diff --git a/src/sbin/livemedia-creator b/src/sbin/livemedia-creator
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e880f36d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sbin/livemedia-creator
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Live Media Creator
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# Author(s): Brian C. Lane
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger("livemedia-creator")
+program_log = logging.getLogger("program")
+pylorax_log = logging.getLogger("pylorax")
+import os
+import sys
+import uuid
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+import socket
+import threading
+import SocketServer
+import libvirt
+from time import sleep
+import shutil
+import traceback
+import argparse
+# Use pykickstart to calculate disk image size
+from pykickstart.parser import KickstartParser
+from pykickstart.version import makeVersion
+# Use the Lorax treebuilder branch for iso creation
+from pylorax.base import DataHolder
+from pylorax.treebuilder import TreeBuilder, RuntimeBuilder
+from pylorax.sysutils import joinpaths, remove, linktree
+from pylorax.imgutils import PartitionMount
+from pylorax.executils import execWithRedirect, execWithCapture
+# Default parameters for rebuilding initramfs, overrice with --dracut-args
+DRACUT_DEFAULT = ["--xz", "--omit", "plymouth"]
+class LogRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
+ """
+ Handle monitoring and saving the logfiles from the virtual install
+ """
+ def setup(self):
+ if self.server.log_path:
+ self.fp = open(self.server.log_path, "w")
+ else:
+ print "no log_path specified"
+ self.request.settimeout(10)
+ def handle(self):
+ """
+ Handle writing incoming data to a logfile and
+ checking the logs for any Tracebacks or other errors that indicate
+ that the install failed.
+ """
+ line = ""
+ while True:
+ if self.server.kill:
+ break
+ try:
+ data = self.request.recv(4096)
+ self.fp.write(data)
+ self.fp.flush()
+ # check the data for errors and set error flag
+ # need to assemble it into lines so we can test for the error
+ # string.
+ while data:
+ more = data.split("\n", 1)
+ line += more[0]
+ if len(more) > 1:
+ self.iserror(line)
+ line = ""
+ data = more[1]
+ else:
+ data = None
+ except socket.timeout:
+ pass
+ except:
+ break
+ def finish(self):
+ self.fp.close()
+ def iserror(self, line):
+ """
+ Check a line to see if it contains an error indicating install failure
+ """
+ if line.find("Traceback (") > -1 \
+ or line.find("Out of memory:") > -1 \
+ or line.find("Call Trace:") > -1 \
+ or line.find("insufficient disk space:") > -1:
+ self.server.log_error = True
+class LogServer(SocketServer.TCPServer):
+ """
+ Add path to logfile
+ Add log error flag
+ Add a kill switch
+ """
+ def __init__(self, log_path, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.kill = False
+ self.log_error = False
+ self.log_path = log_path
+ SocketServer.TCPServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def log_check(self):
+ return self.log_error
+class LogMonitor(object):
+ """
+ Contains all the stuff needed to setup a thread to listen to the logs
+ from the virtual install
+ """
+ def __init__(self, log_path, host="localhost", port=0):
+ """
+ Fire up the thread listening for logs
+ """
+ self.server = LogServer(log_path, (host, port), LogRequestHandler)
+ self.host, self.port = self.server.server_address
+ self.log_path = log_path
+ self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.handle_request)
+ self.server_thread.daemon = True
+ self.server_thread.start()
+ def shutdown(self):
+ self.server.kill = True
+ self.server_thread.join()
+class IsoMountpoint(object):
+ """
+ Mount the iso on a temporary directory and check to make sure the
+ vmlinuz and initrd.img files exist
+ """
+ def __init__( self, iso_path ):
+ self.iso_path = iso_path
+ self.mount_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ if not self.mount_dir:
+ raise Exception("Error creating temporary directory")
+ cmd = ["mount","-o","loop",self.iso_path,self.mount_dir]
+ log.debug( cmd )
+ execWithRedirect( cmd[0], cmd[1:] )
+ self.kernel = self.mount_dir+"/isolinux/vmlinuz"
+ self.initrd = self.mount_dir+"/isolinux/initrd.img"
+ if os.path.isdir( self.mount_dir+"/repodata" ):
+ self.repo = self.mount_dir
+ else:
+ self.repo = None
+ try:
+ for f in [self.kernel, self.initrd]:
+ if not os.path.isfile(f):
+ raise Exception("Missing file on iso: {0}".format(f))
+ except:
+ self.umount()
+ raise
+ def umount( self ):
+ cmd = ["umount", self.mount_dir]
+ log.debug( cmd )
+ execWithRedirect( cmd[0], cmd[1:] )
+ os.rmdir( self.mount_dir )
+class ImageMount(object):
+ """
+ # kpartx -p p -v -a /tmp/diskV2DiCW.im
+ # add map loop2p1 (253:2): 0 3481600 linear /dev/loop2 2048
+ # add map loop2p2 (253:3): 0 614400 linear /dev/loop2 3483648
+ Find the / partition and only mount that
+ """
+ def __init__(self, disk_img):
+ """
+ Use kpartx to mount an image onto temporary directories
+ return a list of the dirs
+ """
+ self.disk_img = disk_img
+ # call kpartx and parse the output
+ cmd = [ "kpartx", "-v", "-p", "p", "-a", disk_img ]
+ log.debug( cmd )
+ kpartx_output = execWithCapture( cmd[0], cmd[1:] )
+ log.debug( kpartx_output )
+ self.loop_devices = []
+ for line in kpartx_output.splitlines():
+ # add map loop2p3 (253:4): 0 7139328 linear /dev/loop2 528384
+ # 3rd element is size in 512 byte blocks
+ if line.startswith("add map "):
+ fields = line[8:].split()
+ self.loop_devices.append((fields[0], int(fields[3])*512))
+ log.debug( self.loop_devices )
+ # Mount the devices, if possible
+ self.mount_dir = None
+ mount_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ for dev, size in self.loop_devices:
+ cmd = ["mount", "/dev/mapper/"+dev, mount_dir]
+ log.debug( cmd )
+ try:
+ execWithRedirect( cmd[0], cmd[1:] )
+ if os.path.isfile(mount_dir+"/etc/fstab"):
+ self.mount_dir = mount_dir
+ self.mount_dev = dev
+ self.mount_size = size
+ break
+ cmd = ["umount", mount_dir]
+ execWithRedirect( cmd[0], cmd[1:] )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ log.debug( traceback.format_exc() )
+ if self.mount_dir:
+ log.info( "Found root partition, mounted on {0}".format(self.mount_dir) )
+ log.info( "size = {0}".format(self.mount_size) )
+ def umount(self):
+ """
+ unmount the disk image
+ """
+ if self.mount_dir:
+ cmd = ["umount", self.mount_dir]
+ log.debug( cmd )
+ execWithRedirect( cmd[0], cmd[1:] )
+ os.rmdir(self.mount_dir)
+ self.mount_dir = None
+ cmd = ["kpartx", "-d", self.disk_img]
+ log.debug( cmd )
+ execWithRedirect( cmd[0], cmd[1:] )
+class VirtualInstall( object ):
+ """
+ Run virt-install using an iso and kickstart(s)
+ """
+ def __init__( self, iso, ks_paths, disk_img, img_size=2,
+ kernel_args=None, memory=1024, vnc=None,
+ log_check=None, virtio_host="", virtio_port=6080 ):
+ """
+ iso is an instance of IsoMountpoint
+ ks_paths is a list of paths to a kickstart files. All are injected, the
+ first one is the one executed.
+ disk_img is the path to a disk image (doesn't need to exist)
+ img_size is the size, in GiB, of the image if it doesn't exist
+ kernel_args are extra arguments to pass on the kernel cmdline
+ memory is the amount of ram to assign to the virt
+ vnc is passed to the --graphics command verbatim
+ log_check is a method that returns True of the log indicates an error
+ virtio_host and virtio_port are used to communicate with the log monitor
+ """
+ self.virt_name = "LiveOS-"+str(uuid.uuid4())
+ # add --graphics none later
+ # add whatever serial cmds are needed later
+ cmd = [ "virt-install", "-n", self.virt_name,
+ "-r", str(memory),
+ "--noreboot",
+ "--noautoconsole" ]
+ cmd.append("--graphics")
+ if vnc:
+ cmd.append(vnc)
+ else:
+ cmd.append("none")
+ for ks in ks_paths:
+ cmd.append("--initrd-inject")
+ cmd.append(ks)
+ disk_opts = "path={0}".format(disk_img)
+ disk_opts += ",format=raw"
+ if not os.path.isfile(disk_img):
+ disk_opts += ",size={0}".format(img_size)
+ extra_args = "ks=file:/{0}".format(os.path.basename(ks_paths[0]))
+ if kernel_args:
+ extra_args += " "+kernel_args
+ if not vnc:
+ extra_args += " console=/dev/ttyS0"
+ channel_args = "tcp,host={0}:{1},mode=connect,target_type=virtio" \
+ ",name=org.fedoraproject.anaconda.log.0".format(
+ virtio_host, virtio_port)
+ [cmd.append(o) for o in ["--disk", disk_opts,
+ "--extra-args", extra_args,
+ "--location", iso.mount_dir,
+ "--channel", channel_args]]
+ log.debug( cmd )
+ rc = execWithRedirect( cmd[0], cmd[1:] )
+ if rc:
+ raise Exception("Problem starting virtual install")
+ conn = libvirt.openReadOnly(None)
+ dom = conn.lookupByName(self.virt_name)
+ # TODO: If vnc has been passed, we should look up the port and print that
+ # for the user at this point
+ while dom.isActive() and not log_check():
+ sys.stdout.write(".")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sleep(10)
+ print
+ if log_check():
+ log.info( "Installation error detected. See logfile." )
+ else:
+ log.info( "Install finished. Or at least virt shut down." )
+ def destroy( self ):
+ """
+ Make sure the virt has been shut down and destroyed
+ Could use libvirt for this instead.
+ """
+ log.info( "Shutting down {0}".format(self.virt_name) )
+ subprocess.call(["virsh","destroy",self.virt_name])
+ subprocess.call(["virsh","undefine",self.virt_name])
+def get_kernels( boot_dir ):
+ """
+ Examine the vmlinuz-* versions and return a list of them
+ """
+ files = os.listdir(boot_dir)
+ return [f[8:] for f in files if f.startswith("vmlinuz-")]
+def make_livecd( disk_img, squashfs_args="", templatedir=None,
+ title="Linux", project="Linux", releasever=16 ):
+ """
+ Take the content from the disk image and make a livecd out of it
+ This uses wwood's squashfs live initramfs method:
+ * put the real / into LiveOS/rootfs.img
+ * make a squashfs of the LiveOS/rootfs.img tree
+ * make a simple initramfs with the squashfs.img and /etc/cmdline in it
+ * make a cpio of that tree
+ * append the squashfs.cpio to a dracut initramfs for each kernel installed
+ Then on boot dracut reads /etc/cmdline which points to the squashfs.img
+ mounts that and then mounts LiveOS/rootfs.img as /
+ """
+ with PartitionMount( disk_img ) as img_mount:
+ kernel_list = get_kernels( joinpaths( img_mount.mount_dir, "boot" ) )
+ log.debug( "kernel_list = {0}".format(kernel_list) )
+ if kernel_list:
+ kernel_arch = kernel_list[0].split(".")[-1]
+ else:
+ kernel_arch = "i386"
+ log.debug( "kernel_arch = {0}".format(kernel_arch) )
+ work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ log.info( "working dir is {0}".format(work_dir) )
+ runtime = "images/install.img"
+ # This is a mounted image partition, cannot hardlink to it, so just use it
+ installroot = img_mount.mount_dir
+ # symlink installroot/images to work_dir/images so we don't run out of space
+ os.makedirs( joinpaths( work_dir, "images" ) )
+ # TreeBuilder expects the config files to be in /tmp/config_files
+ # I think these should be release specific, not from lorax, but for now
+ configdir = joinpaths(templatedir,"config_files/live/")
+ configdir_path = "tmp/config_files"
+ fullpath = joinpaths(installroot, configdir_path)
+ if os.path.exists(fullpath):
+ remove(fullpath)
+ shutil.copytree(configdir, fullpath)
+ # Fake yum object
+ fake_yum = DataHolder( conf=DataHolder( installroot=installroot ) )
+ # Fake arch with only basearch set
+ arch = DataHolder( basearch=kernel_arch, libdir=None, buildarch=None )
+ # TODO: Need to get release info from someplace...
+ product = DataHolder( name=project, version=releasever, release="",
+ variant="", bugurl="", is_beta=False )
+ rb = RuntimeBuilder( product, arch, fake_yum )
+ log.info( "Creating runtime" )
+ rb.create_runtime( joinpaths( work_dir, runtime ), size=None )
+ # Link /images to work_dir/images to make the templates happy
+ if os.path.islink( joinpaths( installroot, "images" ) ):
+ os.unlink( joinpaths( installroot, "images" ) )
+ subprocess.check_call(["/bin/ln", "-s", joinpaths( work_dir, "images" ),
+ joinpaths( installroot, "images" )])
+ tb = TreeBuilder( product=product, arch=arch,
+ inroot=installroot, outroot=work_dir,
+ runtime=runtime, templatedir=templatedir)
+ log.info( "Rebuilding initrds" )
+ if not opts.dracut_args:
+ dracut_args = DRACUT_DEFAULT
+ else:
+ dracut_args = []
+ for arg in opts.dracut_args:
+ dracut_args += arg.split(" ", 1)
+ log.info( "dracut args = {0}".format( dracut_args ) )
+ tb.rebuild_initrds( add_args=dracut_args )
+ log.info( "Building boot.iso" )
+ tb.build()
+ return work_dir
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Create Live Install Media",
+ fromfile_prefix_chars="@" )
+ # These two are mutually exclusive, one is required
+ action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group( required=True )
+ action.add_argument( "--make-iso", action="store_true",
+ help="Build a live iso" )
+ action.add_argument( "--make-disk", action="store_true",
+ help="Build a disk image" )
+ action.add_argument( "--make-appliance", action="store_true",
+ help="Build an appliance image and XML description" )
+ action.add_argument( "--make-ami", action="store_true",
+ help="Build an ami image" )
+ source = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group( required=True )
+ source.add_argument( "--iso", type=os.path.abspath,
+ help="Anaconda installation .iso path to use for virt-install" )
+ source.add_argument( "--disk-image", type=os.path.abspath,
+ help="Path to disk image to use for creating final image" )
+ parser.add_argument( "--ks", action="append", type=os.path.abspath,
+ help="Kickstart file defining the install." )
+ parser.add_argument( "--image-only", action="store_true",
+ help="Exit after creating disk image." )
+ parser.add_argument( "--keep-image", action="store_true",
+ help="Keep raw disk image after .iso creation" )
+ parser.add_argument( "--no-virt", action="store_true",
+ help="Use Anaconda's image install instead of virt-install" )
+ parser.add_argument( "--logfile", default="./livemedia.log",
+ type=os.path.abspath,
+ help="Path to logfile" )
+ parser.add_argument( "--lorax-templates", default="/usr/share/lorax/",
+ type=os.path.abspath,
+ help="Path to mako templates for lorax" )
+ parser.add_argument( "--tmp", default="/tmp", type=os.path.abspath,
+ help="Top level temporary directory" )
+ parser.add_argument( "--resultdir", default=None, dest="result_dir",
+ type=os.path.abspath,
+ help="Directory to copy the resulting images and iso into. "
+ "Defaults to the temporary working directory")
+ # Group of arguments to pass to virt-install
+ virt_group = parser.add_argument_group("virt-install arguments")
+ virt_group.add_argument("--ram", metavar="MEMORY", default=1024,
+ help="Memory to allocate for installer in megabytes." )
+ virt_group.add_argument("--vcpus", default=1,
+ help="Passed to --vcpus command" )
+ virt_group.add_argument("--vnc",
+ help="Passed to --graphics command" )
+ virt_group.add_argument("--arch",
+ help="Passed to --arch command" )
+ virt_group.add_argument( "--kernel-args",
+ help="Additional argument to pass to the installation kernel" )
+ # dracut arguments
+ dracut_group = parser.add_argument_group( "dracut arguments" )
+ dracut_group.add_argument( "--dracut-arg", action="append", dest="dracut_args",
+ help="Argument to pass to dracut when "
+ "rebuilding the initramfs. Pass this "
+ "once for each argument. NOTE: this "
+ "overrides the default. (default: %s)" % (DRACUT_DEFAULT,) )
+ parser.add_argument( "--title", default="Linux Live Media",
+ help="Substituted for @TITLE@ in bootloader config files" )
+ parser.add_argument( "--project", default="Linux",
+ help="substituted for @PROJECT@ in bootloader config files" )
+ parser.add_argument( "--releasever", type=int, default=16,
+ help="substituted for @VERSION@ in bootloader config files" )
+ parser.add_argument( "--squashfs_args",
+ help="additional squashfs args" )
+ opts = parser.parse_args()
+ # Setup logging to console and to logfile
+ log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
+ pylorax_log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
+ sh = logging.StreamHandler()
+ sh.setLevel( logging.INFO )
+ fmt = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(message)s")
+ sh.setFormatter( fmt )
+ log.addHandler( sh )
+ pylorax_log.addHandler( sh )
+ fh = logging.FileHandler( filename=opts.logfile, mode="w" )
+ fh.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
+ fmt = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s")
+ fh.setFormatter( fmt )
+ log.addHandler( fh )
+ pylorax_log.addHandler( fh )
+ # External program output log
+ program_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ logfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(opts.logfile))+"/program.log"
+ fh = logging.FileHandler( filename=logfile, mode="w")
+ fh.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
+ program_log.addHandler( fh )
+ log.debug( opts )
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ log.error("You need to run this as root")
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ if not os.path.exists( opts.lorax_templates ):
+ log.error( "The lorax templates directory ({0}) doesn't"
+ " exist.".format( opts.lorax_templates ) )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ if opts.result_dir and os.path.exists(opts.result_dir):
+ log.error( "The results_dir ({0}) should not exist, please delete or "
+ "move its contents".format( opts.result_dir ))
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ if opts.iso and not os.path.exists( opts.iso ):
+ log.error( "The iso {0} is missing.".format( opts.iso ) )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ if opts.disk_image and not os.path.exists( opts.disk_image ):
+ log.error( "The disk image {0} is missing.".format( opts.disk_image ) )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ if opts.no_virt:
+ log.error( "--no-virt is not yet implemented." )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ if opts.make_appliance:
+ log.error( "--make-appliance is not yet implemented." )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ if opts.make_ami:
+ log.error( "--make-ami is not yet implemented." )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ # Use virt-install to make the disk image
+ if opts.iso:
+ disk_img = tempfile.mktemp( prefix="disk", suffix=".img", dir=opts.tmp )
+ install_log = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(opts.logfile))+"/virt-install.log"
+ log.info( "disk_img = {0}".format(disk_img) )
+ log.info( "install_log = {0}".format(install_log) )
+ # Parse the kickstart to get the partition sizes
+ ks_version = makeVersion()
+ ks = KickstartParser( ks_version, errorsAreFatal=False, missingIncludeIsFatal=False )
+ ks.readKickstart( opts.ks[0] )
+ disk_size = 1 + (sum( [p.size for p in ks.handler.partition.partitions] ) / 1024)
+ log.info( "disk_size = {0}GB".format(disk_size) )
+ iso_mount = IsoMountpoint( opts.iso )
+ log_monitor = LogMonitor( install_log )
+ virt = VirtualInstall( iso_mount, opts.ks, disk_img, disk_size,
+ opts.kernel_args, opts.ram, opts.vnc,
+ log_check = log_monitor.server.log_check,
+ virtio_host = log_monitor.host,
+ virtio_port = log_monitor.port )
+ virt.destroy()
+ log_monitor.shutdown()
+ iso_mount.umount()
+ if log_monitor.server.log_check():
+ log.error( "Install failed" )
+ if not opts.keep_image:
+ log.info( "Removing bad disk image" )
+ os.unlink( disk_img )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ else:
+ log.info( "Disk Image install successful" )
+ result_dir = None
+ if opts.make_iso and not opts.image_only:
+ result_dir = make_livecd( opts.disk_image or disk_img, opts.squashfs_args,
+ opts.lorax_templates,
+ opts.title, opts.project, opts.releasever )
+ if not opts.keep_image and not opts.disk_image:
+ os.unlink( disk_img )
+ if opts.result_dir:
+ shutil.copytree( result_dir, opts.result_dir )
+ shutil.rmtree( result_dir )
+ log.info("SUMMARY")
+ log.info("-------")
+ log.info("Logs are in {0}".format(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(opts.logfile))))
+ if opts.keep_image:
+ log.info("Disk image is at {0}".format(disk_img))
+ else:
+ log.info("Disk image erased")
+ if result_dir:
+ log.info("Results are in {0}".format(opts.result_dir or result_dir))
+ sys.exit( 0 )