composer-cli: Remove the upload and providers commands

These have never been supported on RHEL8 so remove them. Uploads are
supported by osbuild-composer using the 'compose' command.

Related: rhbz#1844649
This commit is contained in:
Brian C. Lane 2020-06-10 11:27:06 -07:00
parent ba5a36c982
commit c300ac6000
4 changed files with 12 additions and 642 deletions

View File

@ -26,8 +26,11 @@ from composer.cli.projects import projects_cmd
from composer.cli.compose import compose_cmd, compose_cmd_v1
from composer.cli.sources import sources_cmd
from composer.cli.status import status_cmd
from composer.cli.upload import upload_cmd
from composer.cli.providers import providers_cmd
def upload_cmd_unavailable(opts):
print("This command is not supported. You can upload images as part of the compose command")
return 1
command_map = {
"0": {
@ -45,12 +48,14 @@ command_map = {
"compose": compose_cmd_v1,
"sources": sources_cmd,
"status": status_cmd,
"upload": upload_cmd,
"providers": providers_cmd
"upload": upload_cmd_unavailable,
"providers": upload_cmd_unavailable
def main(opts):
""" Main program execution

View File

@ -139,45 +139,9 @@ status show Show API server status.
upload_help = """
NOTE: upload commands are only available when using an API v1 backend.
upload info <UPLOAD-UUID>
Details about an upload
Upload a build image to the selected provider.
upload log <UPLOAD-UUID>
Show the upload log
upload cancel <UPLOAD-UUID>
Cancel an upload with that is queued or in progress
upload delete <UPLOAD-UUID>
Delete the upload and remove it from the build
upload reset <UPLOAD-UUID>
Reset the upload so that it can be tried again
providers_help = """
NOTE: providers commands are only available when using an API v1 backend.
providers list <PROVIDER>
List the available providers, or list the <provider's> available profiles
providers show <PROVIDER> <PROFILE>
show the details of a specific provider's profile
providers push <PROFILE.TOML>
Add a new profile, or overwrite an existing one
providers save <PROVIDER> <PROFILE>
Save the profile's details to a TOML file named <PROFILE>.toml
providers delete <PROVIDER> <PROFILE>
Delete a profile from a provider
NOTE: uploading is only available as part of the compose command
using the osbuild-composer API server.
epilog = compose_help + blueprints_help + modules_help + projects_help \
+ sources_help + status_help + upload_help + providers_help
+ sources_help + status_help + upload_help

View File

@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("composer-cli")
import json
import pytoml as toml
import os
from composer import http_client as client
from import providers_help
from composer.cli.utilities import handle_api_result, toml_filename
def providers_cmd(opts):
"""Process providers commands
:param opts: Cmdline arguments
:type opts: argparse.Namespace
:returns: Value to return from sys.exit()
:rtype: int
This dispatches the providers commands to a function
cmd_map = {
"list": providers_list,
"info": providers_info,
"show": providers_show,
"push": providers_push,
"save": providers_save,
"delete": providers_delete,
"template": providers_template
if opts.args[1] == "help" or opts.args[1] == "--help":
return 0
elif opts.args[1] not in cmd_map:
log.error("Unknown providers command: %s", opts.args[1])
return 1
return cmd_map[opts.args[1]](opts.socket, opts.api_version, opts.args[2:], opts.json, opts.testmode)
def providers_list(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Return the list of providers
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
providers list
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/providers")
r = client.get_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
results = r["providers"]
if not results:
return 0
if show_json:
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
if len(args) == 1:
if args[0] not in results:
log.error("%s is not a valid provider", args[0])
return 1
return 0
def providers_info(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Show information about each provider
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
providers info <PROVIDER>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("info is missing the provider name")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/providers")
r = client.get_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
results = r["providers"]
if not results:
return 0
if show_json:
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
if args[0] not in results:
log.error("%s is not a valid provider", args[0])
return 1
p = results[args[0]]
print("%s supports these image types: %s" % (p["display"], ", ".join(p["supported_types"])))
for k in p["settings-info"]:
f = p["settings-info"][k]
print(" %-20s: %s is a %s" % (k, f["display"], f["type"]))
return 0
def providers_show(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Return details about a provider
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
providers show <provider> <profile>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("show is missing the provider name")
return 1
if len(args) == 1:
log.error("show is missing the profile name")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/providers")
r = client.get_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
results = r["providers"]
if not results:
return 0
if show_json:
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
if args[0] not in results:
log.error("%s is not a valid provider", args[0])
return 1
if args[1] not in results[args[0]]["profiles"]:
log.error("%s is not a valid %s profile", args[1], args[0])
return 1
# Print the details for this profile
# fields are different for each provider, so we just print out the key:values
for k in results[args[0]]["profiles"][args[1]]:
print("%s: %s" % (k, results[args[0]]["profiles"][args[1]][k]))
return 0
def providers_push(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Add a new provider profile or overwrite an existing one
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
providers push <profile.toml>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("push is missing the profile TOML file")
return 1
if not os.path.exists(args[0]):
log.error("Missing profile TOML file: %s", args[0])
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/providers/save")
profile = toml.load(args[0])
result = client.post_url_json(socket_path, api_route, json.dumps(profile))
return handle_api_result(result, show_json)[0]
def providers_save(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Save a provider's profile to a TOML file
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
providers save <provider> <profile>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("save is missing the provider name")
return 1
if len(args) == 1:
log.error("save is missing the profile name")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/providers")
r = client.get_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
results = r["providers"]
if not results:
return 0
if show_json:
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
if args[0] not in results:
log.error("%s is not a valid provider", args[0])
return 1
if args[1] not in results[args[0]]["profiles"]:
log.error("%s is not a valid %s profile", args[1], args[0])
return 1
profile = {
"provider": args[0],
"profile": args[1],
"settings": results[args[0]]["profiles"][args[1]]
open(toml_filename(args[1]), "w").write(toml.dumps(profile))
return 0
def providers_delete(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Delete a profile from a provider
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
providers delete <provider> <profile>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("delete is missing the provider name")
return 1
if len(args) == 1:
log.error("delete is missing the profile name")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/providers/delete/%s/%s" % (args[0], args[1]))
result = client.delete_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
return handle_api_result(result, show_json)[0]
def providers_template(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Return a TOML template for setting the provider's fields
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
providers template <provider>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("template is missing the provider name")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/providers")
r = client.get_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
results = r["providers"]
if not results:
return 0
if show_json:
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
return 0
if args[0] not in results:
log.error("%s is not a valid provider", args[0])
return 1
template = {"provider": args[0]}
settings = results[args[0]]["settings-info"]
template["settings"] = dict([(k, settings[k]["display"]) for k in settings])
return 0

View File

@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("composer-cli")
import json
import pytoml as toml
import os
from composer import http_client as client
from import upload_help
from composer.cli.utilities import handle_api_result
def upload_cmd(opts):
"""Process upload commands
:param opts: Cmdline arguments
:type opts: argparse.Namespace
:returns: Value to return from sys.exit()
:rtype: int
This dispatches the upload commands to a function
cmd_map = {
"list": upload_list,
"info": upload_info,
"start": upload_start,
"log": upload_log,
"cancel": upload_cancel,
"delete": upload_delete,
"reset": upload_reset,
if opts.args[1] == "help" or opts.args[1] == "--help":
return 0
elif opts.args[1] not in cmd_map:
log.error("Unknown upload command: %s", opts.args[1])
return 1
return cmd_map[opts.args[1]](opts.socket, opts.api_version, opts.args[2:], opts.json, opts.testmode)
def upload_list(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Return the composes and their associated upload uuids and status
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
upload list
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/compose/finished")
r = client.get_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
results = r["finished"]
if not results:
return 0
if show_json:
print(json.dumps(results, indent=4))
compose_fmt = "{id} {queue_status} {blueprint} {version} {compose_type}"
upload_fmt = ' {uuid} "{image_name}" {provider_name} {status}'
for c in results:
print("\n".join(upload_fmt.format(**u) for u in c["uploads"]))
return 0
def upload_info(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Return detailed information about the upload
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
upload info <uuid>
This returns information about the upload, including uuid, name, status, service, and image.
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("info is missing the upload uuid")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/info/%s" % args[0])
result = client.get_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
(rc, exit_now) = handle_api_result(result, show_json)
if exit_now:
return rc
image_path = result["upload"]["image_path"]
print("%s %-8s %-15s %-8s %s" % (result["upload"]["uuid"],
os.path.basename(image_path) if image_path else "UNFINISHED"))
return rc
def upload_start(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Start upload up a build uuid image
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
upload start <build-uuid> <image-name> [<provider> <profile> | <profile.toml>]
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("start is missing the compose build id")
return 1
if len(args) == 1:
log.error("start is missing the image name")
return 1
if len(args) == 2:
log.error("start is missing the provider and profile details")
return 1
body = {"image_name": args[1]}
if len(args) == 3:
except toml.TomlError as e:
return 1
elif len(args) == 4:
body["provider"] = args[2]
body["profile"] = args[3]
log.error("start has incorrect number of arguments")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/compose/uploads/schedule/%s" % args[0])
result = client.post_url_json(socket_path, api_route, json.dumps(body))
(rc, exit_now) = handle_api_result(result, show_json)
if exit_now:
return rc
print("Upload %s added to the queue" % result["upload_id"])
return rc
def upload_log(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Return the upload log
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
upload log <build-uuid>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("log is missing the upload uuid")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/log/%s" % args[0])
result = client.get_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
(rc, exit_now) = handle_api_result(result, show_json)
if exit_now:
return rc
print("Upload log for %s:\n" % result["upload_id"])
return 0
def upload_cancel(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Cancel the queued or running upload
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
upload cancel <build-uuid>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("cancel is missing the upload uuid")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/cancel/%s" % args[0])
result = client.delete_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
return handle_api_result(result, show_json)[0]
def upload_delete(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Delete an upload and remove it from the build
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
upload delete <build-uuid>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("delete is missing the upload uuid")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/delete/%s" % args[0])
result = client.delete_url_json(socket_path, api_route)
return handle_api_result(result, show_json)[0]
def upload_reset(socket_path, api_version, args, show_json=False, testmode=0):
"""Reset the upload and execute it again
:param socket_path: Path to the Unix socket to use for API communication
:type socket_path: str
:param api_version: Version of the API to talk to. eg. "0"
:type api_version: str
:param args: List of remaining arguments from the cmdline
:type args: list of str
:param show_json: Set to True to show the JSON output instead of the human readable output
:type show_json: bool
:param testmode: unused in this function
:type testmode: int
upload reset <build-uuid>
if len(args) == 0:
log.error("reset is missing the upload uuid")
return 1
api_route = client.api_url(api_version, "/upload/reset/%s" % args[0])
result = client.post_url_json(socket_path, api_route, json.dumps({}))
return handle_api_result(result, show_json)[0]