.add_argument_group("disk/fs image arguments")
image_group.add_argument( "--disk-image", type=os.path.abspath,
help="Path to existing disk image to use for creating final image." )
image_group.add_argument( "--keep-image", action="store_true",
help="Keep raw disk image after .iso creation" )
image_group.add_argument( "--fs-image", type=os.path.abspath,
help="Path to existing filesystem image to use for creating final image." )
image_group.add_argument( "--image-name", default=None,
help="Name of fs/disk image to create. Default is a random name." )
image_group.add_argument( "--fs-label", default="Anaconda",
help="Label to set on fsimage, default is 'Anaconda'")
image_group.add_argument("--qcow2", action="store_true",
help="Create qcow2 image instead of raw sparse image when making disk images.")
image_group.add_argument("--qcow2-arg", action="append", dest="qcow2_args", default=[],
help="Arguments to pass to qemu-img. Pass once for each argument")
# Group of arguments for appliance creation
app_group = parser.add_argument_group("appliance arguments")
app_group.add_argument( "--app-name", default=None,
@ -894,6 +924,24 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
log.error("The disk image to be created should not exist.")
if opts.qcow2 and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/qemu-img"):
log.error("qcow2 requires the qemu-img utility to be installed.")
if opts.qcow2 and opts.make_iso:
log.error("qcow2 cannot be used to make a bootable iso.")
# TODO check for qcow2 and fsimage
# AMI image is just a fsimage with an AMI label
if opts.make_ami:
opts.make_fsimage = True
if not opts.image_name:
opts.image_name = "ami-root.img"
if opts.fs_label == "Anaconda":
opts.fs_label = "AMI"
if opts.app_file:
opts.app_file = joinpaths(opts.tmp, opts.app_file)
@ -921,6 +969,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
errors.append("The kickstart must not set a display mode (text, cmdline, "
"graphical), this will interfere with livemedia-creator.")
# TODO add a check for fsimage partition, no autopart and only / or swap part
if errors:
for e in errors:
@ -960,8 +1011,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
log.info("Disk image erased")
disk_img = None
elif opts.make_ami:
result_dir = make_ami(opts.disk_image or disk_img)
elif opts.make_appliance:
if not opts.ks:
networks = []