diff --git a/docs/lorax-composer.rst b/docs/lorax-composer.rst
index 858f980c..4ec03f14 100644
--- a/docs/lorax-composer.rst
+++ b/docs/lorax-composer.rst
@@ -252,6 +252,14 @@ To create an rpm named ``server-config-1.0-1.noarch.rpm`` you would add this to
+* rpmname: Name of the rpm to create, also used as the prefix name in the tar archive
+* rpmversion: Version of the rpm, eg. "1.0.0"
+* rpmrelease: Release of the rpm, eg. "1"
+* summary: Summary string for the rpm
+* repo: URL of the get repo to clone and create the archive from
+* ref: Git reference to check out. eg. origin/branch-name, git tag, or git commit hash
+* destination: Path to install the / of the git repo at when installing the rpm
An rpm will be created with the contents of the git repository referenced, with the files
being installed under ``/opt/server/`` in this case.
diff --git a/src/pylorax/api/gitrpm.py b/src/pylorax/api/gitrpm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..069486cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pylorax/api/gitrpm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+""" Clone a git repository and package it as an rpm
+This module contains functions for cloning a git repo, creating a tar archive of
+the selected commit, branch, or tag, and packaging the files into an rpm that will
+be installed by anaconda when creating the image.
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger("lorax-composer")
+import os
+from rpmfluff import SimpleRpmBuild
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import time
+def get_repo_description(gitRepo):
+ """ Return a description including the git repo and reference
+ :param gitRepo: A dict with the repository details
+ :type gitRepo: dict
+ :returns: A string with the git repo url and reference
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return "Created from %s, reference '%s', on %s" % (gitRepo["repo"], gitRepo["ref"], time.ctime())
+class GitArchiveTarball:
+ """Create a git archive of the selected git repo and reference"""
+ def __init__(self, gitRepo):
+ self._gitRepo = gitRepo
+ self.sourceName = self._gitRepo["rpmname"]+".tar.xz"
+ def write_file(self, sourcesDir):
+ """ Create the tar archive
+ :param sourcesDir: Path to use for creating the archive
+ :type sourcesDir: str
+ This clones the git repository and creates a git archive from the specified reference.
+ The result is in RPMNAME.tar.xz under the sourcesDir
+ """
+ # Clone the repository into a temporary location
+ cmd = ["git", "clone", self._gitRepo["repo"], os.path.join(sourcesDir, "gitrepo")]
+ log.debug(cmd)
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ oldcwd = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(sourcesDir, "gitrepo"))
+ # Configure archive to create a .tar.xz
+ cmd = ["git", "config", "tar.tar.xz.command", "xz -c"]
+ log.debug(cmd)
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ cmd = ["git", "archive", "--prefix", self._gitRepo["rpmname"] + "/", "-o", os.path.join(sourcesDir, self.sourceName), self._gitRepo["ref"]]
+ log.debug(cmd)
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ finally:
+ # Cleanup even if there was an error
+ os.chdir(oldcwd)
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(sourcesDir, "gitrepo"))
+class GitRpmBuild(SimpleRpmBuild):
+ """Build an rpm containing files from a git repository"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._base_dir = None
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def check(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_base_dir(self):
+ """Place all the files under a temporary directory + rpmbuild/
+ """
+ if not self._base_dir:
+ self._base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lorax-git-rpm.")
+ return os.path.join(self._base_dir, "rpmbuild")
+ def cleanup_tmpdir(self):
+ """Remove the temporary directory and all of its contents
+ """
+ if len(self._base_dir) < 5:
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid base_dir: %s" % self.get_base_dir())
+ shutil.rmtree(self._base_dir)
+ def clean(self):
+ """Remove the base directory from inside the tmpdir"""
+ if len(self.get_base_dir()) < 5:
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid base_dir: %s" % self.get_base_dir())
+ shutil.rmtree(self.get_base_dir(), ignore_errors=True)
+ def add_git_tarball(self, gitRepo):
+ """Add a tar archive of a git repository to the rpm
+ :param gitRepo: A dict with the repository details
+ :type gitRepo: dict
+ This populates the rpm with the URL of the git repository, the summary
+ describing the repo, the description of the repository and reference used,
+ and sets up the rpm to install the archive contents into the destination
+ path.
+ """
+ self.addUrl(gitRepo["repo"])
+ self.add_summary(gitRepo["summary"])
+ self.add_description(get_repo_description(gitRepo))
+ self.addLicense("Unknown")
+ sourceIndex = self.add_source(GitArchiveTarball(gitRepo))
+ self.section_build += "tar -xvf %s\n" % self.sources[sourceIndex].sourceName
+ dest = os.path.normpath(gitRepo["destination"])
+ self.create_parent_dirs(dest)
+ self.section_install += "cp -r %s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%s\n" % (gitRepo["rpmname"], dest)
+ sub = self.get_subpackage(None)
+ sub.section_files += "%s/" % dest
+def make_git_rpm(gitRepo, dest):
+ """ Create an rpm from the specified git repo
+ :param gitRepo: A dict with the repository details
+ :type gitRepo: dict
+ This will clone the git repository, create an archive of the selected reference,
+ and build an rpm that will install the files from the repository under the destination
+ directory. The gitRepo dict should have the following fields::
+ rpmname: "server-config"
+ rpmversion: "1.0"
+ rpmrelease: "1"
+ summary: "Setup files for server deployment"
+ ref: "v1.0"
+ destination: "/opt/server/"
+ * rpmname: Name of the rpm to create, also used as the prefix name in the tar archive
+ * rpmversion: Version of the rpm, eg. "1.0.0"
+ * rpmrelease: Release of the rpm, eg. "1"
+ * summary: Summary string for the rpm
+ * repo: URL of the get repo to clone and create the archive from
+ * ref: Git reference to check out. eg. origin/branch-name, git tag, or git commit hash
+ * destination: Path to install the / of the git repo at when installing the rpm
+ """
+ gitRpm = GitRpmBuild(gitRepo["rpmname"], gitRepo["rpmversion"], gitRepo["rpmrelease"], ["noarch"])
+ try:
+ gitRpm.add_git_tarball(gitRepo)
+ gitRpm.do_make()
+ rpmfile = gitRpm.get_built_rpm("noarch")
+ shutil.move(rpmfile, dest)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.error("Creating git repo rpm: %s", e)
+ raise RuntimeError("Creating git repo rpm: %s" % e)
+ finally:
+ gitRpm.cleanup_tmpdir()
+ return os.path.basename(rpmfile)
diff --git a/tests/pylorax/test_gitrpm.py b/tests/pylorax/test_gitrpm.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b947a107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pylorax/test_gitrpm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import os
+import pytoml as toml
+import rpm
+import shutil
+import stat
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from pylorax.api.gitrpm import GitArchiveTarball, make_git_rpm
+def _setup_git_repo(self):
+ """Setup a git repo in a tmpdir, storing details into self
+ Call this from setUpClass()
+ """
+ self.repodir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="git-rpm-test.")
+ # Create a local git repo in a temporary directory, populate it with files.
+ cmd = ["git", "init", self.repodir]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ oldcwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.repodir)
+ cmd = ["git", "config", "user.email", "test@testing.localhost"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ # Hold the expected file paths for the tests
+ self.test_results = {"first": [], "second": [], "branch": []}
+ # Add some files
+ results_path = "./tests/pylorax/results/"
+ for f in ["full-recipe.toml", "minimal.toml", "modules-only.toml"]:
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(oldcwd, results_path, f), self.repodir)
+ self.test_results["first"].append(f)
+ cmd = ["git", "add", "*.toml"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ cmd = ["git", "commit", "-m", "first files"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ cmd = ["git", "tag", "v1.0.0"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ # Get the commit hash
+ cmd = ["git", "log", "--pretty=%H"]
+ self.first_commit = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("UTF-8").strip()
+ # 2nd commit adds to 1st commit
+ self.test_results["second"] = self.test_results["first"].copy()
+ # Add some more files
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.repodir, "only-bps/"))
+ for f in ["packages-only.toml", "groups-only.toml"]:
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(oldcwd, results_path, f), os.path.join(self.repodir, "only-bps/"))
+ self.test_results["second"].append(os.path.join("only-bps/", f))
+ self.test_results["second"] = sorted(self.test_results["second"])
+ cmd = ["git", "add", "*.toml"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ cmd = ["git", "commit", "-m", "second files"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ cmd = ["git", "tag", "v1.1.0"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ # Make a branch for some other files
+ cmd = ["git", "checkout", "-b", "custom-branch"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ # 3nd commit adds to 2nd commit
+ self.test_results["branch"] = self.test_results["second"].copy()
+ # Add some files to the new branch
+ for f in ["custom-base.toml", "repos-git.toml"]:
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(oldcwd, results_path, f), self.repodir)
+ self.test_results["branch"].append(f)
+ self.test_results["branch"] = sorted(self.test_results["branch"])
+ cmd = ["git", "add", "*.toml"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ cmd = ["git", "commit", "-m", "branch files"]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ os.chdir(oldcwd)
+class GitArchiveTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(self):
+ self.repodir = None
+ self.first_commit = None
+ self.test_results = {}
+ _setup_git_repo(self)
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.repodir)
+ def _check_tar(self, archive, prefix, test_name):
+ """Check the file list of the created archive against the expected list in self.test_results"""
+ try:
+ tardir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="git-rpm-test.")
+ archive.write_file(tardir)
+ tarpath = os.path.join(tardir, archive.sourceName)
+ # Archive is in rpmdir + archive.sourceName
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tarpath))
+ # Examine contents of the tarfile
+ tar = tarfile.open(tarpath, "r")
+ files = sorted(i.name for i in tar if i.isreg())
+ self.assertEqual(files, [os.path.join(prefix, f) for f in self.test_results[test_name]])
+ tar.close()
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(tardir)
+ def git_branch_test(self):
+ """Test creating an archive from a git branch"""
+ git_repo = toml.loads("""
+ [[repos.git]]
+ rpmname="git-rpm-test"
+ rpmversion="1.0.0"
+ rpmrelease="1"
+ summary="Testing the git rpm code"
+ repo="file://%s"
+ ref="origin/custom-branch"
+ destination="/srv/testing-rpm/"
+ """ % self.repodir)
+ archive = GitArchiveTarball(git_repo["repos"]["git"][0])
+ self._check_tar(archive, "git-rpm-test/", "branch")
+ def git_commit_test(self):
+ """Test creating an archive from a git commit hash"""
+ git_repo = toml.loads("""
+ [[repos.git]]
+ rpmname="git-rpm-test"
+ rpmversion="1.0.0"
+ rpmrelease="1"
+ summary="Testing the git rpm code"
+ repo="file://%s"
+ ref="%s"
+ destination="/srv/testing-rpm/"
+ """ % (self.repodir, self.first_commit))
+ archive = GitArchiveTarball(git_repo["repos"]["git"][0])
+ self._check_tar(archive, "git-rpm-test/", "first")
+ def git_tag_test(self):
+ """Test creating an archive from a git tag"""
+ git_repo = toml.loads("""
+ [[repos.git]]
+ rpmname="git-rpm-test"
+ rpmversion="1.0.0"
+ rpmrelease="1"
+ summary="Testing the git rpm code"
+ repo="file://%s"
+ ref="v1.1.0"
+ destination="/srv/testing-rpm/"
+ """ % (self.repodir))
+ archive = GitArchiveTarball(git_repo["repos"]["git"][0])
+ self._check_tar(archive, "git-rpm-test/", "second")
+class GitRpmTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(self):
+ self.repodir = None
+ self.first_commit = None
+ self.test_results = {}
+ _setup_git_repo(self)
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.repodir)
+ def _check_rpm(self, repo, rpm_dir, rpm_file, test_name):
+ """Check the contents of the rpm against the expected test results
+ """
+ ts = rpm.TransactionSet()
+ fd = os.open(os.path.join(rpm_dir, rpm_file), os.O_RDONLY)
+ hdr = ts.hdrFromFdno(fd)
+ os.close(fd)
+ self.assertEqual(hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME].decode("UTF-8"), repo["rpmname"])
+ self.assertEqual(hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION].decode("UTF-8"), repo["rpmversion"])
+ self.assertEqual(hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE].decode("UTF-8"), repo["rpmrelease"])
+ self.assertEqual(hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_URL].decode("UTF-8"), repo["repo"])
+ files = sorted(f.name for f in rpm.files(hdr) if stat.S_ISREG(f.mode))
+ self.assertEqual(files, [os.path.join(repo["destination"], f) for f in self.test_results[test_name]])
+ def git_branch_test(self):
+ """Test creating an rpm from a git branch"""
+ git_repo = toml.loads("""
+ [[repos.git]]
+ rpmname="git-rpm-test"
+ rpmversion="1.0.0"
+ rpmrelease="1"
+ summary="Testing the git rpm code"
+ repo="file://%s"
+ ref="origin/custom-branch"
+ destination="/srv/testing-rpm/"
+ """ % self.repodir)
+ try:
+ rpm_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="git-rpm-test.")
+ rpm_file = make_git_rpm(git_repo["repos"]["git"][0], rpm_dir)
+ self._check_rpm(git_repo["repos"]["git"][0], rpm_dir, rpm_file, "branch")
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(rpm_dir)
+ def git_commit_test(self):
+ """Test creating an rpm from a git commit hash"""
+ git_repo = toml.loads("""
+ [[repos.git]]
+ rpmname="git-rpm-test"
+ rpmversion="1.0.0"
+ rpmrelease="1"
+ summary="Testing the git rpm code"
+ repo="file://%s"
+ ref="%s"
+ destination="/srv/testing-rpm/"
+ """ % (self.repodir, self.first_commit))
+ try:
+ rpm_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="git-rpm-test.")
+ rpm_file = make_git_rpm(git_repo["repos"]["git"][0], rpm_dir)
+ self._check_rpm(git_repo["repos"]["git"][0], rpm_dir, rpm_file, "first")
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(rpm_dir)
+ def git_tag_test(self):
+ """Test creating an rpm from a git tag"""
+ git_repo = toml.loads("""
+ [[repos.git]]
+ rpmname="git-rpm-test"
+ rpmversion="1.0.0"
+ rpmrelease="1"
+ summary="Testing the git rpm code"
+ repo="file://%s"
+ ref="v1.1.0"
+ destination="/srv/testing-rpm/"
+ """ % (self.repodir))
+ try:
+ rpm_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="git-rpm-test.")
+ rpm_file = make_git_rpm(git_repo["repos"]["git"][0], rpm_dir)
+ self._check_rpm(git_repo["repos"]["git"][0], rpm_dir, rpm_file, "second")
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(rpm_dir)