tests: Azure - apply tags and delete by tags

- change image & vm names to Composer-Test-* for consistency
- tag vm with composer_test upon creation, timestamp is already present
- tag blobs with composer_test upon upload
- tag images with composer_test & first_seen timestamp upon creation
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Todorov 2019-12-20 13:45:32 +02:00 committed by Alexander Todorov
parent 06d727e4fd
commit 354c909b9b
2 changed files with 19 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
. /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh
# Delete old objects based on the $TAG_NAME tag value defined in a previous execution of the script
# Delete old objects based on first_seen tag value
delete_old_resources() {
local resource_type="$1"
# list resources older than $TIMESTAMP based on the $TAG_NAME tag created in a previous run
rlRun -c -s 'az resource list --resource-type $resource_type --query "[?tags.$TAG_NAME < \`$TIMESTAMP\`].name" --output tsv' 0 "Get a list of $resource_type older than $TIMESTAMP"
# list composer-test resources older than $TIMESTAMP based on the first_seen tag
# timestamp tagging is done either when resources are created or by the function below
# Note: the query language here is called JMESPath
rlRun -c -s 'az resource list --resource-type $resource_type --query "[?tags.$TAG_NAME < \`$TIMESTAMP\` && tags.composer_test == \`true\`].name" --output tsv' 0 "Get a list of $resource_type older than $TIMESTAMP"
resources_to_delete=$(cat $rlRun_LOG)
if [ -n "$resources_to_delete" ]; then
@ -21,12 +23,12 @@ delete_old_resources() {
# Find objects without the $TAG_NAME tag and create the tag with the current date/time value
# Find objects without the first_seen tag and create the tag with the current date/time value
tag_new_resources() {
local resource_type="$1"
# list resources without the $TAG_NAME tag
rlRun -c -s 'az resource list --resource-type $resource_type --query "[?tags.$TAG_NAME == null].name" --output tsv' 0 "Get a list of $resource_type without the $TAG_NAME tag."
# list composer-test resources without the first_seen tag
rlRun -c -s 'az resource list --resource-type $resource_type --query "[?tags.$TAG_NAME == null && tags.composer_test == \`true\`].name" --output tsv' 0 "Get a list of $resource_type without the $TAG_NAME tag."
resources_without_tag=$(cat $rlRun_LOG)
if [ -n "$resources_without_tag" ]; then
@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ Microsoft.Compute/images
rlPhaseStartTest "Delete old blobs"
# get a list of blobs older than $TIMESTAMP
rlRun -c -s 'az storage blob list --container-name $AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER --query "[?properties.creationTime < \`$TIMESTAMP\`].[name,properties.creationTime]" --output tsv'
rlRun -c -s 'az storage blob list --container-name $AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER --query "[?properties.creationTime < \`$TIMESTAMP\` && tags.composer_test == \`true\`].[name,properties.creationTime]" --output tsv'
blobs_to_delete=$(cat $rlRun_LOG)
if [ -n "$blobs_to_delete" ]; then

View File

@ -74,23 +74,27 @@ rlJournalStart
rlPhaseStartTest "Upload image to Azure"
rlRun -t -c "$CLI compose image $UUID"
rlRun -t -c "mv $UUID-disk.vhd Composer-Test-$UUID-disk.vhd"
rlRun -t -c "ansible localhost -m azure_rm_storageblob -a \
'resource_group=$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
storage_account_name=$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT \
blob=$IMAGE src=$IMAGE blob_type=page'"
blob=$IMAGE src=$IMAGE blob_type=page \
# create image from blob
now=$(date -u '+%FT%T')
rlRun -t -c "ansible localhost -m azure_rm_image -a \
'resource_group=$AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP name=$OS_IMAGE_NAME os_type=Linux location=eastus \
source=https://$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT.blob.core.windows.net/$AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER/$IMAGE \
rlPhaseStartTest "Start VM instance"
SSH_KEY_DIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/composer-ssh-keys.XXXXXX`
rlRun -t -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f $SSH_KEY_DIR/id_rsa"
@ -120,6 +124,7 @@ rlJournalStart
resource_group: $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP
"first_seen": "$now"
"composer_test": "true"
storage_account_name: $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT