add mkefiboot and

livecd-creator needs mkefiboot to make images that are bootable on Mac
This commit is contained in:
Brian C. Lane 2012-03-05 10:28:14 -08:00
parent 90bd100e0d
commit c0eff2513b
3 changed files with 404 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ for root, dnames, fnames in os.walk("share"):
[os.path.join(root, fname)])) [os.path.join(root, fname)]))
# executable # executable
data_files.append(("/usr/sbin", ["src/sbin/lorax"])) data_files.append(("/usr/sbin", ["src/sbin/lorax", "src/sbin/mkefiboot"]))
setup(name="lorax", setup(name="lorax",
version="0.1", version="0.1",

src/pylorax/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
# - utility functions/classes for building disk images
# Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Author(s): Will Woods <>
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("pylorax.imgutils")
import os, tempfile
from os.path import join, dirname
from pylorax.sysutils import cpfile
from subprocess import *
import traceback
######## Functions for making container images (cpio, squashfs) ##########
def mkcpio(rootdir, outfile, compression="xz", compressargs=["-9"]):
'''Make a compressed CPIO archive of the given rootdir.
compression should be "xz", "gzip", "lzma", or None.
compressargs will be used on the compression commandline.'''
if compression not in (None, "xz", "gzip", "lzma"):
raise ValueError, "Unknown compression type %s" % compression
chdir = lambda: os.chdir(rootdir)
if compression == "xz":
compressargs.insert(0, "--check=crc32")
if compression is None:
compression = "cat" # this is a little silly
compressargs = []
find = Popen(["find", ".", "-print0"], stdout=PIPE, preexec_fn=chdir)
cpio = Popen(["cpio", "--null", "--quiet", "-H", "newc", "-o"],
stdin=find.stdout, stdout=PIPE, preexec_fn=chdir)
comp = Popen([compression] + compressargs,
stdin=cpio.stdout, stdout=open(outfile, "wb"))
return comp.returncode
def mksquashfs(rootdir, outfile, compression="default", compressargs=[]):
'''Make a squashfs image containing the given rootdir.'''
if compression != "default":
compressargs = ["-comp", compression] + compressargs
return call(["mksquashfs", rootdir, outfile] + compressargs)
######## Utility functions ###############################################
def mksparse(outfile, size):
'''use os.ftruncate to create a sparse file of the given size.'''
fobj = open(outfile, "w")
os.ftruncate(fobj.fileno(), size)
def loop_attach(outfile):
'''Attach a loop device to the given file. Return the loop device name.
Raises CalledProcessError if losetup fails.'''
dev = check_output(["losetup", "--find", "--show", outfile], stderr=PIPE)
return dev.strip()
def loop_detach(loopdev):
'''Detach the given loop device. Return False on failure.'''
return (call(["losetup", "--detach", loopdev]) == 0)
def dm_attach(dev, size, name=None):
'''Attach a devicemapper device to the given device, with the given size.
If name is None, a random name will be chosen. Returns the device name.
raises CalledProcessError if dmsetup fails.'''
if name is None:
name = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="lorax.imgutils.", dir="")
check_call(["dmsetup", "create", name, "--table",
"0 %i linear %s 0" % (size/512, dev)],
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
return name
def dm_detach(dev):
'''Detach the named devicemapper device. Returns False if dmsetup fails.'''
dev = dev.replace("/dev/mapper/", "") # strip prefix, if it's there
return call(["dmsetup", "remove", dev], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
def mount(dev, opts="", mnt=None):
'''Mount the given device at the given mountpoint, using the given opts.
opts should be a comma-separated string of mount options.
if mnt is none, a temporary directory will be created and its path will be
raises CalledProcessError if mount fails.'''
if mnt is None:
mnt = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="lorax.imgutils.")
mount = ["mount"]
if opts:
mount += ["-o", opts]
check_call(mount + [dev, mnt])
return mnt
def umount(mnt):
'''Unmount the given mountpoint. If the mount was a temporary dir created
by mount, it will be deleted. Returns false if the unmount fails.'''
rv = call(["umount", mnt])
if 'lorax.imgutils' in mnt:
return (rv == 0)
def copytree(src, dest, preserve=True):
'''Copy a tree of files using cp -a, thus preserving modes, timestamps,
links, acls, sparse files, xattrs, selinux contexts, etc.
If preserve is False, uses cp -R (useful for modeless filesystems)'''
chdir = lambda: os.chdir(src)
cp = ["cp", "-a"] if preserve else ["cp", "-R", "-L"]
check_call(cp + [".", os.path.abspath(dest)], preexec_fn=chdir)
def do_grafts(grafts, dest, preserve=True):
'''Copy each of the items listed in grafts into dest.
If the key ends with '/' it's assumed to be a directory which should be
created, otherwise just the leading directories will be created.'''
for imgpath, filename in grafts.items():
if imgpath[-1] == '/':
targetdir = join(dest, imgpath)
imgpath = imgpath[:-1]
targetdir = join(dest, dirname(imgpath))
if not os.path.isdir(targetdir):
if os.path.isdir(filename):
copytree(filename, join(dest, imgpath), preserve)
cpfile(filename, join(dest, imgpath))
def round_to_blocks(size, blocksize):
'''If size isn't a multiple of blocksize, round up to the next multiple'''
diff = size % blocksize
if diff or not size:
size += blocksize - diff
return size
# TODO: move filesystem data outside this function
def estimate_size(rootdir, graft={}, fstype=None, blocksize=4096, overhead=128):
getsize = lambda f: os.lstat(f).st_size
if fstype == "btrfs":
overhead = 64*1024 # don't worry, it's all sparse
if fstype in ("vfat", "msdos"):
blocksize = 2048
getsize = lambda f: os.stat(f).st_size # no symlinks, count as copies
total = overhead*blocksize
dirlist = graft.values()
if rootdir:
for root in dirlist:
for top, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
for f in files + dirs:
total += round_to_blocks(getsize(join(top,f)), blocksize)
if fstype == "btrfs":
total = max(256*1024*1024, total) # btrfs minimum size: 256MB
return total
######## Execution contexts - use with the 'with' statement ##############
class LoopDev(object):
def __init__(self, filename, size=None):
self.filename = filename
if size:
mksparse(self.filename, size)
def __enter__(self):
self.loopdev = loop_attach(self.filename)
return self.loopdev
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
class DMDev(object):
def __init__(self, dev, size, name=None):
(, self.size, = (dev, size, name)
def __enter__(self):
self.mapperdev = dm_attach(, self.size,
return self.mapperdev
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
class Mount(object):
def __init__(self, dev, opts="", mnt=None):
(, self.opts, self.mnt) = (dev, opts, mnt)
def __enter__(self):
self.mnt = mount(, self.opts, self.mnt)
return self.mnt
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
class PartitionMount(object):
""" Mount a partitioned image file using kpartx """
def __init__(self, disk_img, mount_ok=None):
disk_img is the full path to a partitioned disk image
mount_ok is a function that is passed the mount point and
returns True if it should be mounted.
self.mount_dir = None
self.disk_img = disk_img
self.mount_ok = mount_ok
# Default is to mount partition with /etc/passwd
if not self.mount_ok:
self.mount_ok = lambda mount_dir: os.path.isfile(mount_dir+"/etc/passwd")
# Example kpartx output
# kpartx -p p -v -a /tmp/
# add map loop2p1 (253:2): 0 3481600 linear /dev/loop2 2048
# add map loop2p2 (253:3): 0 614400 linear /dev/loop2 3483648
cmd = [ "kpartx", "-v", "-p", "p", "-a", self.disk_img ]
kpartx_output = check_output(cmd)
# list of (deviceName, sizeInBytes)
self.loop_devices = []
for line in kpartx_output.splitlines():
# add map loop2p3 (253:4): 0 7139328 linear /dev/loop2 528384
# 3rd element is size in 512 byte blocks
if line.startswith("add map "):
fields = line[8:].split()
self.loop_devices.append( (fields[0], int(fields[3])*512) )
def __enter__(self):
# Mount the device selected by mount_ok, if possible
mount_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for dev, size in self.loop_devices:
mount( "/dev/mapper/"+dev, mnt=mount_dir )
if self.mount_ok(mount_dir):
self.mount_dir = mount_dir
self.mount_dev = dev
self.mount_size = size
umount( mount_dir )
except CalledProcessError:
if self.mount_dir:"Partition mounted on {0} size={1}".format(self.mount_dir, self.mount_size))
logger.debug("Unable to mount anything from {0}".format(self.disk_img))
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if self.mount_dir:
umount( self.mount_dir )
self.mount_dir = None
call(["kpartx", "-d", self.disk_img])
######## Functions for making filesystem images ##########################
def mkfsimage(fstype, rootdir, outfile, size=None, mkfsargs=[], mountargs="", graft={}):
'''Generic filesystem image creation function.
fstype should be a filesystem type - "mkfs.${fstype}" must exist.
graft should be a dict: {"some/path/in/image": "local/file/or/dir"};
if the path ends with a '/' it's assumed to be a directory.
Will raise CalledProcessError if something goes wrong.'''
preserve = (fstype not in ("msdos", "vfat"))
if not size:
size = estimate_size(rootdir, graft, fstype)
with LoopDev(outfile, size) as loopdev:
check_call(["mkfs.%s" % fstype] + mkfsargs + [loopdev],
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
with Mount(loopdev, mountargs) as mnt:
if rootdir:
copytree(rootdir, mnt, preserve)
do_grafts(graft, mnt, preserve)
# convenience functions with useful defaults
def mkdosimg(rootdir, outfile, size=None, label="", mountargs="shortname=winnt,umask=0077", graft={}):
mkfsimage("msdos", rootdir, outfile, size, mountargs=mountargs,
mkfsargs=["-n", label], graft=graft)
def mkext4img(rootdir, outfile, size=None, label="", mountargs="", graft={}):
mkfsimage("ext4", rootdir, outfile, size, mountargs=mountargs,
mkfsargs=["-L", label, "-b", "1024", "-m", "0"], graft=graft)
def mkbtrfsimg(rootdir, outfile, size=None, label="", mountargs="", graft={}):
mkfsimage("btrfs", rootdir, outfile, size, mountargs=mountargs,
mkfsargs=["-L", label], graft=graft)
def mkhfsimg(rootdir, outfile, size=None, label="", mountargs="", graft={}):
mkfsimage("hfsplus", rootdir, outfile, size, mountargs=mountargs,
mkfsargs=["-v", label], graft=graft)

src/sbin/mkefiboot Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# mkefiboot - a tool to make EFI boot images
# Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Red Hat Author(s): Will Woods <>
import os, tempfile, argparse
from subprocess import check_call, PIPE
from pylorax.imgutils import mkdosimg, round_to_blocks, LoopDev, DMDev, dm_detach
from pylorax.imgutils import mkhfsimg, Mount
import struct, shutil, glob
def mkefiboot(bootdir, outfile, label):
'''Make an EFI boot image with the contents of bootdir in EFI/BOOT'''
mkdosimg(None, outfile, label=label, graft={'EFI/BOOT':bootdir})
def mkmacboot(bootdir, outfile, label, icon=None):
'''Make an EFI boot image for Apple's EFI implementation'''
graft = {'EFI/BOOT':bootdir}
if icon:
graft['.VolumeIcon.icns'] = icon
mkhfsimg(None, outfile, label=label, graft=graft)
# To make an HFS+ image bootable, we need to fill in parts of the
# HFSPlusVolumeHeader structure - specifically, finderInfo[0,1,5].
# For details, see Technical Note TN1150: HFS Plus Volume Format
def macbless(imgfile):
'''"bless" the EFI bootloader inside the given Mac EFI boot image, by
writing its inode info into the HFS+ volume header.'''
# Get the inode number for the boot image and its parent directory
with LoopDev(imgfile) as loopdev:
with Mount(loopdev) as mnt:
loader = glob.glob(os.path.join(mnt,'EFI/BOOT/BOOT*.efi'))[0]
blessnode = os.stat(loader).st_ino
dirnode = os.stat(os.path.dirname(loader)).st_ino
# format data properly (big-endian UInt32)
nodedata = struct.pack(">i", blessnode)
dirdata = struct.pack(">i", dirnode)
# Write it to the volume header
with open(imgfile, "r+b") as img: # HFSPlusVolumeHeader->finderInfo
img.write(dirdata) # finderInfo[0]
img.write(nodedata) # finderInfo[1] #
img.write(dirdata) # finderInfo[5]
def mkefidisk(efiboot, outfile):
'''Make a bootable EFI disk image out of the given EFI boot image.'''
# pjones sez: "17408 is the size of the GPT tables parted creates"
partsize = os.path.getsize(efiboot) + 17408
disksize = round_to_blocks(17408 + partsize, 512)
with LoopDev(outfile, disksize) as loopdev:
with DMDev(loopdev, disksize) as dmdev:
check_call(["parted", "--script", "/dev/mapper/%s" % dmdev,
"mklabel", "gpt",
"unit", "b",
"mkpart", "'EFI System Partition'", "fat32", "17408", str(partsize),
"set", "1", "boot", "on"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
partdev = "/dev/mapper/{0}p1".format(dmdev)
with open(efiboot, "rb") as infile:
with open(partdev, "wb") as outfile:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Make an EFI boot image from the given directory.")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--disk", action="store_true",
help="make a full EFI disk image (including partition table)")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--apple", action="store_const", const="apple",
dest="imgtype", default="default",
help="make an Apple EFI image (use hfs+, bless bootloader)")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--label", default="EFI",
help="filesystem label to use (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--icon", metavar="ICONFILE",
help="icon file to include (for Apple EFI image)")
parser.add_argument("bootdir", metavar="EFIBOOTDIR",
help="input directory (will become /EFI/BOOT in the image)")
parser.add_argument("outfile", metavar="OUTPUTFILE",
help="output file to write")
opt = parser.parse_args()
# sanity checks
if not os.path.isdir(opt.bootdir):
parser.error("%s is not a directory" % opt.bootdir)
if os.getuid() > 0:
parser.error("need root permissions")
if opt.icon and not opt.imgtype == "apple":
print "Warning: --icon is only useful for Apple EFI images"
# do the thing!
if opt.imgtype == "apple":
mkmacboot(opt.bootdir, opt.outfile, opt.label, opt.icon)
mkefiboot(opt.bootdir, opt.outfile, opt.label)
if opt.disk:
efiboot = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="mkefiboot.").name
shutil.move(opt.outfile, efiboot)
mkefidisk(efiboot, opt.outfile)