livemedia-creator: Add release license files to / of the iso

This used to be handled by a %post section of the kickstart, but that
won't work with lmc, so do it in the template instead.

(cherry picked from commit c91278a17d)
This commit is contained in:
Brian C. Lane 2017-03-09 11:18:08 -08:00
parent 10e3ec0bac
commit 5b47874e58
4 changed files with 37 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ BOOTDIR="boot"
from os.path import basename
mkdir ${LIVEDIR}
@ -41,5 +43,10 @@ mkdir ${KERNELDIR}
# Add the license files
%for f in glob("/usr/share/licenses/*-release/*"):
install ${f} ${f|basename}
## FIXME: ARM may need some extra boot config

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ prepboot = ""
## Instead we'll just replace any non-ASCII characters in the isolabel
## with '_', which means we won't need any udev escapes.
isolabel = ''.join(ch if ch.isalnum() else '_' for ch in isolabel)
from os.path import basename
## Test ${runtime_img} to see if udf is needed
@ -90,15 +92,21 @@ install ${configdir}/mapping ${BOOTDIR}
# Create optional product.img and updates.img
<% imggraft=""; images=["product", "updates"] %>
<% filegraft=""; images=["product", "updates"] %>
%for img in images:
%if exists("%s/%s/" % (LORAXDIR, img)):
installimg ${LORAXDIR}/${img}/ images/${img}.img
treeinfo images-${basearch} ${img}.img images/${img}.img
<% imggraft += " images/{0}.img={1}/images/{0}.img".format(img, outroot) %>
<% filegraft += " images/{0}.img={1}/images/{0}.img".format(img, outroot) %>
# Add the license files
%for f in glob("/usr/share/licenses/*-release/*"):
install ${f} ${f|basename}
<% filegraft += " {0}={1}/{0}".format(basename(f), outroot) %>
## make boot.iso
runcmd mkisofs -o ${outroot}/images/boot.iso -chrp-boot -U \
${prepboot} -part -hfs -T -r -l -J \
@ -111,7 +119,7 @@ runcmd mkisofs -o ${outroot}/images/boot.iso -chrp-boot -U \
${BOOTDIR}=${outroot}/${BOOTDIR} \
${GRUBDIR}=${outroot}/${GRUBDIR} \
${NETBOOTDIR}=${outroot}/${NETBOOTDIR} \
${LIVEDIR}=${outroot}/${LIVEDIR} ${imggraft}
${LIVEDIR}=${outroot}/${LIVEDIR} ${filegraft}
%for kernel in kernels:
treeinfo images-${kernel.arch} boot.iso images/boot.iso

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ INITRD_ADDRESS="0x02000000"
# The assumption seems to be that there is only one s390 kernel, ever
kernel = kernels[0]
from os.path import basename
mkdir images
@ -34,11 +36,17 @@ treeinfo images-${basearch} generic.prm ${BOOTDIR}/generic.prm
treeinfo images-${basearch} generic.ins generic.ins
# Create optional product.img and updates.img
<% imggraft=""; images=["product", "updates"] %>
<% filegraft=""; images=["product", "updates"] %>
%for img in images:
%if exists("%s/%s/" % (LORAXDIR, img)):
installimg ${LORAXDIR}/${img}/ images/${img}.img
treeinfo images-${basearch} ${img}.img images/${img}.img
<% imggraft += " images/{0}.img={1}/images/{0}.img".format(img, outroot) %>
<% filegraft += " images/{0}.img={1}/images/{0}.img".format(img, outroot) %>
# Add the license files
%for f in glob("/usr/share/licenses/*-release/*"):
install ${f} ${f|basename}
<% filegraft += " {0}={1}/{0}".format(basename(f), outroot) %>

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ hardlink ${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img ${BOOTDIR}
# Create optional product.img and updates.img
<% imggraft=""; images=["product", "updates"]; compressargs=None; %>
<% filegraft=""; images=["product", "updates"]; compressargs=None; %>
%if basearch == 'i386':
# Limit the amount of memory xz uses on i386
<% compressargs="--xz -9 --memlimit-compress=3700MiB" %>
@ -100,10 +100,16 @@ hardlink ${KERNELDIR}/initrd.img ${BOOTDIR}
%if exists("%s/%s/" % (LORAXDIR, img)):
installimg ${compressargs} ${LORAXDIR}/${img}/ images/${img}.img
treeinfo images-${basearch} ${img}.img images/${img}.img
<% imggraft += " images/{0}.img={1}/images/{0}.img".format(img, outroot) %>
<% filegraft += " images/{0}.img={1}/images/{0}.img".format(img, outroot) %>
# Add the license files
%for f in glob("/usr/share/licenses/*-release/*"):
install ${f} ${f|basename}
<% filegraft += " {0}={1}/{0}".format(basename(f), outroot) %>
## make boot.iso
runcmd mkisofs -o ${outroot}/images/boot.iso \
-b ${BOOTDIR}/isolinux.bin -c ${BOOTDIR}/ \
@ -113,6 +119,6 @@ runcmd mkisofs -o ${outroot}/images/boot.iso \
${BOOTDIR}=${outroot}/${BOOTDIR} \
${KERNELDIR}=${outroot}/${KERNELDIR} \
${LIVEDIR}=${outroot}/${LIVEDIR} \
${efigraft} ${imggraft}
${efigraft} ${filegraft}
runcmd isohybrid ${efihybrid} ${outroot}/images/boot.iso
treeinfo images-${basearch} boot.iso images/boot.iso